Life – Week of 04.02.17

Life – Week of 04.02.17

Sleep Is the New Status Symbol NYT | 08 April 2017 Lack of Sleep Ages Brain… Agriculture and Autism: A Perfect Match Permaculture Research Institute | 06 April 2017 A Natural match…. The Raising of

Life – Week of 04.02.17

Life – Week of 04.02.17

Sleep Is the New Status Symbol NYT | 08 April 2017 Lack of Sleep Ages Brain… Agriculture and Autism: A Perfect Match Permaculture Research Institute

Wildcards- Week of 04.02.17

Wildcards- Week of 04.02.17

Unborn Babies Being Prepared For Transhumanism Through Vaccines Vaxxter | 05 April 2017 Breaks down the theory and puts forth… Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News YouTube | 01 April 2017 More than 200 bright Arctic…

Wildcards- Week of 04.02.17

Wildcards- Week of 04.02.17

Unborn Babies Being Prepared For Transhumanism Through Vaccines Vaxxter | 05 April 2017 Breaks down the theory and puts forth… Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

Money & Markets – Week of 03.26.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.26.17

List of highest funded crowdfunding projects Wiki | April 2017 Top Crowd Funding winners… Honey on Tap Directly from your Beehive Indegogo | April 2017 Crowd Funding winners… Pepsi, McDonalds, Nestle, Other Major Brands Implicated

Money & Markets – Week of 03.26.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.26.17

List of highest funded crowdfunding projects Wiki | April 2017 Top Crowd Funding winners… Honey on Tap Directly from your Beehive Indegogo | April 2017 Crowd Funding winners… Pepsi, McDonalds, Nestle, Other Major Brands Implicated

Money & Markets – Week of 03.26.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.26.17

List of highest funded crowdfunding projects Wiki | April 2017 Top Crowd Funding winners… Honey on Tap Directly from your Beehive Indegogo | April 2017

Precious Metals – Week of 03.26.17

Precious Metals – Week of 03.26.17

Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar In Global Markets, Shift To Gold Trade Zero Hedge | 01 April 2017 Monetary system, and to phase-in a gold… Giant gold coin with Queen’s head

Precious Metals – Week of 03.26.17

Precious Metals – Week of 03.26.17

Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar In Global Markets, Shift To Gold Trade Zero Hedge | 01 April 2017 Monetary system, and

Geopolitical – Week of 03.26.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.26.17

Why the Pentagon Doesn’t Want Turkey’s Welp in Syria Washington Exmainer | 01 April 2017 Pentagon vs. Turkey… Abandoned at Sea The Intercept | 01 April 2017 The Human Costs of unchecked immigration… EU offers

Geopolitical – Week of 03.26.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.26.17

Why the Pentagon Doesn’t Want Turkey’s Welp in Syria Washington Exmainer | 01 April 2017 Pentagon vs. Turkey… Abandoned at Sea The Intercept | 01

Science & Technology – Week of 03.26.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.26.17

Comcast, ATT and Verizon Say They will Not Sell Their Customer’s Browsing Histories Slashdot | 31 March 2017 The Check is in the mail… Southern CEO Flew to Tokyo to Look Toshiba CEO in the

Science & Technology – Week of 03.26.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.26.17

Comcast, ATT and Verizon Say They will Not Sell Their Customer’s Browsing Histories Slashdot | 31 March 2017 The Check is in the mail… Southern CEO Flew to Tokyo to Look Toshiba CEO in the

Science & Technology – Week of 03.26.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.26.17

Comcast, ATT and Verizon Say They will Not Sell Their Customer’s Browsing Histories Slashdot | 31 March 2017 The Check is in the mail… Southern

Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

Forget ObamaCare, RyanCare, and any Future ReformCare–the Healthcare System Is Completely Broken Charles Hugh Smith | 26 March 2017 Health Care needs an E.R.. Bernie Sanders Wants to Expand Medicare to Everybody — Exactly What

Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

10 Cornerstones of an Effective and Affordable Health Care System in Any Country Dr Rath Health Foundation | August 2017 Implemented at the local… The Disgraced Managers of IG Farben Dr Rath Health Foundation |

Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.26.17

Forget ObamaCare, RyanCare, and any Future ReformCare–the Healthcare System Is Completely Broken Charles Hugh Smith | 26 March 2017 Health Care needs an E.R.. Bernie

