Blockbuster Chartology with Rambus

Blockbuster Chartology with Rambus

“I know there are a lot of folks that are frozen in the headlights right now not knowing what to do. It’s never easy to

1st Quarter 2016 News Trends & Stories

1st Quarter 2016 News Trends & Stories

Here are the trends and stories from the 1st Quarter that will help you stay informed on current events, particularly the ones likely to impact

The Saker: A Unipolar vs. Multipolar World

The Saker: A Unipolar vs. Multipolar World

Read the Transcript Read the transcript of The Saker: A Unipolar vs. Multipolar World here (PDF) Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file The Solari

Russia and Global Geopolitics with the Saker

Russia and Global Geopolitics with the Saker

“Russia is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” ~ Winston Churchill By Catherine Austin Fitts A “saker” is a large migratory falcon

Rambus: Are We in a Deflationary Spiral?

Rambus: Are We in a Deflationary Spiral?

[Click on this chart to view a full-sized version.] “The illusion of randomness gradually disappears as the skill in chart reading improves.” ~  John Murphy

2015 Annual Equity Overview

2015 Annual Equity Overview

“However bad things were in the oil patch, the year 2015 was worse for the coal miners. What is happening to the market for coal

2015 Annual Wrap Up – Space: Here We Go!

2015 Annual Wrap Up – Space: Here We Go!

  “The reverberation often exceeds through silence the sound that sets it off; the reaction occasionally outdoes by way of repose the event that stimulated

Reviewing Major Themes of 2015: The Wrap Ups

Reviewing Major Themes of 2015: The Wrap Ups

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” ~ Dr. Seuss By Catherine Austin Fitts The Solari Report Annual Wrap Up will publish on

Agenda 21 with Rosa Koire

Agenda 21 with Rosa Koire

“UN Agenda 21 is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction,

What’s the Action? with Sibel Edmonds

What’s the Action? with Sibel Edmonds

“Never mistake motion for action.” ~ Ernest Hemingway By Catherine Austin Fitts Sibel Edmonds is the founder of the Boiling Frogs Post, an online media

The U.S. Economy with Robert Litan

The U.S. Economy with Robert Litan

“A disproportionate number of innovations are developed by entrepreneurs, as opposed to big firms.” ~Robert Litan By Catherine Austin Fitts Robert Litan is one of

3rd Quarter 2015 Wrap Up

3rd Quarter 2015 Wrap Up

–Just a Taste Q3 2015 1920 from The Solari Report– –> “The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the

3rd Quarter 2015 Wrap Up: Equity Overview

3rd Quarter 2015 Wrap Up: Equity Overview

“One of the funny things about the stock market is that every time one person buys, another sells, and both think they are astute.” ~

Changing Your Mind with Jon Rappoport

Changing Your Mind with Jon Rappoport

“The dog trots freely in the street and has his own dog’s life to live and to think about and to reflect upon touching and

What You Need to Know Now

What You Need to Know Now

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” ~ Mark Twain By

The Offshore Financial System with Lucy Komisar

The Offshore Financial System with Lucy Komisar

“Nowadays, people will go anywhere to avoid paying tax. A quick visit to Lichtenstein, Monaco, maybe Jersey; empty the vaults of private wealth, and you

The Student Loan Scam with Alan Michael Collinge

The Student Loan Scam with Alan Michael Collinge

“If there were no government-guaranteed student loans, college tuition would be much lower.” ~ Gary Johnson By Catherine Austin Fitts In 1992, the US Secretary

What’s Up This Fall 2015?

What’s Up This Fall 2015?

“Rush hour cometh.” ~ Pastor Melvin Bufford, September 16, 2001 By Catherine Austin Fitts The fall is always an intense period in the financial markets.

False Flags with Richard Dolan

False Flags with Richard Dolan

“If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.” ~ James Madison, fourth President of

A New Teaching: Imagination with Jon Rappoport

A New Teaching: Imagination with Jon Rappoport

“Everything you can imagine is real.” ~ Pablo Picasso By Catherine Austin Fitts This week on the Solari Report, Jon Rappoport delves into the subject

Precious Metals Market Report

Precious Metals Market Report

“An excellent man, like precious metal, is in every way invariable; a villain, like the beams of a balance, is always varying, upwards and downwards.”

