“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” ~ Milton Berle (Seen on cafe wall by Catherine in Lugano this week) By Catherine Austin Fitts There is no aspect of food left unexplored by Harry Blazer.
Catherine Austin Fitts – Government Taking Massive Amounts of Money Dark USA Watchdog | 24 November 2018 Catherine Austin Fitts – Intervista Associazione Comunità di Etica Vivente | 12 December 2018 2018 The Year in
A wonderful movie—based on a true story—about music, friendship, and the power of community. Well written and brilliantly acted, Green Book celebrates our humanity and American road tripping! It reminds us that no matter how
“Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This ban on torture and other ill-treatment has subsequently
Our hero this week is Leonardo Da Vinci. Make sure to read Nina Heyn’s introduction to our year of celebrating da Vinci on the 500th anniversary of his death. Food for the Soul: The Year