Money & Markets – Week of 7.11.10

Money & Markets – Week of 7.11.10

The Last Bubble: The Problem of Unresolved Debt in the US Financial System Jesses Crossroads Cafe (15 July 10) Fed’s Volte Face Sends The Dollar

Money & Markets – Week of 7.11.10

Money & Markets – Week of 7.11.10

The Last Bubble: The Problem of Unresolved Debt in the US Financial System Jesses Crossroads Cafe (15 July 10) Fed’s Volte Face Sends The Dollar

Precious Metals – Week of 7.11.10

Precious Metals – Week of 7.11.10

Goldman Sachs Pushes Gold Hedging, Predicting Falling Gold Price Beyond 2011 Mineweb (15 July 10) Reg Howe: BIS Swaps Seem Meant to Stretch Out Paper

Geopolitical – Week of 7.11.10

Geopolitical – Week of 7.11.10

A Quiet Axis Forms Against Iran in the Middle East Spiegel OnLine (15 July 10) Obama Administration Calls For Electronic Health Records By 2015 USA

Food & Health – Week of   7.11.10

Food & Health – Week of 7.11.10

Alzheimer’s Gene Acts on Middle-Aged People, Two U.S. Studies Indicate Bloomberg (14 July 10) Guerilla Gardener from Mathieu Young on Vimeo. The Most Interesting Thing

Food & Health – Week of   7.11.10

Food & Health – Week of 7.11.10

Alzheimer’s Gene Acts on Middle-Aged People, Two U.S. Studies Indicate Bloomberg (14 July 10) Guerilla Gardener from Mathieu Young on Vimeo. The Most Interesting Thing

Life – Week of 7.11.10

Life – Week of 7.11.10

10 Ways Our World is Becoming More Shareable Your Olive Branch (25 June 10)

A Sunday in London

A Sunday in London

This morning, I attended the Eucharist at St. Paul’s Cathedral, including a celebration of Mozart’s sacred music, receiving communion with more than 1,000 worshipers. Our

Serenade at Liverpool Station

Serenade at Liverpool Station

When I stopped at Liverpool Station for coffee this morning, there was a gentlemen playing the street piano. I stopped to sit in the sun

What a Time!

What a Time!

I flew to London on Wednesday, flying from Memphis to Dallas. The airports were busy. The all night flight from Dallas to London was packed.

Gold Swap Mystery Deepens

Gold Swap Mystery Deepens

By C. Powell Dear Friend of GATA and Gold: The Wall Street Journal this evening updated and corrected its report about the gold swaps undertaken

Europe’s New Approach to Biotech Food

Europe’s New Approach to Biotech Food

By James Kanter After decades of pushing nations to surrender more power to Brussels, the European Union is about to throw in the towel on

Precious Metals Market Report

Precious Metals Market Report

By Catherine Austin Fitts This week Franklin Sanders of The Moneychanger will be joining us from Top of the World Farm as usual.  Special guest

Money & Markets Charts ~ 7.07.10

Money & Markets Charts ~ 7.07.10

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Money & Markets Charts ~ 7.07.10

Money & Markets Charts ~ 7.07.10

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

“The future is created by the people who build it, not the people who predict it will not exist.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts

Plugging BP’s Macondo Oil Well

Plugging BP’s Macondo Oil Well

By Jessica Resnick-Ault and Katarzyna Klimasinska BP Plc is likely to intercept its Gulf of Mexico gusher this month, ahead of schedule, kicking off a

Plugging BP's Macondo Oil Well

Plugging BP's Macondo Oil Well

By Jessica Resnick-Ault and Katarzyna Klimasinska BP Plc is likely to intercept its Gulf of Mexico gusher this month, ahead of schedule, kicking off a

Home Ownership And The Banks

Home Ownership And The Banks

Dear Jim, Allow me to chime in here and bolster your comments to CIGA Arlen. First and foremost, what your readers need to understand is

Illinois Stops Paying Its Bills

Illinois Stops Paying Its Bills

By Michael Powell Even by the standards of this deficit-ridden state, Illinois’s comptroller, Daniel W. Hynes, faces an ugly balance sheet. Precisely how ugly becomes

War Horse

War Horse

YouTube I am flying to London this week; returning early next week. This Friday, I will join wonderful clients and friends to see Nick’s Stafford’s

Emerging Market Banks

Emerging Market Banks

View Larger Chart Continue reading The Bigger And Bigger Picture

BP Seeking Investors

BP Seeking Investors

BP Plc is seeking a strategic investor to secure its independence in the face of any takeover attempts as it struggles with a devastating oil

