Life – Week of 06.23.13

Life – Week of 06.23.13

We Are The 15 Percent: Interracial Family Launches Site In Response To Cheerios Backlash The Huffington Post | 21 June 2013 It was only two

Wildcards – Week of 06.23.13

Wildcards – Week of 06.23.13

From Karen Silkwood to Michael Hastings, Something is Wrong Canada Free Press | 22 June 2013 Just a few short years ago, I would have

Money & Markets – Week of 06.16.13

Money & Markets – Week of 06.16.13

New Map Tracks Evolution of Entrepreneurship in Kansas City Kauffman Foundation | 20 June 2013 A newly created map of Kansas City’s entrepreneurial community… Guest

Precious Metals – Week of 06.16.13

Precious Metals – Week of 06.16.13

A Gold Margin Call FT Alphaville | 21 June 2013 CME Group, which operates the New York Comex exchange on which gold futures are traded…

Geopolitical – Week of 06.16.13

Geopolitical – Week of 06.16.13

Michael Hastings’ Wife Obliterates New York Times For Dismissive Obituary The Huffington Post | 19 June 2013 In the 24 hours since the tragic death

Science & Technology – Week of 06.16.13

Science & Technology – Week of 06.16.13

Use of Tor and E-mail Crypto Could Increase Chances That NSA Keeps Your Data Ars Technica | 20 June 2013 When it comes to surveillance

Food & Health – Week of 06.16.13

Food & Health – Week of 06.16.13

Official: Water Complaints Could be ‘Act of Terrorism’ USA Today | 21 June 2013 Residents who say children have become ill from drinking water says

Life – Week of 06.16.13

Life – Week of 06.16.13

The Paranoia Industry The Moneychanger Some of the people I hear from live in astonishing fear…

Wildcards – Week of 06.16.13

Wildcards – Week of 06.16.13

Reflections And Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo YouTube | 01 June 2009 In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo…

Money & Markets – Week of 06.09.13

Money & Markets – Week of 06.09.13

Treasury Sales By Foreigners Hit Record High In April Zero Hedge | 14 June 2013 The monthly TIC (foreign capital flows) data gets less respect

Precious Metals – Week of 06.09.13

Precious Metals – Week of 06.09.13

Gold Bears Return as ETP Rout Extends to 17th Week: Commodities Bloomberg | 14 June 2013 Gold traders turned bearish for the first time in

Geopolitical – Week of 06.09.13

Geopolitical – Week of 06.09.13

Long-Dormant Civil Liberties Board to Meet on NSA’s PRISM Federal Times | 13 June 2013 A long dormant and little known presidentially appointed panel… Why

Food & Health – Week of 06.09.13

Food & Health – Week of 06.09.13

Netherlands, Belgium Racing to Okay Euthanasia for Disabled Children Life News | 14 June 2013 The Netherlands and Belgium seem to be in a race

Life – Week of 06.09.13

Life – Week of 06.09.13

Living the Green Life – Behind Bars Earth Island Journal California’s San Quentin State Prison is a tough place to live…

Wildcards – Week of 06.09.13

Wildcards – Week of 06.09.13

UFO Alien Disclosure By Canadian Minister of Defence May 2013 YouTube | 07 June 2013 Hon. Paul Hellyer – Minister of National Defense Testified knowing

Money & Markets – Week of 06.02.13

Money & Markets – Week of 06.02.13

Advising Clients Regarding Erroneous Tax Return Positions: Part I AICPA | 01 June 2013 Tax practitioners occasionally uncover or otherwise become aware of errors… Beware

Precious Metals – Week of 06.02.13

Precious Metals – Week of 06.02.13

France Prohibits Sending Currency, “Coins And Precious Metals” By Mail Zero Hedge | 07 June 2013 Today’s AM fix was USD 1,410.00, EUR 1,065.12 and

Geopolitical – Week of 06.02.13

Geopolitical – Week of 06.02.13

Saudi Arabia’s Quiet Transition AL Monitor | 05 June 2012 In the last year, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has transitioned its top security posts…

Science & Technology – Week of 06.02.13

Science & Technology – Week of 06.02.13

Wikipedia Wars: The Most Controversial Pages Revealed Fox News | 03 June 2013 A behind-the-scenes look at the so-called edit wars… Makerbot May Or May

