

“The law? The law? I don’t have to obey the law. I report to a higher moral authority.” ~ Jack Kemp as Secretary of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) in 1990 explaining why it was not necessary for HUD to obey U.S. law By Catherine Austin Fitts After 21 years of watching $21+ trillion go…

SPAC Total

SPAC Total

1st Quarter 2022 Wrap Up:Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs):Investment Craze or Deep State Laundry? By Carolyn A. Betts, Esq. and Catherine Austin Fitts “There are no markets anymore, just interventions.”~ Chris Powell I. INTRODUCTION (JQ: Intro from Carolyn’s 20220706.odt) Financial fraud became a very big business in America during the 1980s. It started with real…

SPAC Trustees

SPAC Trustees

According to the Continental Stock Transfer and Trust web page: “As the industry-leading SPAC administrator since 2003, Continental has handled over 95% of the SPACs brought to market over the past 19 years.  Likewise, we have handled 60% of the U. S. IPOs over the past three years. This is a testament to our proprietary…

Who’s Who in SPACs?

Who’s Who in SPACs?

Auditors Law Firms Financial Advisors Trustees Underwriters PIPE Investors

Bibliography and Links

Bibliography and Links

SPAC Track materials: www.spactrack.ioSPAC Insider materials: www.spacinsider.comSPAC Analytics materials: www.spacanalytics.comMorningstar: SEC and Regulatory Authority Rules, Releases and Statements SEC Safe Harbor Rule for Forward-looking Statements: 15 U.S. Code § 78u–5 “Application of safe harbor for forward-looking statements” Corporation Finance Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 11: Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (December 22, 2020) “Investing…

Proposed SEC Regulations

Proposed SEC Regulations

On March 30, 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission proposed new regulations governing SPACs with a 30-day comment period.  Final regulations are not expected until at least the fourth quarter, 2022. Additional disclosure by both blank check company and target on sponsor compensation, conflicts of interest, and the potential for dilution of share value…

New York Fed

New York Fed

The New York Fed is a private bank owned by its members which serves as the depository for the U.S. government and as agent managing the Exchange Stabilization Fund. For exhaustive detail on money missing from U.S. government accounts for which the New York Fed and its members serve as bank depository and provide numerous…

Going Direct Reset

Going Direct Reset

Adding the Fed balance sheet… Going Direct Reset Timeline: 2016 2016 (November)  The World Economic forum publishes a tweet with a video to the effect of  “It’s 2030, you have no assets and you are happy”  The video went viral in November 2020. 2018 2018 (October 4) Several months after beginning the promised FY 2018…

SPAC Pros and Cons

SPAC Pros and Cons

  SPAC IPO Traditional IPO Structure: Allows for varied return and risk profiles and timelines for investing; SPAC can offer risk-free return with upside. Not true of traditional IPO Flexibility: Initial plans can change (investment in different industry), >1 SPAC can combine to invest in one target company or single SPAC can invest in >…

SPAC Process

SPAC Process

Illustration source:  “Domestic SPAC mergers – financial reporting and accounting considerations – SPAC overview and lifecycle,”  PWCViewpoint, (updated March 2021, retrieved May 2022) (

What is a SPAC?

What is a SPAC?

A “SPAC” is special purpose acquisition company, the term used for a specially-structured type of US initial public offering (IPO) of securities in which a sponsoring group sells shares of a shell or “blank check” company (i.e., a newly-formed company with no business plan or operations) to the public with the stated purpose of entering…

SPAC Charts Supporting Data

SPAC Charts Supporting Data

SPAC Data Totals: Source: SPAC Analytics Withdrawn SPAC Totals: Source: SPAC Insider Return to SPAC Charts

SPAC Charts

SPAC Charts

Total SPAC Proceeds by Year: Total SPAC IPOs by Year: Source: SPAC Analytics Supporting Data: Click here.



Theme presentation to come.

