“The State of New York did one of the most despicable acts ever perpetrated by any state by asking New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to stop doing business with the gun and
“A goal of the plan [behind the anthrax attacks] is borne out by the fact that the massive expansion of bioweapons R&D continues apace despite the official acknowledgement that the only bio attack in American
~What Happens In Vegas, Stays With The CIA?~ YouTube | 05 October 2017 Evidence and Multiple Shooters.. India S. Colon is Showing What’s Really Going on in P.R. YouTube | 04 October 2017 Katrina Replay..
White House Axes Transgender Protections Just Days after Donald Trump Claims to Support LGBT Rights UK Independent | 14 February 2017 Transgender de-funding.. Your Dog Knows When You’re Behaving Badly, New Research Shows Palm Beach