Food & Health – Week of 06.02.13

Food & Health – Week of 06.02.13

Plant Maps Interactive plant, tree and gardening maps and data… Hacking Tomatoes at the World’s Greenest Greenhouse IEEE Spectrum | 05 June 2013 A Dutch

Life – Week of 06.02.13

Life – Week of 06.02.13

Re-Imagining School TED | February 2006 All over the world, there’s a growing consensus that our education systems are broken… Click for Career Enhancement The

Money & Markets – Week of 05.26.13

Money & Markets – Week of 05.26.13

The Real Reason Millennials Don’t Buy Cars and Homes Yahoo! Finance | 31 May 2013 They’re narcissistic. Apathetic. Pampered. And addicted to their four-inch screens…

Precious Metals – Week of 05.26.13

Precious Metals – Week of 05.26.13

New BoE Chief Carney Will Devalue Sterling, Pimco Warns The Telegraph | 29 May 2013 Growth in Britain is going to remain “challenged” for the

Geopolitical – Week of 05.26.13

Geopolitical – Week of 05.26.13

Switzerland Proposes Allowing Banks to Resolve U.S. Tax Evasion Cases Journal of Accountancy | 29 May 2013 The government of Switzerland would allow its banks

Science & Technology – Week of 05.26.13

Science & Technology – Week of 05.26.13

Cold Fusion is Back With ‘Anomalous Heat’ Claim The Register | 22 May 2013 Italian entrepreneur Andrea Rossi has surfaced again to restate his claim…

Food & Health – Week of 05.26.13

Food & Health – Week of 05.26.13

Q&A: World’s Oldest Performing Female Bodybuilder Time | 30 May 2013 National Senior Health and Fitness Day was celebrated Thursday by aging gym rats everywhere…

Life – Week of 05.26.13

Life – Week of 05.26.13

Top 10 States Most at Risk Of Disaster Kiplinger | May 2013 Disasters can happen at any time and anywhere…

Wildcards – Week of 05.26.13

Wildcards – Week of 05.26.13

Report: State Agencies Have $4.9 Billion In Ending Fund Balances YouTube | 26 May 2009 Video uploaded in 2009: State agencies have $4.9 billion in

Money & Markets – Week of 05.19.13

Money & Markets – Week of 05.19.13

FDIC to Reserve Oil, Gas & Mineral Rights Smith & Associates Title Service Inc. | 02 April 2013 The FDIC announced last week that it

Precious Metals – Week of 05.19.13

Precious Metals – Week of 05.19.13

Deep Sea Mining ‘Gold Rush’ Moves Closer BBC News | 17 May 2013 The prospect of a deep sea “gold rush” opening a controversial new

Geopolitical – Week of 05.19.13

Geopolitical – Week of 05.19.13

So It’s Come To This: Seven High School Students Arrested For Throwing… Water Balloons Tech Dirt | 22 May 2013 The weather’s (mostly) hot. School’s

Science & Technology – Week of 05.19.13

Science & Technology – Week of 05.19.13

Xbox One Raises the Burden of Privacy Safeguards: 5 Questions for Microsoft Time Tech | 22 May 2013 Some things you take for granted, like

Food & Health – Week of 05.19.13

Food & Health – Week of 05.19.13

Psychiatry Goes Insane: Every Human Emotion Now Classified as a Mental Disorder in New Psychiatric Manual DSM-5 Natural News | 13 December 2012 The industry

Life – Week of 05.19.13

Life – Week of 05.19.13

‘Death By a Thousand Cuts’: Coal Boom Could Destroy Great Barrier Reef Spiegel | 21 May 2013 Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is rapidly losing its

Wildcards – Week of 05.19.13

Wildcards – Week of 05.19.13

Bill Drafted In Secret Would Block Release Of Some Newtown Massacre Records Cryptogon | 22 May 2013 The staffs of the state’s top prosecutor and

Money & Markets – Week of 05.12.13

Money & Markets – Week of 05.12.13

Lower Energy and Food Costs Fuel Big Drop in Wholesale Prices Los Angeles Times | 15 May 2013 Big drops in the cost of food

Precious Metals – Week of 05.12.13

Precious Metals – Week of 05.12.13

CFTC Launches Broad Investigation of Energy and Metals Derivatives Gold Antitrust Action Committee | 14 May 2013 A top US financial regulator has launched a

Housing & Mortgage Markets – Week of 05.12.13

Housing & Mortgage Markets – Week of 05.12.13

Jumbo Loans, All Cash Investors, and Slow Population Growth: The Gentrification of Southern California. Dr. Housing Bubble | 15 May 2013 Only in Southern California

Geopolitical – Week of 05.12.13

Geopolitical – Week of 05.12.13

Elizabeth Warren Confronts Eric Holder, Ben Bernanke And Mary Jo White On Too-Big-To-Jail Zero Hedge | 16 May 2013 Elizabeth Warren is one of the

Science & Technology – Week of 05.12.13

Science & Technology – Week of 05.12.13

Feds Demand 3D Printed Gun Blueprints Removed From Internet SFGate | 09 May 2013 The State Department has ordered ultra-libertarian group Defense Distributed… Explaining Big

Food & Health – Week of 05.12.13

Food & Health – Week of 05.12.13

Celeb Bono Partners with Monsanto, G8, to Biowreck Africa Green Med Info | 01 June 2012 At the G8 Summit held two weeks ago at

Life – Week of 05.12.13

Life – Week of 05.12.13

Dove Real Beauty Sketches YouTube | 14 April 2013 And don’t forget: YOU are more beautiful than you think! Defense Against the Psychopath (Full Length)

Wildcards – Week of 05.12.13

Wildcards – Week of 05.12.13

Judge Orders Conspiracy Re-Education For Lauryn Hill YouTube | 08 May 2013 Grammy award-winning singer Lauryn Hill has been ordered by a judge… WHO in

Money & Markets – Week of 05.05.13

Money & Markets – Week of 05.05.13

Currencies – Wild Volatility In More Than The Yen The Canadian Technician | 10 May 2013 This chart of the currencies that make up the

Precious Metals – Week of 05.05.13

Precious Metals – Week of 05.05.13

Barrick Agrees to Amend Dominican Republic Mine Contract Bloomberg | 08 May 2013 Barrick Gold Corp. (ABX), the world’s biggest producer by sales… Chinese Gold

Geopolitical – Week of 05.05.13

Geopolitical – Week of 05.05.13

Air Force Strips 17 Officers Of Authority To Control And Launch Nuclear Missiles Business Insider | 08 May 2013 The Air Force stripped an unprecedented

Science & Technology – Week of 05.05.13

Science & Technology – Week of 05.05.13

Dear Telecom Unions: Time to Fight for the Public Switched Network Infrastructure & Technology (PSNIT) — The State-based Utility Wires The Huffington Post | 20

Food & Health – Week of 05.05.13

Food & Health – Week of 05.05.13

Syngenta Charged for Covering up Livestock Deaths from GM Corn Occupy Monsanto Biotech giant Syngenta has been criminally charged with denying knowledge… FDA Finally Admits

Life – Week of 05.05.13

Life – Week of 05.05.13

Crews Finish Installing World Trade Center Spire CNN | 10 May 2013 Construction workers bolted the last pieces of a 408-foot spire into place atop

Wildcards – Week of 05.05.13

Wildcards – Week of 05.05.13

Former Sen. Mike Gravel and a Panel of Experts says White House Suppressing Evidence of ETs YouTube | 05 May 2013 Even as most Americans

Money & Markets – Week of 4.28.13

Money & Markets – Week of 4.28.13

Caribbean Bank Accounts are Next IRS Target USA Today | 30 April 2013 Opening a new front in the U.S. crackdown on offshore tax evasion…

Precious Metals – Week of 4.28.13

Precious Metals – Week of 4.28.13

Hong Kong Gold Retailers Overwhelmed by Mainland Shoppers Gata | 02 May 2013 Hong Kong retailers report they were swamped over the three-day May Day

Geopolitical – Week of 4.28.13

Geopolitical – Week of 4.28.13

Q&A: The FBI’s Role in ‘Manufacturing’ Terrorism Yahoo! Finance | 02 May 2013 In his new book, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War

