Record-tying Oklahoma Earthquake Felt as Far Away as Arizona WTOP | 03 September 2016 Fresh attention to… 10 Mind-blowing Facts about the CERN Large Collider
California Moves One Step Closer To Declaring Independence From US Government Zero Hedge | 29 July 2017 ways to increase… Pakistan Plunges Into Political Turmoil
Shortages, Prices Hit California Food Banks as Schools Recess By Ryan Flinn – (23 Jun 2008) The Crime of the Century Jim Puplava’s webcast
"Because I’m a billionaire, I’m going to have access to better healthcare. I’m going to be like 160 and I’m going to be part of this class of immortal overlords. You know the expression about
98 Million Americans Were Given Polio Vaccine Contaminated With Cancer-Causing Virus, Admits CDC Natural News | 25 July 2013 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control