Catherine Austin Fitts has an unparalleled perspective on the current banking crisis, having witnessed the corruption in the market during the first Bush and Clinton
By Carolyn A. Betts, Esq. with Catherine Austin Fitts The following table compares the crowdfunding provisions enacted in Title 3 of the Jumpstart Our Business
Tighten Vaccination Loopholes: Our View USA Today | 07 July 2015 Safety-in-numbers protection, known as herd immunity, has… The Monopolist Robbery In Medicine, Illustrated Market-Ticker
By Wikipedia Battle at Kruger is an eight-minute amateur wildlife video that depicts an unfolding confrontation between a herd of Cape buffalo, a small pride
EU Commission Proposes to Sign Data Protection Umbrella Deal With US Sputnik News | 29 April 2016 During data exchanges between justice and… Forget Glass,