For Let’s Go to the Movies, we have selected the 2015 blockbuster from the James Bond series, Spectre. SPECTRE—acronym for “Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion”—is a transnational criminal organization that carries out
Barbara Kinsey Willits Fitts and Dr. William Thomas Fitts, Jr. (then Captain, US Army Medical Corp, circa 1941-2.) ~Originally Published August 2004~ Honor thy Father and thy Mother — The Fourth Commandment By Catherine Austin
“Today, four companies produce 84 percent of our beef. Four companies control the world’s grain market. Six corporations control 90 percent of the media. Ten companies control everything you buy. Three companies completely dominate the
By Jason Worth (Note: If not specified otherwise, any quotations in this book review refer to text by the author from the book being reviewed.) The Precariat: The Dangerous New Class is a sociological study
Eaton Vance Taking Over Responsible-investment Manager Calvert Reuters | 21 October 2016 Overstated the value of… Catherine Austin Fitts on Richie Allen Show YouTube | 19 October 2016 Criminal… Keiser Report: War on Terror –