Via Europa: Some Like it Red

Via Europa: Some Like it Red

By Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer To celebrate the New Year, I wanted you to meet Camilla Radford-Furman. When she told me she had recently done a remote / online wine tasting, I thought to myself that only

The Best of The Solari Report 2021 – The Solari Series

The Best of The Solari Report 2021 – The Solari Series

“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn By Catherine Austin Fitts This coming week we publish our

Via Europa Series

Via Europa Series

Via Europa: European Energy—A Difficult Situation with Bruno Comby – April 28, 2022 This week in Solari’s Via Europa series, I share a timely conversation with French nuclear physicist, author, and energy visionary Bruno Comby […]

About Vanessa

About Vanessa

Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer Real Estate Agent and Appraiser Graduated from the Sorbonne University, Master in Real Estate Lecturer at the Sorbonne University, English for Real Estate Ambassador-at-Large of the Institute of General Semantics Graduated in Linguistics […]

Via Europa: France During COVID

Via Europa: France During COVID

Watch the Full Video: Listen to the MP3 audio file Download the MP3 audio file By Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer We’ve recently been witnessing a series of unusual events in France that might indicate change is around

Via Europa with Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer

Via Europa with Vanessa Biard-Schaeffer

Introduction "What we do in life echos in eternity." ~ Marcus Aurelius By Catherine Austin Fitts This week, it is my great pleasure to announce a new quarterly series, Via Europa, from Vanessa Biard-Shaeffer. Via