Exposed as Massive Spy Machine Invading Your Privacy Natural News | 10 February 2017 Devices can hear…Agencies have already… The Happy City and our $20 Trillion Opportunity Money Mustache | 10 February 2017 Right
A film about media manipulation around court cases. It is an excellent addition to the discussion of deep state legal tactics. Everyone knows the case of the woman who sued McDonald’s over spilled coffee. Or
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard China has succumbed to hubris. It has mistaken the soft diplomacy of Barack Obama for weakness, mistaken the US credit crisis for decline, and mistaken its own mercantilist bubble for ascendancy. There
The Conspiracies that Won’t Go Away: Brother of 9/11 Victim Claim the US Orchestrated the Atrocity as New Study Shows It was Impossible that the Third Tower Collapsed from Fire Daily Mail | 08 September
Bach’s Concerto No. 1 in D minor (BWV 1052) was originally composed for harpsichord. But the brilliant Latvian organist Iveta Apkalna together with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony orchestra here play it in a magnificent adaptation
Switzerland’s Covid-19 law will come under scrutiny — again — on November 28th. Swiss Referendum: Catherine Austin Fitts (ENGLISH) Swiss Referendum: Sucharit Bhakdi (ENGLISH) Swiss-Referendum: Sucharit Bhakdi (German) Swiss Referendum: Thomas Binder (German) Swiss Referendum: