Bob Dylan Wins a Nobel Prize The Economist | 13 October 2016 comparing him to Homer and… “Liars For Hire” – Confessions Of A Former Journalist From The Media Establishment Zero Hedge | 11 October
Mish Shedlock has another story out about how government is broke and union workers are selfishly asking for pay raises in the face of these fiscal catastrophes. Chicago Public Schools System Is Broke; Union Contract
"Some say that ever 'gainst that season comes, Wherein our Savior's birth is celebrated, The bird of dawning singeth all night long; And then, they say, no spirit dare stir abroad; The nights are wholesome;
by: Corey Lynn Critical Race Theory is a mere molehill compared to the “social, emotional learning” (SEL) embedded programs because SEL is a cover story for the psychological infiltration on children and adults for a
YouTube | November 22 2015 By Catherine Austin Fitts Over the last ten days, I have sat at my computer as the threat of terrorism exploded from engulfing Europe, to coming across the US border,
How a 5-year-old’s ‘Pretend Play’ Resulted in a School Suspension Modesto Bee | 20 September 2017 Terrorist… Latest Solari Donation Funeral Expenses for My Father Go Fund Me | 20 September 2017 After combining what