Black Says Geithner `Cover Up’ Also a Bernanke Scandal

Black Says Geithner `Cover Up’ Also a Bernanke Scandal

William Black, an associate professor of economics and law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, talks with Bloomberg’s Betty Liu about Secretary of Treasury Geithner. View video:Black Says Geithner `Cover Up’ Also a Bernanke Scandal:

US Response to Haiti

US Response to Haiti

President Barack Obama said, “My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by this earthquake. We are closely monitoring the situation

US Response to Haiti

US Response to Haiti

President Barack Obama said, “My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by this earthquake. We are closely monitoring the situation and we stand ready to assist the people of Haiti.”

Embargo Placed On Central Bank

Embargo Placed On Central Bank

Argentina’s central bank reserves dispute suffered an expected escalation when on Tuesday Judge Thomas Griesa from New York State placed an embargo on Argentine central

Embargo Placed On Central Bank

Embargo Placed On Central Bank

Argentina’s central bank reserves dispute suffered an expected escalation when on Tuesday Judge Thomas Griesa from New York State placed an embargo on Argentine central bank accounts held in the United States, following a lawsuit

Is the US Love Affair With The Auto Ending?

Is the US Love Affair With The Auto Ending?

By Lester Brown America’s century-old love affair with the automobile may be coming to an end. The U.S. fleet has apparently peaked and started to

Is the US Love Affair With The Auto Ending?

Is the US Love Affair With The Auto Ending?

By Lester Brown America’s century-old love affair with the automobile may be coming to an end. The U.S. fleet has apparently peaked and started to decline. In 2009, the 14 million cars scrapped exceeded the

Gates Foundation Frankenfood

Gates Foundation Frankenfood

By Tom Philpott The Gates Foundation has emerged as a kind of de facto USDA for Africa: a deep-pocketed funder with a focus on agriculture,

Gates Foundation Frankenfood

Gates Foundation Frankenfood

By Tom Philpott The Gates Foundation has emerged as a kind of de facto USDA for Africa: a deep-pocketed funder with a focus on agriculture, in a continent that has seen ag-research funding plunge over

Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors

Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors

Executive Order will Strengthen Further Partnership Between the Federal and State and Local Governments to Better Protect Our Nation The President today signed an Executive Order establishing a Council of Governors to strengthen further the

State Revenues Falling

State Revenues Falling

By Joe Weisenthal Continue reading Chart of The Day:Cash-Strapped States Hope Salvation Is Right Around The Corner

State Revenues Falling

State Revenues Falling

By Joe Weisenthal Continue reading Chart of The Day:Cash-Strapped States Hope Salvation Is Right Around The Corner

Feds Seeks to Block Bailout Secrets

Feds Seeks to Block Bailout Secrets

By David Glovin The Federal Reserve will ask a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central

Knockout – Doctors Who are Curing Cancer

Knockout – Doctors Who are Curing Cancer

This weekend I read Suzanne Somers’ new book, Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First

Knockout – Doctors Who are Curing Cancer

Knockout – Doctors Who are Curing Cancer

This weekend I read Suzanne Somers’ new book, Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place. I could not put it down. Somers was inspired

401k/IRA’s: Is Confiscation in the Wind?

401k/IRA’s: Is Confiscation in the Wind?

by Karl Denninger Now this is a guaranteed rape job. In a short conversation this noontime that CNBC apparently has omitted from their archives (Why’s

401k/IRA’s: Is Confiscation in the Wind?

401k/IRA’s: Is Confiscation in the Wind?

by Karl Denninger Now this is a guaranteed rape job. In a short conversation this noontime that CNBC apparently has omitted from their archives (Why’s

401k/IRA’s: Is Confiscation in the Wind?

401k/IRA’s: Is Confiscation in the Wind?

by Karl Denninger Now this is a guaranteed rape job. In a short conversation this noontime that CNBC apparently has omitted from their archives (Why’s that folks?) Rick Santelli was talking about a potential to

Money & Markets – Week of  1.10.10

Money & Markets – Week of 1.10.10

Who Is the ‘One Big Bidder’ For US Treasuries? Jesses’s Cafe American (14 Jan 10) Bernanke Fights to Keep Bank Powers in Senate Letter

Money & Markets – Week of  1.10.10

Money & Markets – Week of 1.10.10

Who Is the ‘One Big Bidder’ For US Treasuries? Jesses’s Cafe American (14 Jan 10) Bernanke Fights to Keep Bank Powers in Senate Letter

Geopolitical –  Week of  1.10.10

Geopolitical – Week of 1.10.10

Senate Aims for Bernanke Vote Before Fed Term Ends in January (14 Jan 10) WHO To Look Into Claims It Exaggerated Swine Flu

Technology – Week of  1.10.10

Technology – Week of 1.10.10

Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto ViewZone (2009) Big Freeze Plunged Europe Into Ice Age In Months ESF (29 Nov 09)