The Governance Nightmare

The Governance Nightmare

“In a global economy when you lower the cost of capital and rig resources for insiders, a severe misallocation of capital results. This has been

Money & Markets – Week of  7.4.10

Money & Markets – Week of 7.4.10

Getting America Back In Business USAonly.US China to Roll Out Nationwide Tax on Oil And Gas Sales BBC News (8 July 10) How Large is

Money & Markets – Week of  7.4.10

Money & Markets – Week of 7.4.10

Tax Informant Wins Ruling In Dillon Fortune Case Forbes | 10 July 2010 First to construe… Silos and silences: Why so Few People Spotted the

Precious Metals – Week of   7.4.10

Precious Metals – Week of 7.4.10

Gold Production in China May Advance by 5% This Year, National Gold Says Bloomberg (6 July 10) Massive Drain Of Comex Silver Inventories Continues Coin

Geopolitical –  Week of   7.4.10

Geopolitical – Week of 7.4.10

Ron Paul Ponders Politics, 2012 Run CNN Politics (8 July 10) ‘Climategate’ Review Clears Scientists of Dishonesty Over Data (7 July 10) French Court

Food & Health – Week of   7.4.10

Food & Health – Week of 7.4.10

The Claim: Exposure to Plants and Parks Can Boost Immunity The New York Times (5 July 10) Shipping Containers Converted Into Health Clinics Help Save

Food & Health – Week of   7.4.10

Food & Health – Week of 7.4.10

The Claim: Exposure to Plants and Parks Can Boost Immunity The New York Times (5 July 10) Shipping Containers Converted Into Health Clinics Help Save

Life – Week of  7.4.10

Life – Week of 7.4.10

The Keys to Unlocking Your Most Successful Career The Wall Street Journal (6 July 10) The First Thing Young Women Do in the Morning: Check

Science & Technology – Week of   7.4.10

Science & Technology – Week of 7.4.10

Solar Impulse Begins 24-hour Test Flight, Lets You Watch The Whole Thing Live Engadget (7 July 10) Solar Lamp Wins Award For Helping Developing Countries

Science & Technology – Week of   7.4.10

Science & Technology – Week of 7.4.10

Solar Impulse Begins 24-hour Test Flight, Lets You Watch The Whole Thing Live Engadget (7 July 10) Solar Lamp Wins Award For Helping Developing Countries

In Congress, July 4, 1776

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. “WHEN IN the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve

Gulf Oil Spill – Day of Prayer Proclamation

Gulf Oil Spill – Day of Prayer Proclamation

From Alabama Governor Bob Riley WHEREAS, Alabama is suffering from an unprecedented disaster caused by the explosion and sinking of the BP Deepwater Horizon and

The Lying Liars At Goldman Sachs

The Lying Liars At Goldman Sachs

By Zach Carter Today, Goldman Sachs sent its second-highest-ranking officer to Washington, D.C. to tell the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission that his company is staffed

How Philanthropists Build Endowments

How Philanthropists Build Endowments

“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” ~ Warren Buffet

Goldman Sachs’ Credibility in Question

Goldman Sachs’ Credibility in Question

By: Goldman Sachs’ testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Thursday spurred skepticism and frustration among commission members when the investment bank claimed it

Goldman Sachs' Credibility in Question

Goldman Sachs' Credibility in Question

By: Goldman Sachs’ testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Thursday spurred skepticism and frustration among commission members when the investment bank claimed it

Quote du Jour – Dean Kamen

Quote du Jour – Dean Kamen

“Technology is easy to develop,” he says. “Developing a new attitude, moving the culture from one mental model to another, that’s the difficult part. You

Quote du Jour

Quote du Jour

“Technology is easy to develop,” he says. “Developing a new attitude, moving the culture from one mental model to another, that’s the difficult part. You

Russia Building Gold Reserves

Russia Building Gold Reserves

By Vincent Fernando, CFA and Kamelia Angelova Continue reading Russia Is On A Crazy Gold Binge

Power From Thin Air

Power From Thin Air

Wireless technology: It is already possible to send electricity without wires. Can devices be powered using ambient radiation from existing broadcasts? YouTube Continue reading Power

Forgiveness for Big Banks

Forgiveness for Big Banks

By Louise Story and Gretchen Morgenson At the end of the American International Group’s annual meeting last month, a shareholder approached the microphone with a