Q2 2015 Quarterly Wrap Up: Infrastructure

Q2 2015 Quarterly Wrap Up: Infrastructure

I. Infrastructure & Civilization The architects who constructed the great buildings of Europe understood that if you built a great cathedral, it would inspire. These

2nd Quarter 2015: Equity Overview

2nd Quarter 2015: Equity Overview

“The European Union’s principles are democracy, solidarity, mutual respect…These principles were not based in blackmails and ultimatums, especially in these crucial times. No one has

Unpacking Baltimore with Junious Ricardo Stanton

Unpacking Baltimore with Junious Ricardo Stanton

“The hunt is on and brother you’re the prey.” ~ Curtis Mayfield, New World Order By Catherine Austin Fitts My guest this week, Junious Ricardo Stanton, was one of the Solari Report’s most popular when

The New Economic Game of Life

The New Economic Game of Life

Click on the image below to view a full-size version of the “New Economic Game of Life:” By Catherine Austin Fitts The following is an

The Bilderbergers with Dr. Joseph Farrell

The Bilderbergers with Dr. Joseph Farrell

“President Truman decided after the war to create a vast system of hidden finance using the Nazi access loot and put the American intelligence community

The Big Picture with Whitley Strieber

The Big Picture with Whitley Strieber

“One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double

Solari Report 1st Quarter Wrap Up: Planet Debt

Solari Report 1st Quarter Wrap Up: Planet Debt

“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.”— Alan Greenspan By Catherine Austin Fitts The dominant theme in

A Word from Our Sponsor

A Word from Our Sponsor

“il nous faut de l’audace, et encore de l’audace, et toujours de l’audace” ~ George Danton By Catherine Austin Fitts. In 1998, the leading Washington

Anne Williamson on the Ukraine: Europe’s Expansion East

Anne Williamson on the Ukraine: Europe’s Expansion East

“There are many lies, but barely one truth.” — Ukraine proverb by Catherine Austin Fitts I often refer to the central banking / warfare model, a methodology which allows anyone who can create debt in

1st Quarter 2015 Equity Overview

1st Quarter 2015 Equity Overview

“There is no limit to how low rates can go and how large foreign currency reserves can grow… The message is that if it’s not

Breakthrough Energy with Joel Garbon

Breakthrough Energy with Joel Garbon

Listen to the Interview MP3 audio file The Solari Report 2015-02-19 “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human

The CIA, NSA & Google with Nafeez Ahmed

The CIA, NSA & Google with Nafeez Ahmed

‘The technological era involves the gradual transition to a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.

The State of Europe with John Laughland

The State of Europe with John Laughland

“It is certainly desirable that all societies have systems by which to guard their core values, and that justice and peace be preserved…But the values needed to ensure these things lie beyond the realm of

The State of Europe with John Laughland

The State of Europe with John Laughland

“It is certainly desirable that all societies have systems by which to guard their core values, and that justice and peace be preserved…But the values

2015: Free & Inspired with Jon Rappoport

2015: Free & Inspired with Jon Rappoport

“My preference is to live neither as dependent or victim, rather to look reality squarely in the face and use the resulting intelligence to live

2015: Looking Forward with Dr. Joseph Farrell

2015: Looking Forward with Dr. Joseph Farrell

2015: Looking Forward with Dr. Joseph Farrell “The financial and investment community will be forced during 2015 to grapple with evolving investment models for Planet

2014 Annual Wrap Up

2014 Annual Wrap Up

“…with an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things.“ ~ William

Wrap Up Ready!

Wrap Up Ready!

“Our task is to look at the world and see it whole.” ~E. F. Schumacher By Catherine and the Solari Report Team Our theme for 2014 was “Break Away.” In our Annual Wrap Up for

Wrap Up Ready!

Wrap Up Ready!

“Our task is to look at the world and see it whole.” ~E. F. Schumacher By Catherine and the Solari Report Team Our theme for

Voilà! I Can Understand My World

Voilà! I Can Understand My World

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” ~Vladimir Lenin By Catherine Austin Fitts It’s Christmas. We hope you take

Year-end Tax Planning with Patty Kemmerer

Year-end Tax Planning with Patty Kemmerer

“A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.” ~ General George S. Patton By Catherine Austin Fitts This

Vaccine Exemptions with Alan Phillips

Vaccine Exemptions with Alan Phillips

“Our children face the possibility of death or serious long-term adverse effects from mandated vaccines that aren’t necessary or that have very limited benefits” ~

The Oil Card – What’s Next?

The Oil Card – What’s Next?

“Strange, strange are the dynamics of oil and the ways of oilmen.” ~ Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow By Catherine Austin Fitts Oil is down 23%

Successful Homebuying with Dr. Gary W. Eldred

Successful Homebuying with Dr. Gary W. Eldred

“There is something permanent, and something extremely profound, in owning a home.” ~ Kenny Guinn By Catherine Austin Fitts As lending terms start to relax,