Life – Week of 03.26.17

Life – Week of 03.26.17

Mark Devlin guests on Sofia Smallstorm’s About The Sky podcast, March 2017 Sound Cloud | March 2017 Music and the Big Picture….. Ayn Rand Reconsidered Jon Rappoport | 31 March 2017 Why, therefore, allow others

Life – Week of 03.26.17

Life – Week of 03.26.17

Mark Devlin guests on Sofia Smallstorm’s About The Sky podcast, March 2017 Sound Cloud | March 2017 Music and the Big Picture….. Ayn Rand Reconsidered

Wildcards – Week of 03.26.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.26.17

Veterans For Child Rescue: Exposing Pedophiles & Rescuing Children Vets 4 Child Rescue | March 2017 Expose this crisis through joint … Crowdfunding Site Bans Investigations of Child Sex Slavery Infowars | 01 April 2017

Wildcards – Week of 03.26.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.26.17

Veterans For Child Rescue: Exposing Pedophiles & Rescuing Children Vets 4 Child Rescue | March 2017 Expose this crisis through joint … Crowdfunding Site Bans

Money & Markets – Week of 03.19.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.19.17

Debt Limit Looks like a Real Struggle After Health Bill Debacle Market Watch | 25 Market 2017 Said Treasury Secretary… Ben Carlson: My 12 Favorite (and free) Websites for Investing Information and Tools Market Watch

Money & Markets – Week of 03.19.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.19.17

Debt Limit Looks like a Real Struggle After Health Bill Debacle Market Watch | 25 Market 2017 Said Treasury Secretary… Ben Carlson: My 12 Favorite (and free) Websites for Investing Information and Tools Market Watch

Money & Markets – Week of 03.19.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.19.17

Debt Limit Looks like a Real Struggle After Health Bill Debacle Market Watch | 25 Market 2017 Said Treasury Secretary… Ben Carlson: My 12 Favorite

Geopolitical – Week of 03.19.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.19.17

The Human Trafficking Rings & RFID Chips JP Farrell | 25 March 2017 Keeping Track of slaves… Failure on Health Bill also Hurts Prospects for Tax Overhaul AP | 25 March 2017 Offset by… In

Geopolitical – Week of 03.19.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.19.17

The Human Trafficking Rings & RFID Chips JP Farrell | 25 March 2017 Keeping Track of slaves… Failure on Health Bill also Hurts Prospects for

Science & Technology – Week of 03.19.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.19.17

Local: How a Telecom Bill is About to Strip Local Authority Foghorn Express | 24 March 2017 Industry’s Gag order… Google and Social Media Companies Could be Prosecuted if they Show Extremist Videos Telegraph |

Science & Technology – Week of 03.19.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.19.17

Local: How a Telecom Bill is About to Strip Local Authority Foghorn Express | 24 March 2017 Industry’s Gag order… Google and Social Media Companies Could be Prosecuted if they Show Extremist Videos Telegraph |

Science & Technology – Week of 03.19.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.19.17

Local: How a Telecom Bill is About to Strip Local Authority Foghorn Express | 24 March 2017 Industry’s Gag order… Google and Social Media Companies

Food & Health – Week of 03.19.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.19.17

Gohmert: ObamaCare Replacement Bill Was ‘Based on a Lie’ Fox News | 25 March 2017 If it does not substantially… Inside the GOP’s Health Care Debacle Politico | 24 March2017 Two-thirds… Health Care Bill’s Failure:

Food & Health – Week of 03.19.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.19.17

Gohmert: ObamaCare Replacement Bill Was ‘Based on a Lie’ Fox News | 25 March 2017 If it does not substantially… Inside the GOP’s Health Care Debacle Politico | 24 March2017 Two-thirds… Health Care Bill’s Failure:

Food & Health – Week of 03.19.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.19.17

Gohmert: ObamaCare Replacement Bill Was ‘Based on a Lie’ Fox News | 25 March 2017 If it does not substantially… Inside the GOP’s Health Care

Life – Week of 03.19.17

Life – Week of 03.19.17

What is God? According to 13 year old genius physicist – Max Loughan YouTube |25 March 2017 Interesting Conversation… The Man Who Planted Trees: A Conversation with David Milarch Daily Good | 23 March 2017

Life – Week of 03.19.17

Life – Week of 03.19.17

What is God? According to 13 year old genius physicist – Max Loughan YouTube |25 March 2017 Interesting Conversation… The Man Who Planted Trees: A

Wildcards – Week of 03.19.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.19.17

Unauthorized Bio of David Rockefeller Corbett Report | 28 March 2017 James Corbett on D. Rockefeller… Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr. Phil DC Clothes Line | 23 March 2017 Seen by

Wildcards – Week of 03.19.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.19.17

Unauthorized Bio of David Rockefeller Corbett Report | 28 March 2017 James Corbett on D. Rockefeller… Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr.

