Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

“In my experience as a reporter, disease/epidemic news is the easiest way to provoke fear in the population. People just line up and swallow all

A Tale of Two Depressions

A Tale of Two Depressions

By Barry Eichengreen & Kevin H. O’Rourke Voxeu.org “This is an update of the authors’ 6 April 2009 column comparing today’s global crisis to the

Money & Markets ~ Charts 6.18.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 6.18.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow for the Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report tonight,

Shock Doctrine California, Part I

Shock Doctrine California, Part I

I was speaking with an energetic healer this week and mentioned that the shock doctrine is about to roll out in the United States, starting

Shock Doctrine California, Part II

Shock Doctrine California, Part II

“In a digital age, data about money is worth more than money.” ~ Nicholas Negroponte LINKS TO FINANCIAL DATA IN CALIFORNIA

Obama's Sweeping Financial Regulation Plan

Obama's Sweeping Financial Regulation Plan

Obama Initiative Seeks Fix To Finance Regulations Yahoo Finance (17 Jun 09) Obama Bank Revamp May Stall as Competing Issues Mount Bloomberg.com (15 Jun 09)

New Food Safety Bill – HR2749

New Food Safety Bill – HR2749

Background Information A new food safety bill is on the fast track in Congress-HR 2749, the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009. The bill needs

Dr. Sam Chachoua

Dr. Sam Chachoua

Photo By: Joel Black Dr. Sam Chachoua is a talented physician who had to leave the United States for reasons of safety and to protect

Buckingham Palace Grows a Garden

Buckingham Palace Grows a Garden

Photo: PA By Andrew Alderson For the first time since the Second World War vegetables are being grown in the Palace’s grounds alongside ornamental plants.

Money & Markets – Week of 6.14.09

Money & Markets – Week of 6.14.09

Mafia Blamed For $134bn Fake Treasury Bills Financial Times (18 June 09) The Retreat of the Shadow Lenders, Why Deflation and not Inflation is the

The Missing Money

The Missing Money

Wayne Gretzky once said, when asked the secret of his success at ice hockey, “I skate to where the puck will be.” It is for

The Missing Money

The Missing Money

Wayne Gretzky once said, when asked the secret of his success at ice hockey, “I skate to where the puck will be.” It is for the same reason I keep bringing up the issue of

Guernsey Island: A Lesson in Municipal Finance

Guernsey Island: A Lesson in Municipal Finance

By: Hub Pages [Catherine’s Note: I originally published this piece in 2007. Because of the California and other state and local fiscal challenges, I thought

On the Road – 1978

On the Road – 1978

Recently, I have been getting questions about how I first learned about my home Hickory Valley, Tennessee. In 1978, after graduating from business school, I

Precious Metals -Week of 6-14-09

Precious Metals -Week of 6-14-09

Obama Administration Pushes IMF Gold Sales Through House by Tieing it to Security Bill MineWeb (19 June 09) Germans Flock to Gold Bars Vending Machine

Mortgage Markets – Week of 6.14.09

Mortgage Markets – Week of 6.14.09

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 as Bank Seizures Loom Bloomberg.com (14 June 09) Judge Upholds Three-word Foreclosure Strategy ABC.7 (29 May 09)

Geopolitical –  Week of    6.14.09

Geopolitical – Week of 6.14.09

Glenn Beck: The Letter Glenn Beck.com (19 June 09) De-Dollarization: Dismantling America’s Financial-Military Empire Global Research.ca (13 June 09) Secret Papers ‘Show How Shell Targeted

Life – Week of  6.14.09

Life – Week of 6.14.09

Flotsam & Jetsam: End of an Affair Undernews (17 June 09) Sky ‘Rains Tadpoles’ Over Japan Telegraph.co.uk (10 June 09)

Food & Health – Week of  6.14.09

Food & Health – Week of 6.14.09

Brazil Invests 7.6 billion USD in Family Farming MercoPress (18 June 09) Submit Comments to USDA Against GE Trees Global Justice Ecology.org (June 2009) Catastrophic