Science & Technology – Week of 4.28.13

Science & Technology – Week of 4.28.13

Blind Mothers-To-Be Find Solution in 3D Printing Tech Page One | 02 April 2013 The prenatal sonogram is a life-changing moment for many expectant mothers…

Food & Health – Week of 4.28.13

Food & Health – Week of 4.28.13

Whole Foods CEO: If Syria Has GMO-Regulations So Should the U.S. Yahoo Finance! | 02 May 2013 Large agribusiness companies like Monsanto and DuPont have

Life – Week of 4.28.13

Life – Week of 4.28.13

Low Income Homes From Recycled Goods PBS Special Part 1 of 3 PBS | 01 August 2007 What an unbelievably unique take on housing and

Wildcards – Week of 4.28.13

Wildcards – Week of 4.28.13

Bombing Suspects’ Family Members Speak Out Time The parents, aunt and uncles of Boston bombing suspects… Sibel Edmonds: CIA Ran Tsarnaev Brothers YouTube | 26

Money & Markets – Week of 4.21.13

Money & Markets – Week of 4.21.13

AR-15s Flying Off Shelves Amid Gun Control Fears Yahoo! Finance | 25 April 2013 At the GunRunners Gun Show outside Atlanta, the line stretches out

Precious Metals – Week of 4.21.13

Precious Metals – Week of 4.21.13

U.S. Mint’s Sales of Gold Coins Soar After Futures Slump Bloomberg | 18 April 2013 The U.S. Mint in April has sold 153,000 ounces of

Geopolitical – Week of 4.21.13

Geopolitical – Week of 4.21.13

Ron Paul Fans Furious Over Rand Paul’s Drone Flip-flop Information Clearing House | 24 April 2013 Ron Paul’s vibrant fan base is in open rebellion

Science & Technology – Week of 4.21.13

Science & Technology – Week of 4.21.13

Infographic: If Google Fiber Went Worldwide Forbes | 26 April 2013 Google is bringing its super-fast broadband network Fiber to… The Rise of Big Data

Food & Health – Week of 4.21.13

Food & Health – Week of 4.21.13

Are Neonicotinoids Too Big To Ban? The Organic View | 10 April 2013 There has been a huge debate over the impact of Neonicotinoids… Most

Life – Week of 4.21.13

Life – Week of 4.21.13

Did Jimmy Savile Abuse 1,350 Victims… Treble the Number Who Have Come Forward So Far? The Daily Mail | 19 April 2013 Jimmy Savile could

Wildcards – Week of 4.21.13

Wildcards – Week of 4.21.13

Sirius Disclosure Premiere Pleases Pure Energy Systems Network | 23 April 2013 I count myself very fortunate to have been able to attend the historic

Money & Markets – Week of 4.14.13

Money & Markets – Week of 4.14.13

33 Times, You Poor Dumb Bastards Stocktwits | 26 October 2012 I’m going to say this here and now for posterity and I hope you

Precious Metals – Week of 4.14.13

Precious Metals – Week of 4.14.13

Gold: A Great Buying Opportunity Approaches Forbes | 13 April 2013 Gold has officially entered a bear market, declining more than 20% from the September

Geopolitical – Week of 4.14.13

Geopolitical – Week of 4.14.13

Huge Grant County Farmland Sale Linked to State Law on Foreign Ownership The Cap Times | 12 April 2013 One of the largest farmland sales

Food & Health – Week of 4.14.13

Food & Health – Week of 4.14.13

Transcript: Statement from Andrew Wakefield Age of Autism | 17 April 2013 Good morning. The first thing that I want to say is… Study Reveals

Life – Week of 4.14.13

Life – Week of 4.14.13

The Real History of the Commons and Today’s Environmental Crisis UTNE | April 2013 The growth of industrial capitalism has always been predicated… Out of

Money & Markets – Week of 4.07.13

Money & Markets – Week of 4.07.13

Never Mind Facebook; Winklevoss Twins Rule in Digital Money Dealbook | 11 April 2013 The Winklevoss twins, Cameron and Tyler — Olympic rowers, nemeses of

Precious Metals – Week of 4.07.13

Precious Metals – Week of 4.07.13

Unencumbered Gold TF Metals Report | 11 April 2013 After yesterday’s nearly 17 metric ton withdrawal, it is becoming increasingly clear… Gold, Long a Secure

