Blast from the Past: Bohemian Grove Underway!

Blast from the Past: Bohemian Grove Underway!

“The Bohemian club! Did you say Bohemian club? That’s where all those rich Republicans go up and stand naked against redwood trees right? I’ve never been to the Bohemian club but you oughta go. It’d

Blast from the Past: Week of May 23, 2022: The Missing Money

Blast from the Past: Week of May 23, 2022: The Missing Money

The Blast from the Past this week is the Missing Money—our extensive documentation of trillions of unsupported adjustments in U.S. government spending. This trove includes all of Kelly Patricia O’Meara’s articles in Insight Magazine and

Blast from the Past: Week of April 25, 2022: The Slow Burn

Blast from the Past: Week of April 25, 2022: The Slow Burn

Go back 14 years in the Solari Library and you will learn how to better understand the economic warfare that is happening right now. Catherine identified “The Slow Burn” as the greatest risk scenario decades

Blast from the Past: Week of April 4, 2022: Deep Survival

Blast from the Past: Week of April 4, 2022: Deep Survival

How do we make the best decisions and manage risk in the most difficult times of life? This Blast from the Past is a not-to-be-missed conversation that Catherine held in 2009 with Laurence Gonzales, author

Blast from the Past: Dr. Samuel Milham on Dirty Electricity

Blast from the Past: Dr. Samuel Milham on Dirty Electricity

For a better understanding of our Solari Future Science Report interview with Dr. Beverly Rubik on a possible connection between wireless radiation and Covid-19, we also recommend to revisit this 2011 interview with Dr. Samuel

Blast from the Past: Week of Feb. 14, 2022: The Missing Money

Blast from the Past: Week of Feb. 14, 2022: The Missing Money

This week, the Solari Report publishes the 2021 Annual Wrap Up theme of “Sovereignty” by John Titus. Sovereignty requires accountability. A global “reset” will play out very differently depending on whether the folks who stole

Blast from the Past: Week of Feb. 7, 2022: Control Files

Blast from the Past: Week of Feb. 7, 2022: Control Files

Continuing our discussions on the need to “stop the passports” as one of our paramount goals for 2022, we return to “control files” and how they help shape the events unfolding before our eyes. Control