The Day After Disclosure: Richard Dolan’s Unexpected Twist On What’s Coming
YouTube | 16 July 2016
Their only goal has been to…
9/11 Suspects: The Dancing Israelis
YouTube | 10 September 2016
Arrested in explosive-packed vans in…
9/11 Terror Trading: 15 Years Later
Saker | 09 September 2016
YouTube | 09 September 2016
Analyzed nine million foreign…
The Tide is Turning: The Official Story Is Now The Conspiracy Theory
Paul Craig Roberts | 07 September 2016
European physics community, has published…
Senator Bob Graham Continues To Fight For 9/11 Truth!
YouTube | 31 August 2016
Also see Wildcards Top Picks category this week…
THE 9/11 READER. The September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks
Global Research | 11 September 2012
YouTube | 11 May 2011
(Chronology of 9/11 videos and commentary) Official theory of the collapse, therefore, is…
European Union Threatening to Tighten Gun Restrictions on Non-Member Switzerland
Guns America | 05 September 2016
Near-universal conscription…
Why Did The US Just Bar a Former British Diplomat From Entering the Country?
Real News | 08 September 2016
Moral courage in…
EU Migration Crisis: Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object
The Saker | 07 September 2016
Putin Met with a Representative of the “Shadow Government” Ruslan Ostashko
The Saker | 07 September 2016
YouTube | 07 September 2016
(Must See – English subs)Representative Bilderberg…
Vlad’s Driver Killed: Putin’s Official Presidential Car Involved in Head-on Horror Crash in Moscow
The Sun | 06 September 2016
Mercedes veered from…
The TTIP Is Dead
ICH | 07 September 2016
Enslaved by…
YouTube | 26 July 2016
Dark secret tearing…fighting for the right…
Assange Says Clinton Leaks Might Come as Early as Next Week
Fox News | 07 September 2016
Judgment of…
Dutch MP snubs Netanyahu, refuses to shake Israeli PM’s hand (VIDEO)
RT | 07 September 2016
“While the streets of Gaza were reddened by”…
Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump
Fortune | 06 September 2016
rules do not restrict donations to…
Three Out Of Five Texas’ Trump Supporters Support Secession If Clinton Elected
Western Journalism | 17 August 2016
The (Bill) Clinton Team’s Secret Meeting on CEO Compensation
Naked Capitalism | 08 September 2016
FEC Commissioner Warns Dems are Gunning for Conservative Media
Washington Examiner | 07 September 2016
First Amendment…
Puerto Rico Bonds Risk Court Workout If Consensus Eludes Panel
Bloomberg | 01 September 2016
Garcia Padilla’s representative…
I believe Former Star Philadelphia Prosecutor Beverly Campbell was Assassinated Because
Facebook | 26 July 2016
Karl Rove operatives believed she was about to…
Ann Corcoran on Refugee Resettlement
YouTube | 20 April 2015
Town ill prepared…
Hillary’s Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
PRN News Wire | 08 September 2016
Will Pentagon Budget Demands Be Slowed by Multi-Trillion Dollar Scandal?
Daily Bell | 08 September 2016
36 percent more than…
The Grumbling 20
The Hindu | 07 September2016
Lost its way, outlived…
Theresa May’s Frosty Reception at the G20 Shows She Cannot Stonewall About Brexit Forever
Telegraph | 06 September 2016
Often contradictory things…
Obama Administration Spends Another $10 Million To Register New Immigrant Voters
Zero Hedge | 07 September 2016
Broader, government-wide initiative…
China & Russia’s G20 Message: Confrontation with West Not Our Desire
RT | 06 September 2016
Beijing’s concept of a…
CNN Panel: Clinton’s Mobile Devices Were “Destroyed With Hammers”
Real Clear Politics | 05 September 2016
Stop the strategist…
Strieber interviews Dolan, Fitts & Farrell
YouTube | 24 August 2016
The way…who…where…and what…
Japan Throws Spanner into Brexit Negotiations
Naked Capitalism | 05 September 2016
Those firms have no reason to…
Inside Bill Clinton’s Nearly $18 Million Job as ‘Honorary Chancellor’ of a For-profit College
Washington Post | 05 September 2016
Fastest growing college network in the…
Obama Calls Off Meeting with Philippine Leader amid ‘Whore’ Jibe
BBC| 05 September 2016
Extrajudicial killings…
Video: G20 Summit Evening Gala
Zinhuanet | 04 September 2016
Sights and sounds…
Xi Attends BRICS Leaders’ Meeting in Hangzhou
Zinhuanet | 04 September 2016
BRICS leaders’ meeting on the sidelines of …
‘This is our country!’: Tempers flare as Obama arrives in China
NY Post | 03 September 2016
Confrontation between a White House aide and…
US Faces Major Setback As Europeans Revolt Against TTIP
Strategic Culture | 04 September 2016
Because they contain clauses…
The Iraq Inquiry: Sir John Chilcot’s Public Statement
Iraq Inquiry | 06 July 2016
Before the peaceful options…
Putin Blasts Trump and Clinton for ‘Shock’ Campaign Tactics
Bloomberg | 02 September 2016
Hopes for a breakthrough on…
ACLU: Denver Parks Ban Is “Massive Civil Liberties Problem”
Next City | 02 September August 2016
Authority to…
The Virtual Reality Conspiracy Exposed: Special Report
YouTube | 02 September 2016
Jon Rappoport at Minute 4…Total Fascism…internet copyright…
Top USA National Security Officials Admit Turkey Coup
NEO | 31 August 2016
Covert CIA-run networks in…
The Deep State and the Unspeakable – Mike Lofgren
Jesse’s Cafe Americain | 27 August 2016
(Posted for the written piece only) Wall Street may be the ultimate owner of…
The Global Court that Rules the World: ISDS
Buzzfeed | 28 August 2016
Bend countries to their…
Judicial Watch: Hillary Clinton Withheld Or Deleted Benghazi Related Documents
Daily Caller | 25 August 2016
Days before…
‘This is the Beginning of a New Europe’ say Merkel, Renzi and Hollande
Guardian | 22 August 2016
Berlin has made plain it wants…
California Bill Criminalizing Media Reporting of Undercover Videos Alarms Free Speech Advocates
All Gov | 15 August 2016
Subject third parties, including journalists…
California Legislature: AB 1671, Gomez. Confidential Communications: Disclosure
CA Legislature | 15 January 2016
Would make it a crime for…
Cardinal Pell to Lose Major Ally as Chief Financial Officer to Return Home to Australia
The Tablet | 21 July 2016
Off the books…
United States of America, Plaintiff V. One Bombadier Global 5000 Jet Aircraft, Bearing Manufacturer’s Serial Number 9265 and Registration Number N689WM, it’s Tools and Appurtenances, and Aircraft Logboooks
Justice | 07 September 2016
“Wolf of Wall Street” Rights…
Fast Food : School Districts Look at Fingerprint Scanner to Make Lunch Lines more Efficient
NWA | 27 July 2009
Already used at…