1. $21 Trillion Missing from US Accounts at DOD and HUD ($65,000 per person) Complete government documentation and numbers available at our Missing Money website which includes wealth of articles on this top since 1998
The great Ideals of the French Revolution Freedom Equality, Fraternity (better than Brotherlihood) Very real, but impracticable ideals in any centralistic government. Must impede each other [antagonistic, polarity]. Freedom for spiritual life, Equality for sphere
The Cost to US Taxpayers for Accepting Immigrants is $135 BILLION Per Year! Need to Know News | 30 September 2017 The Numbers are In… Middle East and Asia Geopolitics: Shift in Military Alliances? Global Research
“Until we base our public policies on the truth, the situation will only get worse. The truth is that contagion is a myth; we need to look elsewhere for the causes of disease. Only when