Money & Markets – Week of 02.12.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.12.17

Catherine Austin Fitts-Trump Taking On Corruption & Lawlessness USA Watchdog | 11 February 2017 YouTube | 11 February 2017 Greg Hunter interview… The Three Lives Of Alan Greenspan – And Why The Third Won’t Redeem

Money & Markets – Week of 02.12.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.12.17

Catherine Austin Fitts-Trump Taking On Corruption & Lawlessness USA Watchdog | 11 February 2017 YouTube | 11 February 2017 Greg Hunter interview… The Three Lives

Geopolitical – Week of 02.12.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.12.17

Kucinich: “The White House is Under Attack from Elements Inside the Intelligence Community!” YouTube | 15 February 2017 (Relevant compilation in commentary) White House under Attack.. There Appears to have been No Basis for a

Geopolitical – Week of 02.12.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.12.17

Kucinich: “The White House is Under Attack from Elements Inside the Intelligence Community!” YouTube | 15 February 2017 (Relevant compilation in commentary) White House under

Science & Technology – Week of 02.12.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.12.17

California ‘Bombogenesis’, Biggest Storm in Years, Kills Two BBC | 18 February 2017 Compilation… Does an Anomaly in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Portend a Coming Pole Reversal? The Conversation | 17 February 2017 Interesting Archaeological

Science & Technology – Week of 02.12.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.12.17

California ‘Bombogenesis’, Biggest Storm in Years, Kills Two BBC | 18 February 2017 Compilation… Does an Anomaly in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Portend a Coming Pole Reversal? The Conversation | 17 February 2017 Interesting Archaeological

Science & Technology – Week of 02.12.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.12.17

California ‘Bombogenesis’, Biggest Storm in Years, Kills Two BBC | 18 February 2017 Compilation… Does an Anomaly in the Earth’s Magnetic Field Portend a Coming

Food & Health – Week of 02.12.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.12.17

Most Recent Solari Donation Get Mercury Out of Medicine: World Mercury Project Indiegogo | 15 February 2017 Mercury Out of Medicine… Organ Transplant Programs are so Prestigious, They’re Sparking Crosstown Rivalry | 17 February 2017

Food & Health – Week of 02.12.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.12.17

Most Recent Solari Donation Get Mercury Out of Medicine: World Mercury Project Indiegogo | 15 February 2017 Mercury Out of Medicine… Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Life – Week of 02.12.17

Life – Week of 02.12.17

White House Axes Transgender Protections Just Days after Donald Trump Claims to Support LGBT Rights UK Independent | 14 February 2017 Transgender de-funding.. Your Dog Knows When You’re Behaving Badly, New Research Shows Palm Beach

Life – Week of 02.12.17

Life – Week of 02.12.17

White House Axes Transgender Protections Just Days after Donald Trump Claims to Support LGBT Rights UK Independent | 14 February 2017 Transgender de-funding.. Your Dog

Wildcards – Week of 02.12.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.12.17

The Left-Right Deep State Is One In The Same: “The Goal Is The Enslavement And Complete Control Of All Of Mankind” SHTF PLAN | 18 February 2017 Marxists… Obama Planning Civil War To Stop Trump!

Wildcards – Week of 02.12.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.12.17

The Left-Right Deep State Is One In The Same: “The Goal Is The Enslavement And Complete Control Of All Of Mankind” SHTF PLAN | 18

Money & Markets – Week of 02.05.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.05.17

Biggest Money Managers Slam Dual-Class Shares Barrons | 06 February 2017 Companies should adopt a… Big Oil Faces Uphill Battle in 2017 Investopedia | 06 February 2017 Top-line revenue… The Incomes of the Top 20%

Money & Markets – Week of 02.05.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.05.17

Brace for the Oil, Food and Financial Crash of 2018 Medium | 14 February 2017 Brace for it.. Jim Baker & Republicans Promote Carbon Tax to Trump Bloomberg | 08 February 2017 Piratization taking hold?…

Money & Markets – Week of 02.05.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.05.17

