Is Your TV Watching You? Latest Models Raise Concerns Technolog Digital Advertising Agencies Are Built For The Internet Age Los Angeles Times (8 July12) Discovery:
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” Winston Churchill, paraphrasing George Santayana By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Long winter nights are just perfect for plunging into long TV
“F**k ’em, Jack. By the time they win in court, we’ll be gone.” ~Frank Keating By Catherine Austin Fitts The White House has confirmed that Frank Keating, former Governor of Oklahoma and former General Counsel
By Jason Worth (Note: If not specified otherwise, any quotations in this book review refer to text by the author from the book being reviewed.) The Precariat: The Dangerous New Class is a sociological study
Rico Will Fail to Make Aug.1 Payment, Signaling Default Reuters | 31 July 2015 Economic and cashflow… Report: Greece Planned German CorruptionProbes in ‘Grexit’ Scenario