By Catherine Austin Fitts Here is an excerpt of my comments on the events in Charlottesville on August 17 which we are making public. Listen to the MP3 audio file The Solari Report 2017-09-06 Download
By Scott Gold Curiosity, the largest and most advanced spacecraft ever sent to another planet, stuck its extraordinary landing Sunday night in triumphant and flawless fashion, and is poised to begin its pioneering, two-year hunt
“Because the great choice in a nation of 320 million may come down to Crazy Man versus Criminal.” ~ Peggy Noonan By Catherine Austin Fitts THE FINANCIAL COUP D’ ETAT & MONICA LEWINSKY I was
U.S. ELECTION: Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Presidential Election? Strategic Culture | 05 November 2016 To be… Julian Assange: “Hillary Made The FBI Look Weak, And Now They’re Out For Payback” Zero Hedge |
“There’s an itch in my mind, but I can only find it occasionally. It’s like rummaging through a box of ancient refuse and incomprehensible knick-knacks and suddenly feeling the two-pronged bite of a snake between
“Catherine Austin Fitts has perspective on the housing and mortgage meltdown like no other. Under President George Herbert Walker Bush, she was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD, where she basically