Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.17.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.17.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part IV

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part IV

Read the full article here. The key to business success is in learning how to provide a useful product or service at a competitive price while covering costs. For many children, their first opportunities to

Roth IRA Rules Changes

Roth IRA Rules Changes

By Melanie Pelayo With the end of the year fast approaching, I want to bring your attention a change taking place next year regarding Roth

JAK Bank in Sweden

JAK Bank in Sweden

By David Liechty JAK Medlemsbank is a member-owned bank in Skovde, Sweden that has operated an interest-free savings and loan system since 1970. Members accumulate

Did Rubin Commit Fraudulent Misrepresentation?

Did Rubin Commit Fraudulent Misrepresentation?

By Dakin Campbell and Andrew MacAskill Citigroup Inc. said the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority is seeking to end an agreement to buy the bank’s stock

GMO Contamination

GMO Contamination

Bayer has admitted it has been unable to control the spread of its genetically-engineered organisms despite ‘the best practices [to stop contamination]'(1). It shows that

Saved By Drug Money

Saved By Drug Money

By Rajeev Syal Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations’ drugs

Greece – Crisis Turns Deadly Serious

Greece – Crisis Turns Deadly Serious

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard While premier George Papandreou offered pro forma assurances at Friday’s EU summit that Greece would not default on its €298bn (£268bn) debt,

US Kids = Psychiatric Drug Goldmine

US Kids = Psychiatric Drug Goldmine

By Evelyn Pringle Prescriptions for psychiatric drugs increased 50 percent with children in the US, and 73 percent among adults, from 1996 to 2006, according

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part III

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part III

Read the full article here. As the cost of formal education grows, many families are limited by economic considerations in what they can provide for

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part III

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part III

Read the full article here. As the cost of formal education grows, many families are limited by economic considerations in what they can provide for their children. This is of concern particularly as public schools,

Missing Mortgages

Missing Mortgages

Sorting through the wreckage of those related failures has generated more questions than answers so far. Taylor Bean was shut down by the Federal Housing

Eight Innovations that Will Change Your Future

Eight Innovations that Will Change Your Future

By Jim Ostroff No personal jet packs at the big-box store just yet, but we foresee technological breakthroughs that will make a real difference. Kiplinger

Money & Markets – Week of 12.13.09

Money & Markets – Week of 12.13.09

The European AIG: How Moody’s Downgrade Of Greece Can Start The Avalanche Zero Hedge (18 Dec 09) PIMCO Sells $26.5 Billion In Treasuries And MBS

Money & Markets – Week of 12.13.09

Money & Markets – Week of 12.13.09

The European AIG: How Moody’s Downgrade Of Greece Can Start The Avalanche Zero Hedge (18 Dec 09) PIMCO Sells $26.5 Billion In Treasuries And MBS

Precious Metals – Week of 12.13.09

Precious Metals – Week of 12.13.09

Is The Price of World Silver The Result of Legitimate Market Discovery? Jesse’s Crossroads Cafe (15 Dec 09) Comex Acts to Curb Speculation (In Gold)

Mortgage Markets – Week of 12.13.09

Mortgage Markets – Week of 12.13.09

What 10 Reasons Will Keep a Lid on The Housing And Economic Recovery For California? Dr. Housing Bubble (2009) The Trend In The Freddie Mac

Geopolitical –  Week of  12.13.09

Geopolitical – Week of 12.13.09

World Leaders May Drop 2010 Climate Deadline – Draft Reuters (18 Dec 09) Obama Heads to High-risk, Uncertain Climate Talks Associated Press (18 Dec 09)

Technology – Week of 12.13.09

Technology – Week of 12.13.09

SkyGrabber: The $26 Software Used by Insurgents to Hack Into US Drones (17 Dec 09) Good-bye, Laptop. Hello, Smart Phone. Kiplinger (05 Aug 09)

Life – Week of 12.13.09

Life – Week of 12.13.09

For America’s Santas, It’s Hard to Be Jolly With the Tales They’re Hearing The Wall Street Journal (14 Dec 09) Berlusconi Attack Prompts Italy Soul

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part II

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part II

Read the full article here. Good health is the foundation of a successful life. It is challenging to find or pursue your calling if you are struggling with poor health. Maintaining optimum health requires considerably

Joel Salatin in Santa Barbara

Joel Salatin in Santa Barbara

Joel Salatin Pathways to Relocalization, Carbon Economy Educational Series, December 9th Santa Barbara Central Library The Flyer: Joel Salatin, fulltime family farmer of the highly

Precious Metals Market Report

Precious Metals Market Report

It’s the second week of the month. That means I am headed over this Thursday to see Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger at Top of

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part I

Gifting to the Children We Love – Part I

Read the full article here. There is no better way to build real wealth than to find ways of raising up the children in our lives. Whether it’s the young people in our families—children, grandchildren,