SPAC Table

SPAC Table

SPACs issued in US, March 2016 to May 2022 (Scroll down for horizontal scroll bar at bottom) Sources: Morningstar SPAC Insider SPAC Analytics Use Scroll Bar to see all of the columns. Preliminary – Subject to Change: Data is from multiple sources and has not been conformed.



DeSPAC Target Industries, as of May 2022 Selected DeSPAC Data For SPACs issued in US, March 2016 to May 2022 (Scroll down for scroll horizontal bar at bottom) Percent of SPAC Shares Redeemed DeSPACs Sources: Morningstar SPAC Insider SPAC Analytics Scroll right to go through each page. Preliminary – Subject to Change: Data is…

Top PIPE Investors

Top PIPE Investors

Private Investment in Public Equity (PIPE) Investors Disclosed from January 2021 to Date Preliminary & Subject to Change – PIPE investor data is not conformed to other sources. It is available only on an aggregate basis for each PIPE, so it is impossible to determine how much of the PIPE for a given SPAC is…

SPAC Auditors

SPAC Auditors

Top Auditors for SPACs issued in US, 2019 to Date (Scroll down to tab through pages) FY 2022 YTD: FY 2021: FY 2020: FY 2019: Source: SPAC Insider

SPAC Financial Advisors

SPAC Financial Advisors

SPACs issued in US, 2020 to Date (Scroll down to tab through pages) FY 2022 April : FY 2021: FY 2020: Source: SPAC Insider

SPAC Law Firms

SPAC Law Firms

Top Law Firms for SPACs issued in US, 2020 to Date (Scroll down to tab through pages) FY 2022 YTD: FY 2021: FY 2020: Source: SPAC Insider

SPAC Underwriters

SPAC Underwriters

Top Managing Underwriters, SPACs Issued in US Markets, 2017 to Date FY 2022 YTD: FY 2021: FY 2020: FY 2019: FY 2018: FY 2017: Source: SPAC Insider

Financial Markets

Financial Markets

“Groucho Marx made a small fortune in vaudeville and then lost it all in the stock market crash of 1929. His sense of humor was no help to him then. One day in the early 1930s he was sitting in a bar with his friend Morrie, and Morrie was trying to console him.  “Yes,” Morrie…

test relative links Part II: Take Action & Inspiration

test relative links Part II: Take Action & Inspiration

Inspiration Cash Friday User Friendly Memes CashFriday, how it started and how to use it Take a step today and your inertia propels you forward… Inspiring Actions UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell Talks to Tucker A wolf pack blocked the train, the driver was shocked when he found out the reason The Cowboy Kid (Texas Country…

ARVE Test for BitChute and Rumble Videos:

ARVE Test for BitChute and Rumble Videos:

Take Action: Food & Health: Expose FDA Part 1: Biden’s Vaccine Vision Dr. Mike Yeadon: Premeditated Murder FDA, CDC Lying Dr. Mark Skidmore Geopolitics: Trudeau Trembles as Freedom Convoy Trucks Arrive in Ottawa War Crimes Against Humanity committed by the Aussie Govt Anna De Bouisseret explains who will be held liable under the law!! Science…

Top Videos

Top Videos

Geopolitics Food & Health Economics & Financial Markets Science & Technology Start: 17:30 TruNews Presents New World Tech Week: New Tech Order Part 1 Start: 13:00 TruNews Presents New World Tech Week: New Tech Order Part 2 Start: 15:00 TruNews Presents New World Tech Week: Delivering a New World Space Culture Take Action Unanswered Questions

Content Control Test

Content Control Test

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S&P 500 (SCHX) U.S. Small Caps (SCHA), U.S. Mid Caps (SCHM), U.S. Large Caps (SCHX) U.S. Aerospace & Defense (ITA) Consumer Discretionary (XLY) Consumer Staples (XLP) Industrial Select (XLI) U.S. Financials ETF (IYF) S&P Regional Banking (KRE) Health Care (XLV) U.S. Pharmaceuticals Biotech (IBB) U.S. Home Construction (ITB) U.S. Real Estate (IYR) International Developed (EFA)…