Money & Markets – Week of 03.12.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.12.17

Southern Command in Costa Rica: US Occupation Disguised as Humanitarian Aid Truth Out | 18 March 2017 Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project plans to… All North Korean Banks Cut Off from SWIFT, the Digital Backbone

Money & Markets – Week of 03.12.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.12.17

Southern Command in Costa Rica: US Occupation Disguised as Humanitarian Aid Truth Out | 18 March 2017 Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project plans to… All North Korean Banks Cut Off from SWIFT, the Digital Backbone

Money & Markets – Week of 03.12.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.12.17

Southern Command in Costa Rica: US Occupation Disguised as Humanitarian Aid Truth Out | 18 March 2017 Mesoamerican Integration and Development Project plans to… All

Geopolitical – Week of 03.12.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.12.17

NSA Whistleblower – Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real YouTube | 16 March 2017 Whistleblower Hell… Russian Parliament Backs Investigation into US Media CNBC | 18 March 2017 Russian due diligence… The CIA’s

Geopolitical – Week of 03.12.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.12.17

NSA Whistleblower – Jesselyn Radack & Thomas Drake | London Real YouTube | 16 March 2017 Whistleblower Hell… Russian Parliament Backs Investigation into US Media

Science & Technology – Week of 03.12.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.12.17

Nine in 10 people Would Electrocute Others if Ordered, Rerun of Infamous Milgram Experiment Shows Telegraph | 14 March 2017 New version… The Second Moon Race Space Daily | 13 March 2017 US leads by…

Science & Technology – Week of 03.12.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.12.17

Nine in 10 people Would Electrocute Others if Ordered, Rerun of Infamous Milgram Experiment Shows Telegraph | 14 March 2017 New version… The Second Moon Race Space Daily | 13 March 2017 US leads by…

Science & Technology – Week of 03.12.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.12.17

Nine in 10 people Would Electrocute Others if Ordered, Rerun of Infamous Milgram Experiment Shows Telegraph | 14 March 2017 New version… The Second Moon

Food & Health – Week of 03.12.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.12.17

Local: A Single Mother Is Growing Sustainable Farm-To-Table Food For Her Community Huffington Post | 16 July 2016 Video – Impact people on a… The Latest: GOP Governors Say Health Care Bill Doesn’t Work Fresno

Food & Health – Week of 03.12.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.12.17

The Illegal Harvesting of Black Men’s Organs is Going Unnoticed Affinity Magazine | 15 March 2017 Drowning accident despite… Local: A Single Mother Is Growing Sustainable Farm-To-Table Food For Her Community Huffington Post | 16

Food & Health – Week of 03.12.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.12.17

Local: A Single Mother Is Growing Sustainable Farm-To-Table Food For Her Community Huffington Post | 16 July 2016 Video – Impact people on a… The

Life – Week of 03.12.17

Life – Week of 03.12.17

Canon Lawyers and Theologians to hold Conference on ‘Deposing the Pope’ Cross Map | 17 March 2017 Reigning in the Pope… New Zealand River Granted same Legal Rights as Human Being Guardian | 16 March

Life – Week of 03.12.17

Life – Week of 03.12.17

Canon Lawyers and Theologians to hold Conference on ‘Deposing the Pope’ Cross Map | 17 March 2017 Reigning in the Pope… New Zealand River Granted

Wildcards – Week of 03.12.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.12.17

Shocking Proof Pizzagate is Exactly What We Think It Is YouTube | 17 March 2017 Belgium, police officers and judges… Nigel Farage Visits Julian Assange In Ecuadorian Embassy In London ZeroHedge | 09 March 2017

Wildcards – Week of 03.12.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.12.17