More on Community Prayer

More on Community Prayer

By: Jean-LeonGerome For a long time, I have believed that community prayer can play an important role in transforming communities. That said, I don’t know

Financial Ecosystems, Part I

Financial Ecosystems, Part I

Chicago’s 49th Ward The participatory budgeting networks are abuzz with excitement about the participatory budgeting effort being introduced in the 49th Ward of Chicago. The

Spilling the Beans

Spilling the Beans

Doctors Warn: Avoid Genetically Modified Food By Jeffrey M. Smith On May 19th, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) called on “Physicians to educate

Money & Markets ~ Charts 6.11.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 6.11.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow for the Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report tonight,

Precious Metals Market Report

Precious Metals Market Report

This is the second week of the month. That means I am headed over to Westpoint, Tennessee on Thursday, June 11th, to join Franklin Sanders

Financial Ecosystems, Part II

Financial Ecosystems, Part II

Chicago’s 49th Ward See Financial Ecosystems, Parts III One of the reasons to map your financial ecosystems, is because it is best to understand existing

Financial Ecosystems, Part III

Financial Ecosystems, Part III

Chicago’s 49th Ward I thought I would create a space where readers could post links or other information on governmental resources related to Chicago’s 49th

Let Anger Go

Let Anger Go

Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare

Guns = $1.46 Trillion; Butter ?

Guns = $1.46 Trillion; Butter ?

By: MercoPress In 2008, the world total military expenditure was an estimated 1.464 trillion US dollars, accounting for an increase of 4% in real terms

Vatican Study Endorses GMOs

Vatican Study Endorses GMOs

Vatican Study Endorses GMOs for Food Security Analysis: The academy aimed less to conduct an objective appraisal than to mobilize public support By John L.

Pigweed vs. Monsanto – Pigweed Winning

Pigweed vs. Monsanto – Pigweed Winning

Palmer pigweed in a Southern cotton field. By Clea Caulcutt The gospel of high-tech genetically modified (GM) crops is not sounding quite so sweet in

Truck & Railroad Tonnage Down

Truck & Railroad Tonnage Down

ATA Truck Tonnage Index Fell Another 2.2 Percent in April American Trucking Association (26 May 09) Association of American Railroads – Weekly Traffic Report “Lower

The Chrysler Deal

The Chrysler Deal

Chrysler Asset Deal Stayed by U.S. Supreme Court Bloomberg.com (8 Jun 09) U.S. Says TARP Issue Out of Court’s Reach Scotusblog.com (8 Jun 09) Reference:

In From the Network

In From the Network

[I get fascinating feedback. Here is an example. Worth thinking about the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) and whether the oil price manipulations were part of an intentional

Bullion and Bandits

Bullion and Bandits

Photo: Douglas Jackson of E-Gold By Kim Zetter Jackson, 51, is the maverick founder of E-Gold, the first-of-its-kind digital currency that was once used by

Social Thread Logo Contest

Social Thread Logo Contest

My good friend Jason Eaton wants a new logo for his website Social Thread. So he is having a design competition. It is an interesting

1929 vs 2009

1929 vs 2009

Mark Lundeen has just published week 86 in his “Bear Market Race to the Bottom Series.” View the series to date at Gold Speculator—weeks 69

Benefit Spending Soars to New High

Benefit Spending Soars to New High

by Dennis Cauchon Benefits, such as Social Security, food stamps, unemployment insurance and health care, accounted for 16.2% of personal income in the first quarter

Profiting on Confidential Information

Profiting on Confidential Information

Photo By: Wall Street Geek By Marcy Gordon and Greg Risling Angelo Mozilo, the man who rode the housing boom to build Countrywide Financial Corp.

The Opportunity for Shareholder Activism

The Opportunity for Shareholder Activism

By David Weidner The reality of shareholder enfranchisement is harsh and depressing, a testament to the intractability of the system and the apathy of participants.



