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Before the conference Catherine Austin Fitts shares… “They will fail”…”my plan? My plan is to build a human civilization…” Geopolitics Food & Health Economics & Financial Markets Science & Technology Space Culture Bizarro World Inspiration and Take Action Unanswered Questions
VI. How to Barter with Gold and Silver Coins
Imagine the worst has happened. The banking and financial system is dead as a door nail. Pretty soon your food will run out, and you’ll have no choice but to use your stash of gold and silver coins as money. But how on earth do you do that? Relax, relax. There’s nothing to it….
V. Interview with Stefan Gleason, Sound Money Defense League, on Abolishing Sales Tax on Gold and Silver
Stefan Gleason is director of the Sound Money Defense League ( as well as Money Metals Exchange, a national precious metals investment company and news service with over 600,000 readers and 400,000 paid customers. Gleason currently leads marketing, publishing, and real estate companies as well. Previously, Gleason served as Vice President of the National Right…
Gold & Silver: Defending Family Wealth and Sovereignty for 5,000 Years
By Franklin Sanders “Money has a history which is fifty centuries old, and filled with an experience too valuable and too dearly bought to be ignored or thrown away.” ~ Alexander del Mar “Betting against gold is the same as betting on governments. He who bets on governments and government money bets against 6,000 years…
Part II: Trends We Track
CULTURE I. The War on God A. Food for the Soul B. A Commitment to Transparency/Increase in Propaganda and Suppression of Intelligence C. The Commitment to a Human Culture II. Mind Control and Sovereignty A. The Weaponization of Q, Jan 6, Domestic Terrorism, Mental Health, Divide & Conquer Tactics and Trigger Words B. Growing Appreciation…
X. Gold and Silver Clause Contracts: An Escape Route
Day by day, America’s monetary and financial system teeters on the edge of a cliff. Since 2008, it is not just the recurring recessions and the boom and bust cycle caused by the banking system that have terrified us, but also what insane new path the Federal Reserve might invent to meet the next crisis. …