Shocking Proof Pizzagate is Exactly What We Think It Is YouTube | 17 March 2017 Belgium, police officers and judges… Nigel Farage Visits Julian Assange

Money & Markets – Week of 03.05.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.05.17

Jerome Corsi: Wikileaks Vault 7 Proves CIA Gone Completely Rogue YouTube | 08 March 2017 CIA has… State TV: Iran Air Receives 2nd of 100 Airbus Jets Yahoo | 11 March 2017 And Boeing… Share

Money & Markets – Week of 03.05.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.05.17

Jerome Corsi: Wikileaks Vault 7 Proves CIA Gone Completely Rogue YouTube | 08 March 2017 CIA has… State TV: Iran Air Receives 2nd of 100 Airbus Jets Yahoo | 11 March 2017 And Boeing… Share

Money & Markets – Week of 03.05.17

Money & Markets – Week of 03.05.17

Jerome Corsi: Wikileaks Vault 7 Proves CIA Gone Completely Rogue YouTube | 08 March 2017 CIA has… State TV: Iran Air Receives 2nd of 100

Precious Metals – Week of 03.05.17

Precious Metals – Week of 03.05.17

Ed Steer – When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Le Metropole Cafe | 05 March 2017 (November 2013) Oil and Gold…intrigue and financial subterfuge…

Precious Metals – Week of 03.05.17

Precious Metals – Week of 03.05.17

Ed Steer – When Irish Eyes Are Smiling Le Metropole Cafe | 05 March 2017 (November 2013) Oil and Gold…intrigue and financial subterfuge…

Geopolitical – Week of 03.05.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.05.17

John Helmer: Australian Government Trips Up Ukrainian Court Claim of MH17 as Terrorism Naked Capitalism | 11 March 2017 Before the local police and courts had time… Putin ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ about Syria Political Settlement with

Geopolitical – Week of 03.05.17

Geopolitical – Week of 03.05.17

John Helmer: Australian Government Trips Up Ukrainian Court Claim of MH17 as Terrorism Naked Capitalism | 11 March 2017 Before the local police and courts

Science & Technology – Week of 03.05.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.05.17

Tesla Humiliates Do-nothing Australian Government Macro Business | 10 March 2017 Or it is free… Mayhem Miller Destroying A Samsung Smart TV After Wikileaks Vault 7 Leak YouTube | 09 March 2017 Tech commentary… Here’s

Science & Technology – Week of 03.05.17

Science & Technology – Week of 03.05.17

Tesla Humiliates Do-nothing Australian Government Macro Business | 10 March 2017 Or it is free… Mayhem Miller Destroying A Samsung Smart TV After Wikileaks Vault

Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Fixing Healthcare: Which Single-payer System would be Best for California? LA Times | 2017 Morally wrong and stupid… House GOP Pushes Bill Letting Companies Force Workers to Undergo Genetic Testing Daily Kos | 10 March

Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Fixing Healthcare: Which Single-payer System would be Best for California? LA Times | 2017 Morally wrong and stupid… House GOP Pushes Bill Letting Companies Force Workers to Undergo Genetic Testing Daily Kos | 10 March

Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Food & Health – Week of 03.05.17

Fixing Healthcare: Which Single-payer System would be Best for California? LA Times | 2017 Morally wrong and stupid… House GOP Pushes Bill Letting Companies Force

Life – Week of 03.05.17

Life – Week of 03.05.17

Pornocracy Details the Fall of the Adult Film Industry Austin Chronicle | 10 March 2017 Former Goldman Sachs…money laundering… Latest Solari Donation The 2017 School of Authentic Journalism Kickstarter | 08 March 2017 Teach how

Life – Week of 03.05.17

Life – Week of 03.05.17

Pornocracy Details the Fall of the Adult Film Industry Austin Chronicle | 10 March 2017 Former Goldman Sachs…money laundering… Latest Solari Donation The 2017 School

Wildcards – Week of 03.05.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.05.17

WikiLeaks Press Conference Thursday 9 March 2017 On CIA/Vault7/YearZero Wikileaks | 09 March 2017 Appears to have covered up that… CIA Leak: “Russian Election Hackers” May Work In Langley Moon of Alabama | 07 March

Wildcards – Week of 03.05.17

Wildcards – Week of 03.05.17

WikiLeaks Press Conference Thursday 9 March 2017 On CIA/Vault7/YearZero Wikileaks | 09 March 2017 Appears to have covered up that… CIA Leak: “Russian Election Hackers”

