

The introduction commentary to Solari Circles including audios and transcripts are available at here



The introduction commentary to the Equity Overview including audios and transcripts are available at here

Take Action 2021

Take Action 2021

“At the banquet table of nature, there are no reserved seats. You get what you can take, and you keep what you can hold. If […]



S&P 500 (SCHX) U.S. Small Caps (SCHA), U.S. Mid Caps (SCHM), U.S. Large Caps (SCHX) U.S. Aerospace & Defense (ITA) Consumer Discretionary (XLY) Consumer Staples […]



Crude Oil (OILNF) Russia (RSX), Crude Oil (OILNF) Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) Mining (GDX), Junior Mining (GDXJ) Commodities Index (CRB) Baltic Dry Index

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

U.S. Dollar Index Fixed Income U.S. Bond Aggregate (AGG), High Yield Bond ETF (JNK) 5-7yr. Treasury ETF (IEF), 20 yr. + Treasury ETF (TLT)

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

By Catherine Austin Fitts My “go to” website for technical analysis of precious metals, the US dollar & the US stock market is Rambus Chartology, […]

Financial Markets

Financial Markets

Table of Contents Fixed Income Commodities Equities

Part II: Commentary

Part II: Commentary

The introduction commentary to Part II including audios and transcripts are available at here

Part I: Commentary

Part I: Commentary

The introduction commentary to Part I including audios and transcripts are available at here

Truthstream Media Videos

Truthstream Media Videos

The Truthstream MediaVideos for this quarter. We Are Truthstream MediaApril 4th, 2021 We’re Still Here in a Winter of Frustration…February 20th, 2021 Do You See […]

Top News Videos

Top News Videos

The curated collection of the Top News Videos for 1st Quarter 2021 is here. ECONOMY AND FINANCIAL MARKETS Fed Chair and Treasury Sec Call For […]

Part II: Top Ten Stories

Part II: Top Ten Stories

~ Part II includes our stories for Culture, Science & Technology, Space, and Food & Health. Headlines have been placed in the table below associating […]

Part I: Top Ten Stories

Part I: Top Ten Stories

Part I includes our stories for our first two categories: Economy and Financial Markets, Precious Metals, & Currencies and Geopolitics. Headlines have been placed in […]

Part II: Trends We Track

Part II: Trends We Track

CULTURE I. A Commitment to a Human Culture A. Food for the Soul B. A Commitment to Transparency II. Mind Control and Sovereignty III. Financial […]

Part I: Trends We Track

Part I: Trends We Track

Every day, we post links to stories in our News Trends & Stories section. Analyzing this flow provides intelligence about the deeper news. Here are […]

Donations – 2021 (Year to Date)

Donations – 2021 (Year to Date)

“I think people forget that it doesn’t take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.” ~ Hannah Teter We believe […]

Closing & Credits

Closing & Credits

By Catherine Austin Fitts “Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so […]



By Catherine Austin Fitts “It’s the family you choose that counts.” ~ Andrew Vachss The fight for human and property rights will be won in […]

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I. Home Table of Contents Introduction Donations Year To Date II. Take Action 2021 Solari Circles: Take Action Together Solari Circles: Taking Action at the […]

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