Seed Swap follows Dr. Campbell, an anthropologist living in the Ozarks, as he helps to organize a seed swap to be held March 1st 2008 in Mountain View, Arkansas. Hundreds of people and seed varieties
EU Explores Account Freezes to Prevent Runs at Failing Banks Reuters | 28 July 2017 Allow a moratorium on bank payouts in… The Elites Are Jumping Ship As The Financial Collapse Draws Near Zero Hedge
Please note that this is a personal newsletter written by Sofia Smallstorm. It is not “the news,” but rather a reflective way of sharing information. Sofia covers a range of subjects. You will find more
“After being sued by 38 states, Google admitted last March that its weird-looking cars outfitted with roof cameras facing four directions were not just taking pictures; they were collecting data from computers inside homes and
Scores of Chinese Billionaires and CEOs have Disappeared in ‘State-sanctioned Abductions’ News AU | 06 February 2017 Wife fled to… Simon Cards on Pizzagate/Pedophilia: Start at 32 Mins YouTube | 05 February 2017 32 minutes…
Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file Download the Interview MP3 audio file Read the transcript of Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D. “Once I learned about the extreme liability protection that