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.10.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.10.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Goldman Bonuses a Go; Gang of 30 Stock-Only

Goldman Bonuses a Go; Gang of 30 Stock-Only

By Stephen Bernard Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s top executives will not receive cash bonuses this year, as the Wall Street giant bows to sharp criticism

Arctic Roll

Arctic Roll

If you know the answer, pop it on a postcard and send it to the people of Norway, where this mysterious light display baffled residents

Warren Buffett’s Favorite Chart

Warren Buffett’s Favorite Chart

By Vincent Fernando and Kamelia Angelova The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is an economic indicator for the U.S. manufacturing sector, in blue below. It tends

Warren Buffett's Favorite Chart

Warren Buffett's Favorite Chart

By Vincent Fernando and Kamelia Angelova The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) is an economic indicator for the U.S. manufacturing sector, in blue below. It tends

Administration Proposal re: Small Business

Administration Proposal re: Small Business

By Jackie Calmes President Obama and Congress are ending the year as they began it, at work on an economic stimulus package of tax cuts

Bank Blamed For Big Losses to Charities

Bank Blamed For Big Losses to Charities

By Chris Serres Local foundations are fighting Wells Fargo in court, saying it lied about safety of investments made before market plunge. For years, some

Bankers: “Existence should be bonus enough.”

Bankers: “Existence should be bonus enough.”

By Alison Fitzgerald Wall Street firms are recovering. Their standing with the American public isn’t. “The fact that they’re even in existence should be bonus

Bankers: "Existence should be bonus enough."

Bankers: "Existence should be bonus enough."

By Alison Fitzgerald Wall Street firms are recovering. Their standing with the American public isn’t. “The fact that they’re even in existence should be bonus

Grayson Questions Retrade of AIG Deal

Grayson Questions Retrade of AIG Deal

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 Ben Bernanke Chairman Federal Reserve System 20th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20551 Dear Chairman Bernanke, I write with

‘Swine Flu Pope’  & WHO Corruption

‘Swine Flu Pope’ & WHO Corruption

By F. William Engdahl The man with the nickname “Dr Flu”, Professor Albert Osterhaus, of the Erasmus University in Rotterdam Holland has been named by

Ron Paul on Ben and the Fed

Ron Paul on Ben and the Fed

Continue reading Ron Paul with Judge Napolitano on Glenn Beck- Bernanke To Be Renominated

The Ancient Ingenuity of Water Harvesting

The Ancient Ingenuity of Water Harvesting

With wisdom and wit, Anupam Mishra talks about the amazing feats of engineering built centuries ago by the people of India’s Golden Desert to harvest

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI and visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed Thursday to upgrade Vatican-Kremlin relations to full diplomatic ties, the Vatican said. The step forward

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Renewing Relations: Russia & Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI and visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev agreed Thursday to upgrade Vatican-Kremlin relations to full diplomatic ties, the Vatican said. The step forward

Money Trap Complexity: Traditional IRA vs. Roth

Money Trap Complexity: Traditional IRA vs. Roth

By Anne Tergesen Starting Jan. 1, Uncle Sam will permanently eliminate both the income and filing-status restrictions on transferring money from a traditional IRA to

Seattle Gentrification ala IRS

Seattle Gentrification ala IRS

By Danny Westneat Rachel Porcaro knows she’s hardly rich. When you’re a single mom making 10 bucks an hour, you don’t need government experts to

Growing Power

Growing Power

Continue viewing YouTube

Acronym du Jour

Acronym du Jour

SCWAG ~ Scientifically Calculated Wild Assed Guess. An estimate calculated using sound mathematics and science which is, never the less, little more than a wild

Owning Physical Precious Metal

Owning Physical Precious Metal

GoldMoney founder and GATA consultant James Turk was interviewed for 27 minutes this week by Eric King of King World News. They discussed the second

Money & Markets – Week of 12.06.09

Money & Markets – Week of 12.06.09

Charlie Rose – Robin Williams YouTube (07 Dec 09) Soros Seeks $100 Billion in IMF Funds for Green Plan (10 Dec 09) Brown And

Money & Markets – Week of 12.06.09

Money & Markets – Week of 12.06.09

Charlie Rose – Robin Williams YouTube (07 Dec 09) Soros Seeks $100 Billion in IMF Funds for Green Plan (10 Dec 09) Brown And

Precious Metals – Week of 12.06.09

Precious Metals – Week of 12.06.09

Gold Market Updated :A Contrarian’s Dilemma (PDF) Zero Hedge (Dec 2009) Gold: Expect a Technical Correction Before the Final Frontie Seeking Alpha (07 Dec 09)

Geopolitical –  Week of  12.06.09

Geopolitical – Week of 12.06.09

10 Looming Geopolitical Disasters The Money Game (09 Dec 09) Turkey To Israel: Cross Our Airspace To Bomb Iran & We Will Respond Like An

Technology – Week of 12.06.09

Technology – Week of 12.06.09

Learning About the Sun Through Sound Waves Stanford Solar Center (2008) Scientists Say Paper Battery Could Be In The Works Reuters (08 Dec 09) Facebook

Life – Week of 12.06.09

Life – Week of 12.06.09

For Elderly in Rural Areas, Times Are Distinctly Harder The New York Times (10 Dec 09) 5 Things Your Mom Was Right About Shine (07

Energy Tax Incentives

Energy Tax Incentives

DSIRE is a comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility, and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency. Established in

Will Ben Be In by Xmas?

