Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

By Nina Heyn — Your Culture Scout Art museums sometimes showcase outstanding fashion designs, often presenting historical collections of artists who long ago earned their place in the pantheon of couture. Over the last few […]

Food for the Soul – Georgia O’Keeffe: Women & Art Series 12

Food for the Soul – Georgia O’Keeffe: Women & Art Series 12

Georgia O’Keeffe. Pelvis with the distance (1943). Indianapolis Museum of Art, Newfields, IN. © Indianapolis Museum of Art/Gift of Anne Marmon Greenleaf in memory of Caroline M. Fesler. Photo: Bridgeman Images © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum/Adagp, […]

Food for the Soul: Rosa Bonheur – Women & Art Series 10

Food for the Soul: Rosa Bonheur – Women & Art Series 10

Édouard Louis Dubufe. Portrait of Rosa Bonheur (the bull was painted by Bonheur) (1857). Versailles Palace. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is a reason why the traditionally dressed Victorian […]

Food for the Soul: New York Big Five – The Frick

Food for the Soul: New York Big Five – The Frick

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres – Portrait de Comtesse D’Haussonville (1845). The Frick Collection, New York. Photo: ©The Frick Collection, Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout So many people love the experience of visiting New […]

Food for the Soul: Olga Boznańska – Women Artists Series 6

Food for the Soul: Olga Boznańska – Women Artists Series 6

Olga Boznańska – Self-Portrait (1908). National Museum, Warsaw. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Even casual museumgoers are familiar with such female artists as Georgia O’Keeffe or Mary Cassatt—celebrated painters whose […]

Food for the Soul: Women at Work- IV – The Toil

Food for the Soul: Women at Work- IV – The Toil

Jewish Woman with Oranges. Alexander Gierymski (1881). National Museum Warsaw. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is nothing attractive about toil—this mind-numbing effort of farming or doing some menial, repetitive […]

Food for the Soul: Women at Work Part II – At Home

Food for the Soul: Women at Work Part II – At Home

Part A Young Woman Sewing. Nicolaes Maes (1655). Harold Samuel Collection, © City of London Corporation, London. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout This is the second part in our series […]

Food for the Soul: Women at Prado – Women Artists Series 2

Food for the Soul: Women at Prado – Women Artists Series 2

Sofonisba Anguissola. Self-Portrait at the Easel. 1556-57. Muzeum-Zamek. Łańcut, Poland. Photo credit: Courtesy of the © Prado National Museum, Madrid, Spain. “Her paintings were celebrated for their calm and gentle style, and for the particularity […]