What Does This Mean to You and Me?

What Does This Mean to You and Me?

If the Brookings Institution study is correct, within 12 years we should see the Asian middle class triple from the size that it was in 2015. That means that the Asian middle class will outpunch […]

Wildcards & Unanswered Questions

Wildcards & Unanswered Questions

Changes of the magnitude of the rise of the Asian consumer and of Asia, including China as a superpower, involve significant wildcards and unanswered questions. First and foremost, of course, is Plan A. What was […]

Go Local: The Asian Invasion

Go Local: The Asian Invasion

Let’s look at the impact on local communities, or what I call the Asian Invasion. I talk about the rise of the Asian consumer as though it is something happening in Asia. But it’s not […]



A TED Talk by Martin Jacques is in the bibliography. Here is an important quote from it that is worth pondering: The West thinks of itself as probably the most cosmopolitan of all cultures, but […]



If you live in the Western world, you tend to associate the rise of consumer markets with homes and cars. In Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States, consumerism involves building larger homes filled […]

Geopolitics & Geography

Geopolitics & Geography

Geopolitics is driven by the growing competition for natural resources. That means that geography matters. China is a large country—approximately the size of the United States. It is governed by a one-party system that publishes […]

Financial Markets & Corporations

Financial Markets & Corporations

Let’s turn to financial markets. If you look at Chinese strategic plans—China is remarkable in the extent to which it makes strategic plans public—we see China successfully implementing its goals to build global financial liquidity […]

Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital

I mentioned the history professor who said that the Roman Empire and British Empire had gone broke trading with China. How did that happen? This is a very old phenomenon. China—like many other Asian cultures—is […]

Another Unanswered Question: So What Is Plan B?

Another Unanswered Question: So What Is Plan B?

If Plan A failed, what, then, is Plan B? One possibility is that the United States as the military for the Anglo-American alliance will pull back behind the oceans and significantly increase insourcing and manufacturing, […]

An Unanswered Question: Has Plan A Failed?

An Unanswered Question: Has Plan A Failed?

In 1994, the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was completed with 123 countries participating. As a result, globalization accelerated in a very significant way, particularly after the creation of […]



I chose this theme —The Rise of the Asian Consumer— for our 2nd Quarter 2018 Wrap Up because this rise is a primary investment trend. Primary trends have a major impact and stay with us […]



In the 1990s, I promoted plans to help the American people—both the lower and middle classes—succeed and build wealth given the technological changes underway. My story Dillon Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits tells […]

The Rise of the Asian Consumer

The Rise of the Asian Consumer

Table of Contents “If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed; if in terms of ten years, plant trees; if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.” ~Confucius Context Introduction An […]