Money & Markets – Week of 02.26.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.26.17

How States Turn K-12 Scholarships Into Money-Laundering Schemes American Prospect | 03 March 2017 Subsidies in exchange for… Treasury Department Burning through Cash as Debt Ceiling Approaches Washington Examiner | 03 March2017 Low cash balance

Money & Markets – Week of 02.26.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.26.17

How States Turn K-12 Scholarships Into Money-Laundering Schemes American Prospect | 03 March 2017 Subsidies in exchange for… Treasury Department Burning through Cash as Debt Ceiling Approaches Washington Examiner | 03 March2017 Low cash balance

Money & Markets – Week of 02.26.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.26.17

How States Turn K-12 Scholarships Into Money-Laundering Schemes American Prospect | 03 March 2017 Subsidies in exchange for… Treasury Department Burning through Cash as Debt

Precious Metals – Week of 02.26.17

Precious Metals – Week of 02.26.17

CME, Thomson Reuters Step Down from Providing London Silver Benchmark Reuters | 03 March 2017 August 2014 to replace the telephone…

Precious Metals – Week of 02.26.17

Precious Metals – Week of 02.26.17

CME, Thomson Reuters Step Down from Providing London Silver Benchmark Reuters | 03 March 2017 August 2014 to replace the telephone…

Geopolitical – Week of 02.26.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.26.17

Fmr Congresswoman: If Trump Goes After High-Level Pedophiles, It Will Take Down Dems & Republicans Free Thought Project | 01 March 2017 More on Pizza Gate… Koch Brothers Protégé and Founding Father Wannabe Gov. Greg

Geopolitical – Week of 02.26.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.26.17

Fmr Congresswoman: If Trump Goes After High-Level Pedophiles, It Will Take Down Dems & Republicans Free Thought Project | 01 March 2017 More on Pizza

Science & Technology – Week of 02.26.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.26.17

Obama Used Cyberattacks To Sabotage North Korean Launches For Years Zero Hedge | 04 March 2017 Military rockets began to… This House Was 3D-Printed In Under 24 Hours At A Cost Of Just $10,000 Zero

Science & Technology – Week of 02.26.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.26.17

Obama Used Cyberattacks To Sabotage North Korean Launches For Years Zero Hedge | 04 March 2017 Military rockets began to… This House Was 3D-Printed In Under 24 Hours At A Cost Of Just $10,000 Zero

Science & Technology – Week of 02.26.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.26.17

Obama Used Cyberattacks To Sabotage North Korean Launches For Years Zero Hedge | 04 March 2017 Military rockets began to… This House Was 3D-Printed In

Food & Health – Week of 02.26.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.26.17

Pornography Resolution Advances to the Senate floor Tennessean | 01 March 2017 Address the epidemic… Fukushima: Beyond Urgent YouTube | 13 February 2017 Dr. Helen Caldicott: “We are dealing with… The Weston A. Price Foundation

Food & Health – Week of 02.26.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.26.17

Pornography Resolution Advances to the Senate floor Tennessean | 01 March 2017 Address the epidemic… Fukushima: Beyond Urgent YouTube | 13 February 2017 Dr. Helen Caldicott: “We are dealing with… The Weston A. Price Foundation

Food & Health – Week of 02.26.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.26.17

Pornography Resolution Advances to the Senate floor Tennessean | 01 March 2017 Address the epidemic… Fukushima: Beyond Urgent YouTube | 13 February 2017 Dr. Helen

Life – Week of 02.26.17

Life – Week of 02.26.17

Age Discrimination is Real, Especially for Women and it’s Hurting Everyone Business Insider | 08 March 2017 Age Discrimination, the Evidence… Poachers Kill Rhino and Saw Off its Horn at Zoo Near Paris The Local

Life – Week of 02.26.17

Life – Week of 02.26.17

Age Discrimination is Real, Especially for Women and it’s Hurting Everyone Business Insider | 08 March 2017 Age Discrimination, the Evidence… Poachers Kill Rhino and

Wildcards – Week of 02.26.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.26.17

How to Create a Social State Snopes | 05 June 2016 (See next article) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize…and… Obama Has Trained Tens of Thousands of Radicals at Alinsky Camps to Sabotage Trump-Video Gateway