Biggest Money Managers Slam Dual-Class Shares Barrons | 06 February 2017 Companies should adopt a… Big Oil Faces Uphill Battle in 2017 Investopedia | 06

Precious Metals – Week of 02.05.17

Precious Metals – Week of 02.05.17

China Looking to Regulate Gold and Bitcoin Armstrong Economics | 10 February 2017 closed door meeting… Bundesbank Has Completed Gold Repatriation From New York Fed, Three Years Ahead Of Schedule ZeroHedge | 09 February 2017

Precious Metals – Week of 02.05.17

Precious Metals – Week of 02.05.17

China Looking to Regulate Gold and Bitcoin Armstrong Economics | 10 February 2017 closed door meeting… Bundesbank Has Completed Gold Repatriation From New York Fed,

Geopolitical – Week of 02.05.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.05.17

Elijah Wood: Hollywood Is Run By A Powerful Elite Pedophile Ring Neonnettle | 09 February 2017 Elite ties in… The new ISIS threat: its soldiers are going home CS Monitor | 09 February 2017 Could

Geopolitical – Week of 02.05.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.05.17

Sharp Left Turn Ahead — Beware, Democrats Fox News | 05 February 2017 Divided between pragmatic politicians and… California State Senate Leader: ‘Half My Family’

Science & Technology – Week of 02.05.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.05.17

Whistleblower from NOAA Blows Open Global Warming Conspiracy Armstrong Economics | 06 February 2017 Misleading using faked… A Movement (tools) for Time Well Spent Time Well Spent | 05 February2017 Cool personal technology solutions, projects…

Science & Technology – Week of 02.05.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.05.17 Exposed as Massive Spy Machine Invading Your Privacy Natural News | 10 February 2017 Devices can hear…Agencies have already… The Happy City and our $20 Trillion Opportunity Money Mustache | 10 February 2017 Right

Science & Technology – Week of 02.05.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.05.17

Whistleblower from NOAA Blows Open Global Warming Conspiracy Armstrong Economics | 06 February 2017 Misleading using faked… A Movement (tools) for Time Well Spent Time

Food & Health – Week of 02.05.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.05.17

Celery Juice Medical Medium | 14 February 2017 Benefits of Celery Juice… 30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines Health Impact News | 12 February 2017 Priority support alert states…

Food &Health – Week of 02.05.17

Food &Health – Week of 02.05.17

Natural vs. Conventional Medicine? What are the Advantages? Johnny Delirious | 05 February 2017 (How we got to here) medical board has got some Baltimore Bureaucrat… Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants Global Research

Food & Health – Week of 02.05.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.05.17

Celery Juice Medical Medium | 14 February 2017 Benefits of Celery Juice… 30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines Health Impact News | 12 February 2017 Priority support alert states…

Food & Health – Week of 02.05.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.05.17

Celery Juice Medical Medium | 14 February 2017 Benefits of Celery Juice… 30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines Health

Food &Health – Week of 02.05.17

Food &Health – Week of 02.05.17

Natural vs. Conventional Medicine? What are the Advantages? Johnny Delirious | 05 February 2017 (How we got to here) medical board has got some Baltimore

Life – Week of 02.05.17

Life – Week of 02.05.17

What is Liberty? What is a Mind? Jon Rappoport | 10 February 2017 Plugging in arbitrary… Cambridge Student Burns £20 Note in Front of Homeless Man, Expelled from Tory Society RT | 10 February 2017

Life – Week of 02.05.17

Life – Week of 02.05.17

New Yorkers Work Together to Erase Nazi Graffiti on Subway CS Monitor | 05 February 2017 Spontaneously… The Plowden Report (1967) Children and their Primary

Wildcards – Week of 02.05.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.05.17

Scores of Chinese Billionaires and CEOs have Disappeared in ‘State-sanctioned Abductions’ News AU | 06 February 2017 Wife fled to… Simon Cards on Pizzagate/Pedophilia: Start at 32 Mins YouTube | 05 February 2017 32 minutes…

Wildcards – Week of 02.05.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.05.17

