Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. ~ A Course in Miracles By Catherine Austin Fitts Franklin Sanders has written an article “What is
Dallas Ambush Follows Pattern of Provocateured False Flags YOuTube | 08 July 2016 February 2014 paramilitary snipers… Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi’s Patents UC Davis |
By F.William Engdahl The remote Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan is what Britain’s Halford Mackinder might call a geopolitical ‘pivot’—a land that, owing to its Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for publishing “The Wire’s War on the Drug War” by this TV series producer and writing team, Ed Burns,
By Catherine Austin Fitts I first noticed Etsy when the Mayor of Rockville, Illinois invited the artisan commerce website to help rebuild their local economy.