Alas, the official statistics grow ever more suspect. Here are some comments on the real unemployment numbers. May Employment Report Not Believable Temp Work Helps

Money & Markets – Week of 6.07.09

Money & Markets – Week of 6.07.09

US Treasury Names Asset Managers and Launches Legacy Securities Program: is one-half of the Public Private Investment Program (PPIP) meant to help US financial institutions

Precious Metals -Week of 6.07.09

Precious Metals -Week of 6.07.09

The Real Price of Gold National Geographic.com (May 2009) FBI Arrests Bernard, Kevin, Sarah & Rachelle Liberty Dollar (June 2009) Four Defendants Indicted in Unlawful

Geopolitical –  Week of    6.07.09

Geopolitical – Week of 6.07.09

U.N. Imposes Tough New Sanctions On N. Korea CBS 11tv.com (12 June 09) New Arms Treaty Must Exclude Weapons in Space – Russian General Mlitary

Life – Week of  6.07.09

Life – Week of 6.07.09

The Dark Side of Dubai The Independent (07 April 09) The Light of Darkness Awaken in The Dream.com (By: Paul Levy) Vancouver, Canada Chosen as

Food & Health – Week of  6.07.09

Food & Health – Week of 6.07.09

Coca Cola Zero Banned in Venezuela Scoop.co.nz (12 June 09) The Sun, Not AGW, Is The Thing Oblate Spheroid (08 June 09) Chemtrails – Barium

Big Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid Coming

Big Cuts in Medicare and Medicaid Coming

Youtube As discussed in last night’s Solari Report, the top story of the week is the abrogation of the social contract in America. Bernake alluded

The Geography of Recession

The Geography of Recession

By Peter Zeihan The global recession is the biggest development in the global system in the year to date. In the United States, it has



Artist: Antoine Ausustine Preault “What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t invent with your mouth.” — Jewish Proverb

A New World Order

A New World Order

Below are the top 20 financial institutions by market capitalization in 1999 and then in 2009. Read article

Agri-Food Thoughts

Agri-Food Thoughts

View both charts in larger format View article

Where Does Your Food Come From?

Where Does Your Food Come From?

If you want to get an in-depth overview of the many problems facing the American food system, here is a good overview. Related Links: Support

Money & Markets ~ Charts 6.04.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 6.04.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow for the Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report tonight,

Tennessee Cow-Share Bill is Now Law

Tennessee Cow-Share Bill is Now Law

By Shawn Dady Tennessee Representative Frank Nicely has been quietly working on a cow-share bill for the state of Tennessee. This is a very good

Ecuador Orders Banks to Repatriate Some Assets

Ecuador Orders Banks to Repatriate Some Assets

QUITO, May 30 (Reuters) – Ecuador’s government-run central bank has ordered private banks to repatriate $1.2 billion in overseas deposits and investments to help jump-start

Real or Paper Gold?

Real or Paper Gold?

[CAF Note: But are they buying real gold or paper gold?] By Andrew Frye Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., the third-largest U.S. life insurer by

I Smell a Rat!

I Smell a Rat!

Credit: John Tenniel by Greg Palast They may be crying about General Motors’ bankruptcy today. But dumping 40,000 of the last 60,000 union jobs into

Money & Markets – Week of 5.31.09

Money & Markets – Week of 5.31.09

Towards a World War of Interest Rates Aimed at Capturing Global Savings LEAP/E2020 (16 Jan 09) Bernanke Warns on Deficits as Interest Rates Rise USA

Precious Metals -Week of 5.31.09

Precious Metals -Week of 5.31.09

At Least Canada Admits it When The gold is Missing GATA (02 June 09) Showdown Time? Silver Seek.com (02 June 09) Raise The Caution Flags

Mortgage Markets – Week of 5.31.09

Mortgage Markets – Week of 5.31.09

Foreclosure Starts Hit One Million Mark Investment Watch (02 June 09) Top Ten Things to Know if You’re Interested in a Reverse Mortgage Home &

Geopolitical – Week of 5.31.09

Geopolitical – Week of 5.31.09

Nord Stream Participants Ready to Readjust Route – Putin RIA Novosti (06 June 09) Investigative Author, Daniel Estulin Exposes Bilderberg Group Plans PRWeb (23 May

Technology – Week of 5.31.09

Technology – Week of 5.31.09

Now You See it: Best Visual Illusions of 2009 New Scientist.com (2009) JoNova joannenova.com (May 2009) Top 100 Sites Specializing In EMF Issues – pdf