Simon Parkes: Changing the Future – Part Two YouTube | 11 January 2017 Connect there…Everyone is… An Ancient “Lost” Continent Resurfaces in Mauritius New Atlas

Money & Markets – Week of 01.29.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.29.17

“The End of Employees” Naked Capitalism | 04 February 2017 Projects this as… How The IRS Can Empty Your Bank Account Without Warning ZeroHedge | 04 February 2017 Only permitted in… Trump Moves to Roll

Money & Markets – Week of 01.29.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.29.17

“The End of Employees” Naked Capitalism | 04 February 2017 Projects this as… How The IRS Can Empty Your Bank Account Without Warning ZeroHedge | 04 February 2017 Only permitted in… Trump Fires Fiduciary Rule:

Money & Markets – Week of 01.29.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.29.17

“The End of Employees” Naked Capitalism | 04 February 2017 Projects this as… How The IRS Can Empty Your Bank Account Without Warning ZeroHedge |

Precious Metals – Week of 01.29.17

Precious Metals – Week of 01.29.17

Gold Gains as Trump Shocks Markets by Doing What He Said He’d Do Bloomberg | 31 January 2017 Biggest monthly…

Precious Metals – Week of 01.29.17

Precious Metals – Week of 01.29.17

Gold Gains as Trump Shocks Markets by Doing What He Said He’d Do Bloomberg | 31 January 2017 Biggest monthly…

Geopolitical – Week of 01.29.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.29.17

Omarosa Gets Feisty on The View, Disses Joy Behar YouTube | 01 February 2017 Forward and put this country… Covering Trump the Reuters Way Reuters | 31 January 2017 Reuters coverage.. Trump Orders Military to

Geopolitical – Week of 01.29.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.29.17

Catherine Austin Fitts; Humanity’s Epic Battle and Big Game Changers YouTube | 01 February 2017 Navigate the opportunities and risks… President Donald J. Trump’s Live

Science & Technology – Week of 01.29.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.29.17

Global Warming is About to Destroy Capitalism? Armstrong Economics | 03 January 2017 First time in human history… Fruit-Picking Robot Latest Blow to Illegal Immigration Infowars | 31 January 2017 Staffed by illegal… An AI

Science & Technology – Week of 01.29.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.29.17

Goldfein Shares Space Focus Air Force Mil | 03 February 2017 Partners despite eight years of… Global Warming is About to Destroy Capitalism? Armstrong Economics | 03 January 2017 First time in human history… Fruit-Picking

Science & Technology – Week of 01.29.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.29.17

Global Warming is About to Destroy Capitalism? Armstrong Economics | 03 January 2017 First time in human history… Fruit-Picking Robot Latest Blow to Illegal Immigration

Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Deeper Roots: Urban Roots’ Food & Leadership Fellowship Edible Austin | 30 January 2017 (Local) Create better access to sustainable… School Food Gets Real Edible Austin | 21 January 2017 (Local) Cafeteria food conjures… Woman

Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Highest Radiation Reading since 3/11 Detected at Fukushima No. 1 Reactor Japan Times | 03 February 2017 Sieverts, a person could … Deeper Roots: Urban Roots’ Food & Leadership Fellowship Edible Austin | 30 January

Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.29.17

Deeper Roots: Urban Roots’ Food & Leadership Fellowship Edible Austin | 30 January 2017 (Local) Create better access to sustainable… School Food Gets Real Edible

Life – Week of 01.29.17

Life – Week of 01.29.17

Lost in Translation: ‘Minorities Need Not Apply’ Sign was a Mistake RT | 02 February 2017 Japanese Restaurant Owner…minor… Mary Trump, Strong Spirit, Interview in 1994 YouTube | 16 November 2016 Donald Trump’s lovely mother

Life – Week of 01.29.17

Life – Week of 01.29.17

Lost in Translation: ‘Minorities Need Not Apply’ Sign was a Mistake RT | 02 February 2017 Japanese Restaurant Owner…minor… Mary Trump, Strong Spirit, Interview in

Wildcards – Week of 01.29.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.29.17

