At Solari, the invention room is a place in our imagination where we go to collaborate on creating and developing great ideas. There are several protocols that apply in the invention room.
1. We stay in the positive. There is no such thing as a bad or stupid idea. If an idea does not strike us as particularly useful, we say that there are other ideas that are more “wonderful.” We also take personal responsibility to support and given energy as possible to the people in the invention room with us.
2. We avoid decisions. The invention room is for expansion, communication and invention. We don’t contract into decisions in the invention room. For that, we leave the invention room and go to a decision room.
3. No time consequences to the participants. Just because you have an idea, does not mean that you can be held responsible to implement it or anything else that would require your time. Your having an idea in no way commits you to anything that would use your time.
We have been getting more and more communications from our readers with lots of ideas on how to make our world a better place to live. We thought we would create an invention room here on the blog as a way for you to post these ideas.
I would like to add another protocol for this particular invention room..
4. We encourage you to promote ideas which you believe you or yours can implement on a financially sound and attractive way. We think there is nothing more powerful than useful ideas that can create income for the entreprenuers who implement them as well as create income and jobs for others. So if you think what you do can help our readers, please feel free to say so and post links. If we disagree, we reserve the right to not approve your post.
If you have ideas or comments that you would like to reach the Solari community, please place them as a comment to this post.
Catherine and the Solari Team