Experts Reveal Techniques Used by the Media to Brainwash & Control Us Daily Sheeple | 17 December 2016 To achieve very specific… The House Passes A Microchipping Law That Is Intended To Help Local Authorities
Veterans For Child Rescue: Exposing Pedophiles & Rescuing Children Vets 4 Child Rescue | March 2017 Expose this crisis through joint … Crowdfunding Site Bans Investigations of Child Sex Slavery Infowars | 01 April 2017
By Scott Gold Curiosity, the largest and most advanced spacecraft ever sent to another planet, stuck its extraordinary landing Sunday night in triumphant and flawless fashion, and is poised to begin its pioneering, two-year hunt
As Climate Change Accelerates, Floating Cities Look Like Less of a Pipe Dream NYT| 27 January 2017 ‘Can you hear me?’ Scam has Police Urging People to Hang Up Immediately Fox News | 27 January
What Actually Happens to Your Donated Clothing? Mercola | 17 January 2017 Suffer due to glut of… Martin Luther King Day: 10 Memorable MLK Quotes CS Monitor | 17 January 2011 “Strength to Love” is