Steve Bannon’s Obsession with a Dark Theory of History Should be Worrisome BI | 02 February 2017 Every American… LARHTTF ‘Operation Reclaim and Rebuild’: Hundreds of Arrests Made and Dozens Rescued YouTube |31 January 2017

Wildcards – Week of 01.29.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.29.17

LARHTTF ‘Operation Reclaim and Rebuild’: Hundreds of Arrests Made and Dozens Rescued YouTube |31 January 2017 LA County Sheriff’s Dept. rescuing victims of sexual slavery

Money & Markets – Week of 01.22.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.22.17

The Retreat of the Global Company Economist | 28 January 2017 Deep trouble… Europe Proposes “Restrictions On Payments In Cash” Zero Hedge | 27 January 2017 The Action Plan… Demonetization and You Corbett Report |

Money & Markets – Week of 01.22.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.22.17

The Retreat of the Global Company Economist | 28 January 2017 Deep trouble… Europe Proposes “Restrictions On Payments In Cash” Zero Hedge | 27 January 2017 The Action Plan… Demonetization and You Corbett Report |

Money & Markets – Week of 01.22.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.22.17

The Retreat of the Global Company Economist | 28 January 2017 Deep trouble… Europe Proposes “Restrictions On Payments In Cash” Zero Hedge | 27 January

Geopolitical – Week of 01.22.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.22.17

World View: China Places Missiles on Russia’s Border, to Gain Respect and Attack America Breitbart | 27 January 2017China places Missiles.. China’s New Microwave Weapon can Disable Missiles and Paralyze TanksPopsci | 26 January 2017Ray

Geopolitical – Week of 01.22.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.22.17

Highly Recommended Situational Assessment 2017: Trump Edition Medium | 25 January 2017 Decisively superior to the ability to… Congresswoman Returns From Syria With ‘Proof’ Obama

Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

‘Can you hear me?’ Scam has Police Urging People to Hang Up Immediately Fox News | 27 January 2017 Your cell phone rings…recording… British Companies Are Using a Tracking Device That Monitors Their Workers’ Voices,

Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream NYT| 27 January 2017 ‘Can you hear me?’ Scam has Police Urging People to Hang Up Immediately Fox News | 27 January

Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.22.17

‘Can you hear me?’ Scam has Police Urging People to Hang Up Immediately Fox News | 27 January 2017 Your cell phone rings…recording… British Companies

Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Organic Animal Welfare Final Rule – What It Says and What’s Next Sustainable Agriculture | 27 January 2017 What Does the Rule Say? … Mysterious Cluster of Amnesia Cases, Possibly Tied to Ppioids, Alarms Health

Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Organic Animal Welfare Final Rule – What It Says and What’s Next Sustainable Agriculture | 27 January 2017 What Does the Rule Say? … Mysterious Cluster of Amnesia Cases, Possibly Tied to Ppioids, Alarms Health

Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.22.17

Organic Animal Welfare Final Rule – What It Says and What’s Next Sustainable Agriculture | 27 January 2017 What Does the Rule Say? … Mysterious

Life – Week of 01.22.16

Life – Week of 01.22.16

2015 Global Life Expectancies: Moral of the Story: Live on an Island! Info Please | 26 January 2017 CIA World Factbook, 2015… Voices from Animal Production Co. Vimeo | 20 January2016 Twin boxing phenoms Scott

Life – Week of 01.22.16

Life – Week of 01.22.16

2015 Global Life Expectancies: Moral of the Story: Live on an Island! Info Please | 26 January 2017 CIA World Factbook, 2015… Voices from Animal

Wildcards – Week of 01.22.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.22.17

YouTube | 16 January 2017 Former senior CIA officer about what really… Wall Street Big’s Wife Leaps to Death at Upper East Side High-rise NY Daily | 26 January 2017 Third person to… NASA ‘Cuts

Wildcards – Week of 01.22.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.22.17

YouTube | 16 January 2017 Former senior CIA officer about what really… Wall Street Big’s Wife Leaps to Death at Upper East Side High-rise NY