Life – Week of  1.10.10

Life – Week of 1.10.10

Haiti Earthquake Live Blog: Bill Clinton: “We’ve Got to Save Lives” Truthout (13 Jan 10) A Citizens Guide to Understanding Corporate Media Propaganda Techniques Earthblog

Food & Health – Week of  1.10.10

Food & Health – Week of 1.10.10

Global Deep Freeze Threatens 2010 Food Supply Natural News (12 Jan 10) CDC: H1N1 Activity Shows Further Signs of Decline Infectious Diseases News (07 Jan

Food & Health – Week of  1.10.10

Food & Health – Week of 1.10.10

Global Deep Freeze Threatens 2010 Food Supply Natural News (12 Jan 10) CDC: H1N1 Activity Shows Further Signs of Decline Infectious Diseases News (07 Jan

Challenges in the Municipal Bond Market

Challenges in the Municipal Bond Market

By Frederick J. Sheehan This paper is directed to traditional municipal bondholders, those who hold bonds primarily to receive tax-exempt, steady income. That investor generally

Americans Oppose Proposals to Limit 401(k)s, ICI Says

Americans Oppose Proposals to Limit 401(k)s, ICI Says

By Jeff Plungis U.S. investors oppose federal initiatives that would force them to give up control over their 401(k) accounts, the Investment Company Institute said. Seven in 10 U.S. households object to the idea of

Switzerland: the Rule of Law Prevails

Switzerland: the Rule of Law Prevails

By Elena Logutenkova, Joseph Heaven and Klaus Wille Switzerland’s financial markets regulator broke the law when it ordered UBS AG to give data on 255

JP Morgan “Rigs” Food Stamps Too!

JP Morgan “Rigs” Food Stamps Too!

Christopher Paton, who runs JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s public-sector benefit payments business, talks with Bloomberg’s Margaret Brennan about trends in food-stamp use in the U.S.

JP Morgan "Rigs" Food Stamps Too!

JP Morgan "Rigs" Food Stamps Too!

Christopher Paton, who runs JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s public-sector benefit payments business, talks with Bloomberg’s Margaret Brennan about trends in food-stamp use in the U.S.

JP Morgan “Rigs” Food Stamps Too!

JP Morgan “Rigs” Food Stamps Too!

Christopher Paton, who runs JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s public-sector benefit payments business, talks with Bloomberg’s Margaret Brennan about trends in food-stamp use in the U.S. Click to View Video Continue at JPMorgan’s Paton Sees `Huge’

Geithner Will Be "Charbroiled" Not Just Grilled

Geithner Will Be "Charbroiled" Not Just Grilled

By Hugh Son Timothy Geithner was asked to testify before Congress about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s efforts to limit American International Group

AIG Has Become A Figurehead Of All That Is Broken In America

AIG Has Become A Figurehead Of All That Is Broken In America

By Tyler Durden The latest observation on our depressing economic reality, behind the glitzy headlines and the 3D TV screens, comes from Bloomberg’s Jonathan Weil who rightfully asks “if AIG executives repeatedly claimed the stock



Smartdust is a hypothetical wireless network of tiny microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS), robots, or devices, that can detect (for example) light, temperature, or vibration. A typical



Smartdust is a hypothetical wireless network of tiny microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS), robots, or devices, that can detect (for example) light, temperature, or vibration. A typical application scenario is scattering a hundred of these sensors around

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Continue reading Sugar: The Bitter Truth YouTube (30 July 09)

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Continue reading Sugar: The Bitter Truth YouTube (30 July 09)

Precious Metals Derivatives Becoming Fantastical

Precious Metals Derivatives Becoming Fantastical

Reginald H. Howe, partner in Golden Sextant Advisors and litigator in the first gold price-fixing case, Howe vs. Bank for International Settlements, has just analyzed

Precious Metals Derivatives Becoming Fantastical

Precious Metals Derivatives Becoming Fantastical

Reginald H. Howe, partner in Golden Sextant Advisors and litigator in the first gold price-fixing case, Howe vs. Bank for International Settlements, has just analyzed the latest precious metals derivatives report from the BIS and

Catherine on Her Soapbox

Catherine on Her Soapbox

By Catherine Austin Fitts I would like to propose a contrary theory to the dire views of those looking behind the veil of recent economic

Catherine on Her Soapbox

Catherine on Her Soapbox

By Catherine Austin Fitts I would like to propose a contrary theory to the dire views of those looking behind the veil of recent economic statistics. First, if you look at the amount of money

Job Figures Won’t Add Up

Job Figures Won’t Add Up

By John Crudele The charade continues this Friday. That’s when the Labor Department will announce how many jobs it claims were lost in the US

Job Figures Won't Add Up

Job Figures Won't Add Up

By John Crudele The charade continues this Friday. That’s when the Labor Department will announce how many jobs it claims were lost in the US

Job Figures Won’t Add Up

Job Figures Won’t Add Up

By John Crudele The charade continues this Friday. That’s when the Labor Department will announce how many jobs it claims were lost in the US economy during December. The number is essentially worthless to anyone

