What’s Worse: Trump’s Campaign Agenda or Empowering Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert It? Intercept | 05 August 2017 Refusal to consider cuts in entitlement… Washington Deep State w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney YouTube | 24
Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi own and run an urgent care facility in Kern County, CA. YouTube has taken the video down. You can no longer view at MSN. You can view at
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla By Ulrike Granögger Dr. Beverly Rubik, biophysicist and founder of the Institute for Frontier
By Dakin Campbell and Michael J. Moore Moody’s Investors Service suffered a downgrade of its own as markets responded to the company’s rating cuts yesterday of 15 of the world’s largest banks by bidding up
Deutsche Bank: Bond Investors Are About to Get Crushed as a New Global Cycle Kicks Off Bloomberg | 09 September 2016 Cycle is kicking… Would You Store Your Stuff in Someone Else’s Closet? This Start-up
Hurricane Jose: Storm Nearly ‘Category Five’ as it Follows Irma’s Destructive Path Guardian | 09 September 2017 Many of Irma’s victims… Huge Earthquake in Mexico and Strange Lights in the Sky During It RT |