In 2003, as politicians in Britain and the US angle to invade Iraq, GCHQ translator Katharine Gun leaks a classified e-mail that urges spying on members of the UN Security Council to force through the
By Jason Leopold Nearly a year after Democrats introduced legislation to reform the health care industry – first by flirting with the prospect of having a government-run program to compete with private insurers and then
“Was ist ein Name? Was uns Rose heißt, wie es auch hieße, würde lieblich duften.” ~ William Shakespeare von Catherine Austin Fitts Übersetzung von Ulrike Granögger Ich bin keine Wissenschaftlerin. Ich bin keine Ärztin. Ich bin
YouTube | November 22 2015 By Catherine Austin Fitts Over the last ten days, I have sat at my computer as the threat of terrorism exploded from engulfing Europe, to coming across the US border,
"Water is the Driving Force of All Nature." ~ Leonardo da Vinci By Brigitte Mouchet We live in a magical world where air and water are probably the most life-supporting elements. Some of our actions—whether
By BestEvidence, A new take on the closing of the gold window (at least new to video), and just in time for the 50th anniversary of that fated day… This episode of Mafiacracy Now shows