Is Huma Abedin wearing an ankle monitor? FOM | 03 January 2018 Clinton Investigation for Real??? Interviewing Liz Crokin on The Storm, QAnon, Pedogate, &
MDC activist Sam Chakaipa returns to his village in rural Zimbabwe to find his friends and neighbours starving to death. Reduced to panning gold powder
G-7 Splits Hurt Investors as Ministers Seek Exit Plan (05 Feb 10) JPMorgan’s Dimon Gets $17 Million Stock Award Bonus (05 Feb 10)
By Catherine Austin Fitts A wonderful audience turned out yesterday to support the Ficino Educational Trust lecture series at the University of Auckland Business School.
Project Camelot: Hacking the Pentagon, An Interview with Gary McKinnon Re-Release YouTube | 19 February 2014 Specifically, documents revealing a list of “Non-terrestrial officers” and