Millions Of Vaccine Doses To Be Burned

Millions Of Vaccine Doses To Be Burned

By Mike Stobbe About a quarter of the swine flu vaccine produced for the U.S. public has expired — meaning that a whopping 40 million

2nd Quarter 2010: Looking Back

2nd Quarter 2010: Looking Back

In our year-end wrap up, 2009: The Year of the Giant Vampire Squid, I said that in 2010, the “Year of the Tiger,” that the road

Money & Charts ~ 7.01.10

Money & Charts ~ 7.01.10

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Money & Charts ~ 7.01.10

Money & Charts ~ 7.01.10

View this week’s chart comparisons of gold against fiat currencies, oil and the Dow. Stay tuned for our next Money & Markets segment of The

Explaining Synthetic Derivatives

Explaining Synthetic Derivatives

By Tyler Durden View Larger Chart Continue reading Explaining Derivatives, And Goldman’s Dominance Thereof, In Four Simple Charts

Goldman’s Cohn Testifies

Goldman’s Cohn Testifies

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission wrapped up their first day of testimony on the “The Role of Derivatives in the Financial Crisis.” Today’s hearing had

Goldman's Cohn Testifies

Goldman's Cohn Testifies

The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission wrapped up their first day of testimony on the “The Role of Derivatives in the Financial Crisis.” Today’s hearing had

Fed Made Taxpayers Unwitting Junk-Bond Buyers

Fed Made Taxpayers Unwitting Junk-Bond Buyers

By Caroline Salas Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and then-New York Fed President Timothy Geithner told senators on April 3, 2008, that the tens

Financial Regulatory Reform: Go, Marsha!

Financial Regulatory Reform: Go, Marsha!

Friends, The House is expected to vote on final passage of the financial reform bill this evening. I will vote no. This bill represents a

SPX vs Gold

SPX vs Gold

View larger chart. . .

Riki Ott – Update from the Gulf

Riki Ott – Update from the Gulf

While President Obama insists that the federal government is firmly in control of the response to BP’s spill in the Gulf, people in coastal communities

Why The Euro Will Fail

Why The Euro Will Fail

By: John Laughland Throughout the history of European integration, its supporters have often used transport metaphors to sell their project. In the 1960s, Europe was

Particles Collide at World-Record Rate

Particles Collide at World-Record Rate

By Jennifer Ouellette Take that, Fermilab! This seems to be the underlying message of yesterday’s BBC News article announcing that CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

Flying Car Wins Initial FAA Approval

Flying Car Wins Initial FAA Approval

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted initial approval for a “roadable aircraft” known as the Transition. The flying car – which is manufactured by

Gensler On Brink Of Position Limits Victory

Gensler On Brink Of Position Limits Victory

U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Chairman Gary Gensler appears to be on verge of achieving a big victory in his battle to impose stricter

Fidel Castro Warns of War

Fidel Castro Warns of War

By Fidel Castro When I was writing one of my previous reflections, as a disaster for humanity was rapidly approaching, my greatest concern was to

Paul on Iran Sanctions

Paul on Iran Sanctions

YouTube Continue reading When Giants Fall Related reading: US Imposes New Sanctions Targeting Iran’s Energy And Financial Sectors The Economic Times (26 June 10) Catherine

A Warning To Gulf Volunteers

A Warning To Gulf Volunteers

By Michael Snyder Are you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico?  In a previous article

BP Turns to Backup Strategy

BP Turns to Backup Strategy

By Kari Goodnough – Devastating Beauty – June 2010 “Oil off the Coast of Alabama” Since shortly after oil began spewing into the Gulf of

Mexican Politician Murdered

Mexican Politician Murdered

A leading Mexican gubernatorial candidate was killed early Monday in a state bordering Texas, in the highest-level assassination of a politician here since President Felipe

China, Taiwan Sign Trade Deal

China, Taiwan Sign Trade Deal

By Alexa Olesen China, Taiwan sign trade deal further linking their economies 6 decades since split A historic trade deal between China and Taiwan will

Tesla Prices at $17 in Upsized IPO

Tesla Prices at $17 in Upsized IPO

By Poornima Gupta Electric carmaker Tesla Motors Inc(TSLA.O) priced shares in its initial public offering above the expected range on Monday, according to a market

SLM Corporation Common Stock

SLM Corporation Common Stock

[click on the image for a larger version] Continue reading the article . . . Related reading: Wikipedia: SLM Corporation Website: SallieMae