Limitless Energy: MIT Set a New Record for Nuclear Fusion Futurism | 16 October 2016 Candidate for… Scientists Just Launched A Breakthrough Initiative To Find Intelligent Alien Life/ Futurism | 15 October 2016 FAST will
Suddenly Vladimir Putin Meets Vitalik Buterin, Endorses Ethereum Coin Telegraph | 04 June 2017 Ethereum Get’s It’s Ticket Punched… Bernard Lietaer Joins Bancor Protocol Foundation as Chief Monetary Architect Bancor Net | 10 June 2017 More Monetary
The Beatitudes are eight blessings sung as part of the Divine Liturgy in Slavic Orthodox practice. They are meant to inspire the listeners to the ideals of mercy, spirituality, and compassion. This song was created
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“The hunt is on and brother you’re the prey” ~ Curtis Mayfield, “New World Order” By Catherine Austin Fitts Matt Taibbi’s The Divide: American Injustice