Catherine’s Planet Lockdown interview had reached 2.7MM views on the Truth Matters channel when it was taken down by YouTube over the last 24 hours. There were approximately 12,000 comments and 68,000 likes and 1,700
China establishes yuan-ruble payment system Reuters | 12 October 2018 About Those “Hedonic Adjustments” to Inflation: Ignoring the Systemic Decline in Quality, Utility, Durability and Service Charles Hugh Smith | 11 October 2017 Shrink-Flation by the
“This book (An Inconvenient Journey, 2015) describes my journey in the academic world and what happened when I went against the grain and challenged the prevailing paradigm…. I had on my journey gone from being
Unborn Babies Being Prepared For Transhumanism Through Vaccines Vaxxter | 05 April 2017 Breaks down the theory and puts forth… Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News YouTube | 01 April 2017 More than 200 bright Arctic…
As we move into the new year and 2010 forecast after forecast hits the Street, invariably the “mountain of money on the sidelines” argument is being put forth by more than a good number of