Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver): GATA Chairman Bill Murphy was formally invited Friday by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission to speak at its meeting in Washington on Thursday, March 25, to
Table of Contents Banking Precious Metals Pushing Back on Central Control, “Vaccine” Passports, and CBDCs Taxes Health Issues and Consequences of Taking the Jab Digital Currencies Personal Finance Consequences of Centralization of Control Solari Circles
SWIFT headquarters in La Hulpe. The civil liberties committee in the European Parliament on Thursday recommended that the parliament’s MPs reject a deal that would allow U.S. authorities to continue accessing information held by a
Celery Juice Medical Medium | 14 February 2017 Benefits of Celery Juice… 30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines Health Impact News | 12 February 2017 Priority support alert states…
By Michael Boldin Around the country, twenty two states are currently considering a bill known as the “Firearms Freedom Act.” This bill declares that guns, accessories, and ammunition made within a state, sold within that