Money & Markets – Week of 01.15.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.15.17

George Soros, Mastercard to Partner to Aid Migrants, Refugees Reuters | 21 January 2017 Profitable so as to… Visualizing The Global War On Cash Zero Hedge | 21 January 2017 Three major players… India –

Money & Markets – Week of 01.15.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.15.17

Rothschild Family Is 5 Times Richer Than Top 8 Individual Billionaires…COMBINED! We Are Change | 21 January 2017 Rothschilds 5x Richer.. George Soros, Mastercard to Partner to Aid Migrants, Refugees Reuters | 21 January 2017

Money & Markets – Week of 01.15.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.15.17

George Soros, Mastercard to Partner to Aid Migrants, Refugees Reuters | 21 January 2017 Profitable so as to… Visualizing The Global War On Cash Zero

Geopolitical – Week of 01.15.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.15.17

Not U.S. Centric: Ben Swann #Pizzagate Special – CBS News YouTube | 17 January 2017 Referenced in the emails… ‘El Chapo’ Extradition: What it Means, What’s Next Rollingstone | 20 January 2017 Career spanning four…

Geopolitical – Week of 01.15.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.15.17

Not U.S. Centric: Ben Swann #Pizzagate Special – CBS News YouTube | 17 January 2017 Referenced in the emails… ‘El Chapo’ Extradition: What it Means,

Science & Technology – Week of 01.15.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.15.17

Donald Trump just Deleted a Tweet. Now that He’s President, that might not be Legal. Mic | 21 January 2017 Presidential Records act… Dramatic Volcanic Eruption in Mexico Caught on Camera Stuff | 19 January

Science & Technology – Week of 01.15.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.15.17

Donald Trump just Deleted a Tweet. Now that He’s President, that might not be Legal. Mic | 21 January 2017 Presidential Records act… Dramatic Volcanic Eruption in Mexico Caught on Camera Stuff | 19 January

Science & Technology – Week of 01.15.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.15.17

Donald Trump just Deleted a Tweet. Now that He’s President, that might not be Legal. Mic | 21 January 2017 Presidential Records act… Dramatic Volcanic

Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Free Replay Weekend Ends 1/22/17 Midnight (EST) Vaccines Revealed All Nine Episodes VR | 20 January 2017 Extended through 1/22/17…… Robert F Kennedy Jr in Vermont: “Big Pharma’s Game Plan is to Remove Parental Informed

Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Free Replay Weekend Ends 1/22/17 Midnight (EST) Vaccines Revealed All Nine Episodes VR | 20 January 2017 Extended through 1/22/17…… Robert F Kennedy Jr in Vermont: “Big Pharma’s Game Plan is to Remove Parental Informed

Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.15.17

Free Replay Weekend Ends 1/22/17 Midnight (EST) Vaccines Revealed All Nine Episodes VR | 20 January 2017 Extended through 1/22/17…… Robert F Kennedy Jr in

Life – Week of 01.15.17

Life – Week of 01.15.17

What Actually Happens to Your Donated Clothing? Mercola | 17 January 2017 Suffer due to glut of… Martin Luther King Day: 10 Memorable MLK Quotes CS Monitor | 17 January 2011 “Strength to Love” is

Life – Week of 01.15.17

Life – Week of 01.15.17

What Actually Happens to Your Donated Clothing? Mercola | 17 January 2017 Suffer due to glut of… Martin Luther King Day: 10 Memorable MLK Quotes

Wildcards – Week of 01.15.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.15.17

Sex Trafficking Survivor Says Police were Among Hundreds of Abusers Denver Channel | 20 February 2015 US and Canada… Shock Video: Leftist Plan to Gas Deploraball Attendees with Butyric Acid YouTube | 16 January 2017

Wildcards – Week of 01.15.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.15.17

Sex Trafficking Survivor Says Police were Among Hundreds of Abusers Denver Channel | 20 February 2015 US and Canada… Shock Video: Leftist Plan to Gas

Money & Markets – Week of 01.08.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.08.17

