March 6, 2020 Beethoven, Sinfonía Nº 1. Wiener Philharmoniker, Christian Thielemann Related reading: Symphony No. 2 (Beethoven) on Wikipedia Ludwig van Beethoven on Wikipedia Christian Thielemann on Wikipedia Sinfonía n.º 1 (Beethoven) on Wikipedia Vienna
“Some say that ever ‘gainst that season comes, Wherein our Savior’s birth is celebrated, The bird of dawning singeth all night long; And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad; The nights are wholesome;
“I live in the middle, and when you live in the middle, you see things from all sides.” ~ Sarah Kendzior By Catherine Austin Fitts Based in St. Louis on the Mississippi River, Sarah Kendzior
By Catherine Austin Fitts As of January 25, Rambus has called a top in the stock market, saying that we could see a cyclical bear market within the long term bull. You can read more
By Catherine Austin Fitts Theme: Fascism with FASAB 56 (Secret Money) Stories: Africa: Faith statistics Asia: China Exports Slow Europe: Brexit: The Endless Agony US: Dr. Naomi Wolfe nails the “piratization” and change in governance