Life – Week of 5.31.09

Life – Week of 5.31.09

Black Tide Truthout (04 June 09) Victims Include Those Who Flocked to Brazil for Business, and a Royal Wall Street Journal (02 June 09) Bomb

Food & Health – Week of 5.31.09

Food & Health – Week of 5.31.09

Humans, Hogs May Eat Their Way to Flu Resistance Meat & Poultry (05 May 09) House Calls for Closer Watch on Food Supply Democratic Underground.com

Oklahoma Sovereignty

Oklahoma Sovereignty

By Michael McNutt Although Gov. Brad Henry vetoed similar legislation 10 days earlier, House members Monday again approved a resolution claiming Oklahoma’s sovereignty. Unlike House

California Budget Stress

California Budget Stress

A local pastor and his wife claim they were interrogated by a San Diego County official, who then threatened them with escalating fines if they

Song of Solomon

Song of Solomon

Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death Song of Solomon 8:6

New Empire, New Cities

New Empire, New Cities

Now that a variety of factions have harvested the planet for trillions of dollars in the latest round of financial pump and dumps, the questions

More Google Games

More Google Games

By Andrew Lehman It was clear to me that in preparation for going public, Google was actually seeding its searches with inefficiencies in order to

The Spoils of Victory

The Spoils of Victory

By Chelsea Schilling As part of its Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Chrysler is terminating one-fourth of its franchises – but some say its catalog of doomed

Money & Markets ~ Charts 5.28.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 5.28.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow for the Money & Markets segment of The Solari Report next

Does Rape Hold the Dollar Up?

Does Rape Hold the Dollar Up?

Paul Albert Bartholome, Crying Girl By Duncan Gardham and Paul Cruickshank Detail of the content emerged from Major General Antonio Taguba, the former army officer

Financial Permaculture 2009

Financial Permaculture 2009

There are positive ways to align our economic activities with our natural environment, and then there are negative ways. A sales tax is one of

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Coming Clean is a process of transforming from the inside out. It is never over, there is always more opportunity, no matter what is going

When Did Your County's Jobs Disappear?

When Did Your County's Jobs Disappear?

An interactive map of vanishing employment across the country, updated with the latest figures. [Click the image to go to the Slate website to view

Reality Check

Reality Check

“The contemplation of things as they are without error or confusion, without substitution or imposture, is in itself a nobler thing than a whole harvest

Vaccines Coming?

Vaccines Coming?

With trial balloons floating regarding the possibility of preventative detention and now government vaccine programs, the control necessary to keep the dollar high and government

Big Decline in Gold Derivatives

Big Decline in Gold Derivatives

Gold Derivatives: The Tide Turns By Reg Howe On May 19, 2009, the Bank for International Settlements released its regular semi-annual report on the over-the-counter

Money & Markets – Week of 5.24.09

Money & Markets – Week of 5.24.09

Financial Overhaul Raises Questions The Wall Street Journal (29 May 09) Manipulation: How Markets Really Work Baltimore Chronicle (29 May 09) Is Larry Summers Taking

Precious Metals -Week of 5.24.09

Precious Metals -Week of 5.24.09

Gold Derivatives: The Tide Turns Golden Sextant.com (25 May 09) Gold Bugs at Last Have Their Perfect Trinity Telegraph.co.uk (23 May 09) GFMS Warns of

Geopolitical –  Week of 5.24.09

Geopolitical – Week of 5.24.09

House Calls for Closer Watch on Food Supply Democratic Underground.com (28 May 09) Active and Retired Top Military Brass Met to Discuss What Really Happened

Technology –  Week of 5.24.09

Technology – Week of 5.24.09

Apple Slow To Fix Java Flaws The Washington Post (27 May 09) Apple Backs Down In Latest iPhone App Store Drama The Washington Post (27

Life –  Week of 5.24.09

Life – Week of 5.24.09

The Case for Working With Your Hands The New York Times (21 May 09) The Common Elements of Parapsychology and UFO Experiences: Lessons for Physics