Weekly Commentary: Off to an Interesting Start Credit Bubble Bulletin | 14 January 2017 Folks have really bought… Mad As Hell: Why the Public is so Pissed Off Peak Prosperity | 13 January 2017 Completely

Money & Markets – Week of 01.08.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.08.17

Weekly Commentary: Off to an Interesting Start Credit Bubble Bulletin | 14 January 2017 Folks have really bought… Mad As Hell: Why the Public is so Pissed Off Peak Prosperity | 13 January 2017 Completely

Money & Markets – Week of 01.08.17

Money & Markets – Week of 01.08.17

Weekly Commentary: Off to an Interesting Start Credit Bubble Bulletin | 14 January 2017 Folks have really bought… Mad As Hell: Why the Public is

Geopolitical – Week of 01.08.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.08.17

Russian carrier Admiral Kuznetsov in Action Near Syria Duran | 04 January 2017 YouTube | 04 January 2017 British and US navies have in recent weeks… Chinese Leader Meets Davos Elite as Voters Revolt Yahoo

Geopolitical – Week of 01.08.17

Geopolitical – Week of 01.08.17

Russian carrier Admiral Kuznetsov in Action Near Syria Duran | 04 January 2017 YouTube | 04 January 2017 British and US navies have in recent

Science & Technology – Week of 01.08.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.08.17

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Lifts Off BBC | 14 January 2017 Queue of customers… Stunning Before And After Pictures Of The California Drought And Devastating Rain Storms Zero Hedge | 13 January 2017 Dashcam video of

Science & Technology – Week of 01.08.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.08.17

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Lifts Off BBC | 14 January 2017 Queue of customers… Stunning Before And After Pictures Of The California Drought And Devastating Rain Storms Zero Hedge | 13 January 2017 Dashcam video of

Science & Technology – Week of 01.08.17

Science & Technology – Week of 01.08.17

SpaceX Rocket Successfully Lifts Off BBC | 14 January 2017 Queue of customers… Stunning Before And After Pictures Of The California Drought And Devastating Rain

Food & Health – Week of 01.08.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.08.17

Vaccines Revealed Episode 5 VR | 13 January 2017 Updated on 1/14/17, runs through 1/18/17: Enraged…… ACA Repeal Would Lavish Medicare Tax Cuts on 400 Highest-Income Households CBPP | 12 January 2017 $2.8 billion… Bayer,

Food & Health – Week of 01.08.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.08.17

Vaccines Revealed Episode 5 VR | 13 January 2017 Updated on 1/14/17, runs through 1/18/17: Enraged…… ACA Repeal Would Lavish Medicare Tax Cuts on 400 Highest-Income Households CBPP | 12 January 2017 $2.8 billion… Bayer,

Food & Health – Week of 01.08.17

Food & Health – Week of 01.08.17

Vaccines Revealed Episode 5 VR | 13 January 2017 Updated on 1/14/17, runs through 1/18/17: Enraged…… ACA Repeal Would Lavish Medicare Tax Cuts on 400

Life – Week of 01.08.17

Life – Week of 01.08.17

Widow of paralyzed NYPD Det. Steven McDonald Offers Heartfelt Thanks to the City and the Finest for Support NY Daily | 12 January 2017 Wife thanked… Perishable Money in a Threefold Commonwealth: Rudolf Steiner and

Life – Week of 01.08.17

Life – Week of 01.08.17

Widow of paralyzed NYPD Det. Steven McDonald Offers Heartfelt Thanks to the City and the Finest for Support NY Daily | 12 January 2017 Wife

Wildcards – Week of 01.08.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.08.17

MSNBC Broadcast Abruptly Freezes and Repeats the Word ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ Over and Over MSNBC | 13 January 2017 Video was removed from YouTube… D.C. National Guard Chief Fired Days Before Trump Inauguration: “The Timing

Wildcards – Week of 01.08.17

Wildcards – Week of 01.08.17

MSNBC Broadcast Abruptly Freezes and Repeats the Word ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ Over and Over MSNBC | 13 January 2017 Video was removed from YouTube… D.C.