Coup D’état Movie List

Coup D’état Movie List

Films and Television Series: SEVEN DAYS IN MAY (1964) A political action movie from the veteran of this genre, director John Frankenheimer. Kirk Douglas and […]

Equity Overview: Subscriber Resources

Equity Overview: Subscriber Resources

DISCUSSION OUTLINE Introduction 2021: Charts Rambus Chartology 2022 – Scenarios Risk Risk Strategy vs Investment Strategy Risk Management Living Capital: You are the Asset This […]

New Media

New Media

New Media: Asha Logos LS Sharyl Attkisson The Autism Trust and Polly’s Place BestEvidence (at Bitchute) Blue Tiger (de Blauwe Tiger) Cafe Weltschmerz Charles Hugh […]

Top Videos

Top Videos

If You Only Watch One Video this Year, Watch Dr. Mike Yeadon Take Action Economics & Financial Markets Culture Geopolitics Food & Health Science & […]

On Sovereignty

On Sovereignty

Sovereignty—A Primer on How to Lose Your Country “Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. Bankers own the earth; take it away […]



Food for the Soul: Law, Justice, and Art

Food for the Soul: Law, Justice, and Art

Wu Youru. Regaining the Provincial Capital of Ruizhou (1886). Private collection. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The conventional wisdom that […]

2021 Hero of the Year

2021 Hero of the Year

“You are stronger than you think you are.” ~ Wim Hof By Catherine Austin Fitts We are delighted to announce an extraordinary man as our hero […]

2021 Movie of the Year

2021 Movie of the Year

The Resistance Banker is a 2018 award-winning Dutch movie, set in the Netherlands during World War II. It is based on the true story of banker […]

2021 Documentary of the Year

2021 Documentary of the Year

When filmmaker James Patrick came to Stavoren to interview Catherine in 2020, she and the Solari team had no idea what the film would be. […]

Let’s Go to the Movies

Let’s Go to the Movies

2020-12-21 Joyeux Noël 2020-12-14 Miracle on 34th Street 2020-12-07 A Christmas Carol 2020-11-30 The Man Who Invented Christmas 2020-11-23 Waking Ned Devine 2020-11-16 HOLD-UP 2020-11-09 […]

2022 Solari Calendar

2022 Solari Calendar

Note: Event dates are subject to change due to pandemic cancelations HOLIDAYS INTERNATIONAL EVENTS (global events marked in red) KEY FINANCIAL EVENTS Note: World Economic […]

Best Books for 2022

Best Books for 2022

“I know a man who thinks he’s poor,But he is rich indeed,He has a chair, a friend who’s sure,And three good books to read!’ ~ […]

Scenario #4: The Shortage Situation

Scenario #4: The Shortage Situation

The “Shortage” Situation[Low Mortality – High Inflation/Shortages] Let’s face it—it is a lot easier to deal with cutting back and going without when your friends […]

Scenario #3: The Death & Debt Dire Straits

Scenario #3: The Death & Debt Dire Straits

The “Death & Debt” Dire Straits[High Mortality – High Inflation/Shortages] Unfortunately, this scenario is the most likely candidate. In this scenario, many areas will struggle […]

Scenario #2: The In Recovery Race

Scenario #2: The In Recovery Race

The “In Recovery” Race[Low Mortality – Low Inflation/Shortages] Given how the year has started off, we give this scenario a low probability. Price inflation is […]

Scenario #1: The In Probate Process

Scenario #1: The In Probate Process

The “In Probate” Process[High Mortality – Low Inflation/Shortages] In this scenario, many areas will struggle with high rates of disease and death. This puts an […]

Closing & Credits

Closing & Credits

“There is no power on earth that can neutralize the influence of a high, simple and useful life.” ~ Booker T. Washington By Catherine Austin […]

Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready

Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready

This year, I focused on a shorter time frame than usual in the development of our four scenarios for strategic planning and investment decision-making. Several […]



S&P 500 (SCHX) U.S. Small Caps (SCHA), U.S. Mid Caps (SCHM), U.S. Large Caps (SCHX) U.S. Aerospace & Defense (ITA) Consumer Discretionary (XLY) Consumer Staples […]



Crude Oil (OILNF) Russia (RSX), Crude Oil (OILNF) Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) Mining (GDX), Junior Mining (GDXJ) Commodities Index (CRB) Baltic Dry Index

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

“Today in the U.S. we are in the fourth superbubble of the last hundred years…..In a bubble, no one wants to hear the bear case. […]

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

By Catherine Austin Fitts My “go to” website for technical analysis of precious metals, the US dollar & the US stock market is Rambus Chartology, where […]

Part II:  Inspiration

Part II: Inspiration

Inspiration Cash Friday User-Friendly Memes CashFriday, how it started and how to use it Inspiring Actions How to deal with dark times | Tim Keller […]

Part II: Liberty vs. Tyranny—Ten More Fronts

Part II: Liberty vs. Tyranny—Ten More Fronts

~ Part II includes our fronts for Investment, Pension, and Sovereign Wealth Funds; Covert Force and Organized Crime; Media and Entertainment (Censorship); Digital Concentration Camps: […]

Part II: Trends We Track

Part II: Trends We Track

CULTURE I. The War on God A. Food for the SoulB. A Commitment to Transparency/Increase in Propaganda and Suppression of IntelligenceC. The Commitment to a […]

Part I: Trends We Track

Part I: Trends We Track

Every day, we post links to stories in our News Trends & Stories section. Analyzing this flow provides intelligence about the deeper news. Here are […]

Donations – 2021

Donations – 2021

“I think people forget that it doesn’t take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.” ~ Hannah Teter We believe […]



“No one knows about a good thing until a good thing is gone.“ ~ Curtis Mayfield, “No One Knows About a Good Thing,” New World […]

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I. Home Table of Contents Introduction Donations II. On Sovereignty Coup D’état Movie List III. Food for the Soul IV. News, Trends & Stories Part […]