By Dunstan Prial So much for transparency. Under a little-noticed provision of the recently passed financial-reform legislation, the Securities and Exchange Commission no longer has
By Catherine Austin Fitts The Fed’s decision not to taper quantitative easing this week has equity and commodities markets up and interest rates falling. On
SCWAG ~ Scientifically Calculated Wild Assed Guess. An estimate calculated using sound mathematics and science which is, never the less, little more than a wild
Obama Joins Wisconsin’s Budget Battle, Opposing Republican Anti-union Bill The Washington Post (18 Feb 11) A Breast-Feeding Plan Mixes Partisan Reactions The New York Times
Israel Strikes Demolish Hamas Compounds, Kill 192 Truthout (27 Dec 2008) Internet Overtakes Newspapers as News Source in 2008 PewResearchCenter (23 Dec 08) CIA Using
Adding to the list of mysterious deaths that have happened over the last few days, internet visionary and brilliant internet activist Aaron Swartz was found