Geopolitical – Week of 4.07.13

Geopolitical – Week of 4.07.13

Elizabeth Warren Shocked by Obama CPI Proposal Buzz Flash | 11 April 2013 Elizabeth Warren is defying party allegiance… Fukushima Remains a Huge Problem Undernews

Food & Health – Week of 4.07.13

Food & Health – Week of 4.07.13

US Rice Imports ‘Contain Harmful Levels of Lead’ BBC News | 10 April 2013 Some samples exceeded the “provisional total tolerable intake”… Antibiotics in Organic

Life – Week of 4.07.13

Life – Week of 4.07.13

Dad Furious After Finding This Crayon-Written Paper in Florida 4th-Grader’s Backpack The Blaze | 12 April 2013 The words are written in crayon, in the

Wildcards – Week of 4.07.13

Wildcards – Week of 4.07.13

Daniel Hopsicker Wants to Know Quixotic Joust | 08 April 2013 Kris Millegan is a musician, who became fascinated with spies after his own father…

Money & Markets – Week of 3.31.13

Money & Markets – Week of 3.31.13

Labor Force Participation Rate Since 1987: Some Eerie Demographic Trends Seeking Alpha | 04 April 2013 Tomorrow’s employment report is the major economic event of

Precious Metals – Week of 3.31.13

Precious Metals – Week of 3.31.13

The Assault On Gold – Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Roberts | 04 April 2013 For Americans, financial and economic Armageddon might be close at

Geopolitical – Week of 3.31.13

Geopolitical – Week of 3.31.13

MLK Killed by Government, Jury Finds: Special Report YouTube | 05 April 2013 A jury finds government conspiracy involvement with the slaying of MLK… North

Science & Technology – Week of 3.31.13

Science & Technology – Week of 3.31.13

Global Hacker Network Unites in Anonymous Campaign Against Israel Analysis Intelligence | 02 April 2013 We recently reported on the revival of Operation Israel (#OpIsrael)

Food & Health – Week of 3.31.13

Food & Health – Week of 3.31.13

Truth In Olive Oil Truth in Olive Oil was born out of my love of great olive oil, and my concern about low-grade oils… Harvard

Life – Week of 3.31.13

Life – Week of 3.31.13

6-y.o. Who Walked Alone to Post Office May be Removed from Her Home Free Range Kids | 03 April 2013 Dear Free-Range Kids: A few

Wildcards – Week of 3.31.13

Wildcards – Week of 3.31.13

Short Circuit: Burn Out Your Dead Ground Zero | 19 February 2013 Today there was a remarkably Fortean story that was actually covered by CBS

Money & Markets – Week of 03.24.2013

Money & Markets – Week of 03.24.2013

Marc Faber Spells it All Out in 6 Minutes YouTube | 18 February 2013 Marc Faber makes some predictions for the economy in 2013… By

Precious Metals – Week of 03.24.2013

Precious Metals – Week of 03.24.2013

Gold, a Hedge Against Financial Repression? Merk | 26 March 2013 Had those with money tied up in the Cypriot banking system owned gold instead…

Geopolitical – Week of 03.24.2013

Geopolitical – Week of 03.24.2013

North Korea Orders Rockets on Standby to Hit US Bases – State Media RT | 28 March 2013 Pyongyang has ordered rocket units be put

Food & Health – Week of 03.24.2013

Food & Health – Week of 03.24.2013

5 Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion Why Don’t You Try This | 13 March 2013 Launching a lawsuit against the very company that

Life – Week of 03.24.2013

Life – Week of 03.24.2013

A Disastrous Year for Bees The New York Times | 28 March 2013 For America’s beekeepers, who have struggled for nearly a decade… Awake 7:14

Money & Markets – Week of 03.17.2013

Money & Markets – Week of 03.17.2013

White-Black Wealth Gap Nearly Triples Squared Away Blog | 21 March 2013 Over the past 25 years, the difference in wealth held by white and

Precious Metals – Week of 03.17.2013

Precious Metals – Week of 03.17.2013

Arizona Could Soon Approve Gold, Silver as Legal Tender Mineweb | 20 March 2013 After being rejected by three state legislatures this year, a measure