NSA Whistleblower – Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real YouTube | 16 March 2017 Whistleblower Hell… Russian Parliament Backs Investigation into US Media CNBC | 18 March 2017 Russian due diligence… The CIA’s
Views of the country’s short- and long-term economic future are gloomier these days than they have been at any time since President Obama took office in January of last year. Forty-two percent (42%) of American
Silicon Valley’s Doomsday: Prepping For An Economic Apocalypse [Divided America, Pt. 1] | AJ+ Docs YouTube | 28 June 2017 Silicon Valley White Collar Prepping…. Jeff & John Lenard Walson – Staggering Spaceship Photos –
“Groucho Marx made a small fortune in vaudeville and then lost it all in the stock market crash of 1929. His sense of humor was no help to him then. One day in the early