The Threefold Social Order

The Threefold Social Order

Listen to the MP3 audio file Threefold Social Order—Basic Points The great ideals of the French Revolution Freedom, Equality, Fraternity (better than Brotherhood) Very real […]

History and Evolution

History and Evolution

Solari North American Video Server (European Mirror) Listen to the MP3 audio file Read the Transcript Outline “Ordinary History – ‘a fable convenue’” ~ Napoleon […]

Spiritual Knowledge – What is it? with Thomas H. Meyer

Spiritual Knowledge – What is it? with Thomas H. Meyer

Thomas Presents: What is knowledge? The synthesis of percept and concept Two mistakes: Natural science and the physical perceptions Spiritual science and the non-physical perceptions Perceptions of the etheric, astral and ego 100 Years ago:

Spiritual Knowledge – What is it?

Spiritual Knowledge – What is it?

Spiritual Knowledge – What is it? Video Mirror   Listen to the MP3 audio file     Read the Transcript     Thomas Presents: What […]

Meyer Solari Library

Meyer Solari Library

The Solari Report has published a series of interviews with Thomas H. Meyer in addition to those listed at Spiritual Science in the Present Age. […]

Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner

A Short Bio for Rudolf Steiner Born Feb. 27 1861 in Kraljevec (today Croatia) Technical Gymnasium, then Technical High School in Vienna Through teacher K.J. […]

Spiritual Science in the Present Age

Spiritual Science in the Present Age

Spiritual Science Academy will present lectures by Thomas H. Meyer and his colleagues on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. The courses will be presented in […]

Thomas H. Meyer

Thomas H. Meyer

T. H. Meyer was born in Switzerland in 1950. He is the founder of Perseus Verlag, Basel, and is editor of the monthly journal Der […]

How Do I Find the Christ?

How Do I Find the Christ?

  Recorded June 28, 2021     Read the Transcript   Audio: Catherine Interviews Thomas Meyer: The Meaning of Whitsun (See Separate Recording) The Cosmic […]

Spiritual Warfare with Jon Rappoport

Spiritual Warfare with Jon Rappoport

“Once you embark on a road of imagination and creating, all bets are off. All preconceptions about what you must do, make, think, assume, and

Spiritual Warfare with Rev. Franklin Sanders

Spiritual Warfare with Rev. Franklin Sanders

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness

Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

QUESTION I listened to you on Alex Jones recently and I was wondering where I could go to learn the spiritual warfare techniques you spoke