By Toya, Hideki / Skidmore, Mark My coauthor (Hideki Toya) and I recently posted a working paper that offers an examination of the factors that explain differences across countries in COVID-19 infections and fatalities over
Published by Harvard University Whatever the future, the analysis reported in this paper reveals some important points: • Oil is not in short supply. From a purely physical point of view, there are huge volumes
North Korean Missile “Blows Up” During Launch; President Trump Aware, Has “No Further Comment” Zero Hedge | 15 April 2017 Unidentified missile but the test… Is Putin Incorruptible? Off Guardian | 15 April 2017 How
By Gretchen Morgenson As more details surface about how derivatives helped Greece and perhaps other countries mask their debt loads, let’s not forget that the wonders of these complex products aren’t on display only overseas.
“My high octane speculation for today reiterates something I’ve suggested in many previous blogs: with the commmercialization of space comes the inevitable necessity of protecting those national assets, but with the mining of space and
Read the full article here. Sometimes helping a child we love means supporting the child’s parents. Most parents would love to provide their children with every possible opportunity. However, parents are now raising children during