George Soros, Mastercard to Partner to Aid Migrants, Refugees Reuters | 21 January 2017 Profitable so as to… Visualizing The Global War On Cash Zero Hedge | 21 January 2017 Three major players… India –
Reginald H. Howe, partner in Golden Sextant Advisors and litigator in the first gold price-fixing case, Howe vs. Bank for International Settlements, has just analyzed the latest precious metals derivatives report from the BIS and
“We are, I believe, involved at present in what I can only call a Third World War….Man’s struggle to save his personality from destruction by technology is something more than a substitute for war. It
FCC: Intimidating Press, Suppressing Science at “5G” Rollout YouTube | 26 July 2016 Is there a clandestine… Shell Warns ‘Peak Oil Demand’ Could Be Reached In 2021 Zero Hedge | 04 November 2016 Between 5
By Bronwen Evans Thailand has been one of the most successful countries in the world in managing the spread and lethality of the Covid-19 virus. For most of the second half of the year there
“The enemy of women is not men. No, and the enemy of the black is not the white. The enemy of the capitalist is not the communist, the enemy of homosexual is not heterosexual, the