Crude Oil (OILNF) Russia (RSX), Crude Oil (OILNF) Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) Mining (GDX), Junior Mining (GDXJ) Commodities Index (CRB) Baltic Dry Index

Fixed Income

Fixed Income

U.S. Dollar Index Fixed Income U.S. Bond Aggregate (AGG), High Yield Bond ETF (JNK) 5-7yr. Treasury ETF (IEF), 20 yr. + Treasury ETF (TLT)

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

Rambus Blockbuster Chartology

By Catherine Austin Fitts My “go to” website for technical analysis of precious metals, the US dollar & the US stock market is Rambus Chartology, where Rambus (that’s his handle – he’s the founding technical analyst) leads a discussion with extensive charts of what the markets are saying. In January 2016, Rambus launched his quarterly Solari…



Russia's Hydrocarbon Rouble – Richard Werner on RT International Russia's Hydrocarbon Rouble – Richard Werner on RT International Russia's Hydrocarbon Rouble – Richard Werner on RT International

Part II: Take Action & Inspiration

Part II: Take Action & Inspiration

Cash Friday User Friendly Memes Cash Friday (now #CashEveryDay), how it started and how to use it Take a step today and your inertia propels you forward… Inspiring Actions UFC Fighter Bryce Mitchell Talks to Tucker A wolf pack blocked the train, the driver was shocked when he found out the reason The Cowboy Kid…

Part II: Liberty vs.Tyranny  – Ten More Fronts

Part II: Liberty vs.Tyranny – Ten More Fronts

THE WORLD AT WAR: LIBERTY VS TYRANNY Front #11: Investment, Pension & Sovereign Wealth Funds The consolidation of capital and the build-out of the control grid continues. The ballooning of blind-pool special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs)—a two-year, $250-billion bubble—looks like it was a way to get “Going Direct” money into Wall Street and take a…

Part I: Liberty vs. Tyranny: Ten Fronts

Part I: Liberty vs. Tyranny: Ten Fronts

THE WORLD AT WAR: Liberty vs. Tyranny “From the insolence of great men, from the tyranny of the rich, from the unfeeling rapacity of the excised man and Tax-gatherer, from the misery of despotism, from the expense of supporting standing armies, navy placement, sinecures, federal cities, Senators, Presidents, and a long train of et ceteras,…

Part II: Trends We Track

Part II: Trends We Track

CULTURE I. The War on God A. Food for the SoulB. A Commitment to Transparency/Increase in Propaganda and Suppression of IntelligenceC. The Commitment to a Human Culture II. Mind Control and Sovereignty A. The Weaponization of QB. Growing Appreciation for Mind Control Technology and Tactics III. Financial Debasement Creates Cultural Debasement IV. Living Model: Morphogenic…

Part I: Trends We Track

Part I: Trends We Track

Every day, we post links to stories in our News Trends & Stories section. Analyzing this flow provides intelligence about the deeper news. Here are the trends we are tracking for the 2nd Quarter 2021. ECONOMY & FINANCIAL MARKETS I. The Going Direct Global Reset A. Central Banks Extend the Dollar System; Build the New…

Food for the Soul: Painting Together

Food for the Soul: Painting Together

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Unless you are writing a script for a TV show, writing is a decidedly solitary occupation (you can hardly write a novel “together”). Painting is a bit more conducive to communal activity and many artist communities sprung up throughout the 19th century. Once some artists discovered a particularly…

Donations 2022 (1st Quarter – Year to Date)

Donations 2022 (1st Quarter – Year to Date)

“I think people forget that it doesn’t take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.” ~ Hannah Teter We believe in doing what we can to support those around us who make a difference in this world or can do with a helping hand. We are here today because others…

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

I. Home Table of Contents Introduction Donations Year To Date II. Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) SPACs What is a SPAC? SPAC Charts SPAC Table DeSPACs Who’s Who in SPACs? III. Food for the Soul Painting Together IV. News Trends & Stories Part I: Trends We Track Part II: Trends We Track Part I: Liberty…

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