Wildcards – Week of 02.26.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.26.17

How to Create a Social State Snopes | 05 June 2016 (See next article) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize…and… Obama Has Trained Tens of

Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

Mnuchin says Treasury Studying 50- and 100-year Bonds CNBC | 23 February 2017 Long-dated debt around the world is not… Why Biggest U.S. Creditors Are Selling Treasuries: Quick Take Q&A Bloomberg | 22 February 2017

Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

China Is Developing its Own Digital Currency Bloomberg | 23 February 2017 Middleman is cut… Mnuchin says Treasury Studying 50- and 100-year Bonds CNBC | 23 February 2017 Long-dated debt around the world is not…

Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.19.17

Mnuchin says Treasury Studying 50- and 100-year Bonds CNBC | 23 February 2017 Long-dated debt around the world is not… Why Biggest U.S. Creditors Are

Geopolitical – Week of 02.19.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.19.17

President Trump Listening Session on Domestic and International Human Trafficking YouTube | 23 February 2017 Full force and weight of our… Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus Interview at CPAC 2017 YouTube | 23 February 2017 American

Geopolitical – Week of 02.19.17

Geopolitical – Week of 02.19.17

President Trump Listening Session on Domestic and International Human Trafficking YouTube | 23 February 2017 Full force and weight of our… Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus

Science & Technology – Week of 02.19.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.19.17

Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites USA Today | 28 February 2017 Amazon Outage Impact.. SpaceX to Fly Passengers On Private Trip Around the Moon in 2018 | 27 February 2017 Space Tourism

Science & Technology – Week of 02.19.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.19.17

Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites USA Today | 28 February 2017 Amazon Outage Impact.. SpaceX to Fly Passengers On Private Trip Around the Moon in 2018 | 27 February 2017 Space Tourism

Science & Technology – Week of 02.19.17

Science & Technology – Week of 02.19.17

Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites USA Today | 28 February 2017 Amazon Outage Impact.. SpaceX to Fly Passengers On Private Trip Around the

Food & Health – Week of 02.19.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.19.17

I’m Waiting for Google to Explain Why They Deleted Natural News Jon Rappoport | 24 February 2017 First Amendment, and the blood-soaked… Genetic Manipulation of Humans: Jeff Rense and Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport | 22

Food & Health – Week of 02.19.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.19.17

I’m Waiting for Google to Explain Why They Deleted Natural News Jon Rappoport | 24 February 2017 First Amendment, and the blood-soaked… Genetic Manipulation of Humans: Jeff Rense and Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport | 22

Food & Health – Week of 02.19.17

Food & Health – Week of 02.19.17

I’m Waiting for Google to Explain Why They Deleted Natural News Jon Rappoport | 24 February 2017 First Amendment, and the blood-soaked… Genetic Manipulation of

Life – Week of 02.19.17

Life – Week of 02.19.17

One Man Has Single-Handedly Repopulated A Rare Butterfly Species Using His Backyard Sunny Skyz | 20 February 2017 (Local) Butterfly species… First Ladyland Vimeo | 23 February 2017 In Slovenia where Melania Trump… “I’m Afraid

Life – Week of 02.19.17

Life – Week of 02.19.17

One Man Has Single-Handedly Repopulated A Rare Butterfly Species Using His Backyard Sunny Skyz | 20 February 2017 (Local) Butterfly species… First Ladyland Vimeo |

Wildcards – Week of 02.19.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.19.17

Mayor Hopes To Spin Gold In Wake Of Oroville Dam Problems Sacramento CBS | 23 February 2017 Source for almost the entire… Welcome to Singularity.FM Singularity FM | 25 February 2017 YouTube | 26 August

Wildcards – Week of 02.19.17

Wildcards – Week of 02.19.17

Mayor Hopes To Spin Gold In Wake Of Oroville Dam Problems Sacramento CBS | 23 February 2017 Source for almost the entire… Welcome to Singularity.FM

Money & Markets – Week of 02.12.17

Money & Markets – Week of 02.12.17

Catherine Austin Fitts-Trump Taking On Corruption & Lawlessness USA Watchdog | 11 February 2017 YouTube | 11 February 2017 Greg Hunter interview… The Three Lives Of Alan Greenspan – And Why The Third Won’t Redeem