Iceland to Hold Referendum on Icesave After Veto

Iceland to Hold Referendum on Icesave After Veto

By Omar R. Valdimarsson and Tasneem Brogger Iceland will hold a referendum on a depositor accord with the U.K. and Netherlands after President Olafur R. Grimsson blocked the bill in a move that threatens to

2009: The Year of the Great Vampire Squid

2009: The Year of the Great Vampire Squid

The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that

The Ascent of Hooey

The Ascent of Hooey

By Robert K. Landis On October 16, 1929, Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics at Yale University, made a famous prediction: “Stock prices have reached what

The Ascent of Hooey

The Ascent of Hooey

By Robert K. Landis On October 16, 1929, Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics at Yale University, made a famous prediction: “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” [1] The prediction, coming

The Yemen Hidden Agenda

The Yemen Hidden Agenda

By F. William Engdahl On December 25 US authorities arrested a Nigerian named Abdulmutallab aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on charges

The Yemen Hidden Agenda

The Yemen Hidden Agenda

By F. William Engdahl On December 25 US authorities arrested a Nigerian named Abdulmutallab aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on charges of having tried to blow up the plane with smuggled

Living in the U.X.A. (Unemployed Exchange Association)

Living in the U.X.A. (Unemployed Exchange Association)

“At the height of the Great Depression, a group of unemployed Oakland workers decided to take matters into their own hands. The system wasn’t working, so they set up their own system. Money was nearly

A Spectacular Year For Gold And Silver

A Spectacular Year For Gold And Silver

With his new commentary today, GoldMoney founder, Free Gold Money Report editor, and GATA consultant James Turk celebrates the spectacular performance of gold and silver

A Spectacular Year For Gold And Silver

A Spectacular Year For Gold And Silver

With his new commentary today, GoldMoney founder, Free Gold Money Report editor, and GATA consultant James Turk celebrates the spectacular performance of gold and silver in 2009. Turk reports that gold rose in all major

Gold Is Precious to the IRS, Too

Gold Is Precious to the IRS, Too

By Bob Carlson Precious-metals sellers could face a bigger tax bite than they expect. Investors have been pouring money into exchange-traded funds that buy gold

Gold Is Precious to the IRS, Too

Gold Is Precious to the IRS, Too

By Bob Carlson Precious-metals sellers could face a bigger tax bite than they expect. Investors have been pouring money into exchange-traded funds that buy gold and silver, and that has helped push the price of

“Sorry – Money Market Account  is Now Frozen”

“Sorry – Money Market Account is Now Frozen”

By Tyler Durden When Henry Paulson publishes his long-awaited memoirs, the one section that will be of most interest to readers, will be the former Goldmanite and Secretary of the Treasury’s recollection of what, in

2009 Global Output, Prices and Unemployment

2009 Global Output, Prices and Unemployment

The global high-low on unemployment is South Africa with a 24.5% unemployment rate and Thailand at 1.2%. On GDP, China is up 8.2% and Latvia

2009 Global Output, Prices and Unemployment

2009 Global Output, Prices and Unemployment

The global high-low on unemployment is South Africa with a 24.5% unemployment rate and Thailand at 1.2%. On GDP, China is up 8.2% and Latvia is down with -16.9%. For the full chart from the

America – A Ponzi Scheme That Works

America – A Ponzi Scheme That Works

“The greatest strength of America is that people want to live there.” Continue reading A Ponzi Scheme That Works

America – A Ponzi Scheme That Works

America – A Ponzi Scheme That Works

“The greatest strength of America is that people want to live there.” Continue reading A Ponzi Scheme That Works

Stripping Civil Rights

Stripping Civil Rights

By Larry O’Connor In 1983, President Ronald Reagan issued an Executive Order which gave permission to the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to operate within

New York Fed Urged AIG to Keep Bank Payments Secret

New York Fed Urged AIG to Keep Bank Payments Secret

By Hugh Son The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, then led by Timothy Geithner, told American International Group Inc. to withhold details from the public about the bailed-out insurer’s payments to banks during the

Senate Food Safety Bill – Take Action

Senate Food Safety Bill – Take Action

The Weston A. Price Foundation has produced an action alert regarding the Senate Food Safety Bill. From their newsletter (available only to subscribers): Start the

Senate Food Safety Bill – Take Action

Senate Food Safety Bill – Take Action

The Weston A. Price Foundation has produced an action alert regarding the Senate Food Safety Bill. From their newsletter (available only to subscribers): Start the New Year off right, by talking with your Senators about

Shunning the Banksters

Shunning the Banksters

Continue reading Shunning the Banksters – Catherine Austin Fitts on Economics 101 Related articles: The Corbett Report

Shunning the Banksters

Shunning the Banksters

Continue reading Shunning the Banksters – Catherine Austin Fitts on Economics 101 Related articles: The Corbett Report

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

Do not drink poison to quench a thirst. ~Chinese proverb