Did you know that music and mathematics are intimately related? Tempo, rhythm, meter, and even scales are all based on numbers and numerical ratios. What most of us do not consider is that numbers themselves—when
Email from a Subscriber: 96.2% Trump 529 votes 3.1% Biden 17 votes Randall County 78% Trump Potter County north part of Amarillo 66% Trump I watched a little of Fox coverage last night. Rove was
In the late 1990’s Catherine’s attorneys asked her to record her recollections of working in the Bush Administration. She recorded six 90 minutes cassettes that over time passed around the Internet. For those who have
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have just learned that Dr. Perry and his wife Kim were killed in a plane crash this past weekend {August 14, 2016) with two other couples as they returned from a dental conference
“The Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management & Comptroller) and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter journal voucher (JV) adjustments and