“Never Say Die” with Dr. Naomi Wolf

“Never Say Die” with Dr. Naomi Wolf

“When cowards despair, be this our reply—All that’s noble and humanIn constant and true man,In brave patient woman,Cries—never say die.”~

Solution Series: Food Forest Abundance with Jim Gale

Solution Series: Food Forest Abundance with Jim Gale

“We’ve got 44 million acres of lawn in the United States. The lawn is the foundation of enslavement and the biggest mass brainwashing scam in the world, as it takes more chemicals and resources than

Engineering the Global Coup with Dr. Jacob Nordangård

Engineering the Global Coup with Dr. Jacob Nordangård

“This book (An Inconvenient Journey, 2015) describes my journey in the academic world and what happened when I went against the grain and challenged the prevailing paradigm…. I had on my journey gone from being

Food Series: Untruth in Labeling with Dr. Sina McCullough

Food Series: Untruth in Labeling with Dr. Sina McCullough

“You can’t legislate integrity.“~ Joel Salatin By Pete Kennedy The lack of transparency as to what is actually in our food is accelerating. Our labeling laws too often leave consumers in the dark and unable

EMF Solutions with Jared Scholten

EMF Solutions with Jared Scholten

Recommended by Jared: LessEMF.com — They focus on wearables that protect from EMF. There is still a lot of research being done in this field, but they have a lot of different products. Mercola Market

Inventing and Weaponizing AIDS, Part 1 with David Rasnick

Inventing and Weaponizing AIDS, Part 1 with David Rasnick

“One virus, HIV, is now being asked to explain a huge, discordant series of physical symptoms…. It is the most embarrassing example of second-rate science in decades.” ~ Jon Rappoport, AIDS Inc: Scandal of the