“It takes a lot of time and a lot of paying attention and watching the other guys to figure out what works right and the right things to do.” ~ Justin Johnson What would the
Catherine Fitts and Jon Rappoport discuss getting unstuck and creating. Fitts: What I discovered was that, certainly in America, the average American really feels incredibly constricted regarding whether or not they are allowed to invent
“Looking forward, IMF projections imply that the dollar zone will return to the sizeable deficits that were last seen in the mid-1980s. On this view, the dollar zone current account deficit would be larger than
List of US State Bills Streamlining Wireless Small Cells/DAS/Nodes on Rights Of Way EH Trust | 06 July 2017 (5G)Taxpayer property for their own… Cities Fight Bill to Streamline Cell Antenna Installations Mercury News |
The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED By Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs Let’s get right to it because there’s a lot to cover. Part 3 tackled the key implementers of the
The dirt is flying on Soros and his investments: Good news: Obama Backs Off-shore Drilling! Update: A Soros Connection? Hot Air (18 Aug 09) Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling The Wall Street Journal (18 Aug 09)