Will Ben Be In by Xmas?

By Scott Lanman and Craig Torres Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke left a Senate confirmation hearing with support for a second term heading a

Do It Today!

Do It Today!

“Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done and not some

Who’s Your Foodbank?

Who’s Your Foodbank?

Claims for Emergency Unemployment Compensation increased by 265,300 in one week to an all time record of 3,859,553 for the week ending November 14. If

Who's Your Foodbank?

Who's Your Foodbank?

Claims for Emergency Unemployment Compensation increased by 265,300 in one week to an all time record of 3,859,553 for the week ending November 14. If

Truth or Consequences

Truth or Consequences

On this week’s Solari Report, I will be talking about something very much on my heart – a subscriber question about whether it is possible

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.03.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.03.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.03.09

Money & Markets ~ Charts 12.03.09

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Health Care: Of Lives And Principle

Health Care: Of Lives And Principle

By Sam Smith The pending health care legislation is as corrupt, cynical and contemptuous of simple decency as any bill I’ve seen in over a

Competitive Devaluations Threaten a Trade War

Competitive Devaluations Threaten a Trade War

By Michael Pettis Vietnam’s decision to devalue its currency by 5 per cent last week to protect itself from undervaluation of the Chinese renminbi, and

WTO Demands Emerging Nations Permit Derivatives

WTO Demands Emerging Nations Permit Derivatives

by Greg Palast On 10th Anniversary of the Battle in Seattle Bankers’ scheme to re-open finance casino worldwide. Apparently, one meltdown isn’t enough for the

Oh, Really?

Oh, Really?

“It wasn’t scary at all.” Goldman Sachs COO Gary Cohn on the plunge in Goldman’s stock price from $207.78 in February to $47.41 in November

Preparing for the Worst

Preparing for the Worst

The levels of government debt have reached the point where even mainstream banks are encouraging investors to consider the “collapse scenario” in their strategies. View

Barron’s 25 Best Givers

Barron’s 25 Best Givers

By Suzanne McGee With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The name of the

Barron's 25 Best Givers

Barron's 25 Best Givers

By Suzanne McGee With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The name of the

Bloomberg Reporter Who Sued Fed Dies at 52

Bloomberg Reporter Who Sued Fed Dies at 52

By Bob Ivry Mark Pittman, the award-winning reporter whose fight to make the Federal Reserve more accountable to taxpayers led Bloomberg News to sue the

Goldman Sachs – Going Long Lead?

Goldman Sachs – Going Long Lead?

Commentary by Alice Schroeder I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good



Max Keiser has me using a new word—duopoly. It is a word worth learning and a phenomenon worth considering as we look around the landscape.

America’s Most Charitable Cities

America’s Most Charitable Cities

By: Wanda Lau Cities take on different faces during the holiday season–some are the spitting image of Scrooge, others look like Santa. Which one your

America's Most Charitable Cities

America's Most Charitable Cities

By: Wanda Lau Cities take on different faces during the holiday season–some are the spitting image of Scrooge, others look like Santa. Which one your

The Great Depression of the 14th Century

The Great Depression of the 14th Century

“The Triumph of Death” by Murray N. Rothbard Most people — historians not excepted — are tempted to think of economic and cultural progress as

China, Gold, and the Civilization Shift

China, Gold, and the Civilization Shift

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Stephen Jen from the hedge fund Blue Gold Capital has a warning for those who think that gold has risen far too

Connecticut to Sue Rating Firms

Connecticut to Sue Rating Firms

By Caroline Salas and Matthew Leising Connecticut plans to join Ohio in suing credit-rating companies for “negligent, reckless and incompetent work” in grading debt purchased

Brother, Can You Spare an American Buffalo?

Brother, Can You Spare an American Buffalo?

Author: Dorothy Kosich Unprecedented demand, a shortage of blanks, and restrictive policies and regulations continue to exacerbate what is almost becoming a chronic shortage of

Please Support Your Local Foodbank!

Please Support Your Local Foodbank!

By Sophia Tareen Prentice Jones worked construction jobs around Chicago for most of his 60 years and is quick to boast of a foreman job

Short Selling American Lives

Short Selling American Lives

By Anne Seith Two Deutsche Bank funds were designed to profit from premature deaths in the US by buying up life insurance policies. But investors