New! –  News Trends & Stories

New! – News Trends & Stories

Our News Trends & Stories page aka NTS, has been upgraded. So, what’s new? You can now see our collection for 2023, 2022, 2021 &

Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

Food for the Soul: Guo Pei Exhibition — San Francisco

By Nina Heyn — Your Culture Scout Art museums sometimes showcase outstanding fashion designs, often presenting historical collections of artists who long ago earned their place in the pantheon of couture. Over the last few […]

Food for the Soul: Faces of Tuscany

Food for the Soul: Faces of Tuscany

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout In Florentine museums and churches, there is an endless parade of Madonnas and altar compositions of the Holy Family, which have somewhat lost their religious impact after so […]

Nina’s Euro Blog

Nina’s Euro Blog

Polish Palaces and Art in Naples This post is inspired by the location of a very romantic wedding I recently attended in the center of Poland. Both the wedding ceremony and the party afterwards were […]

Food for the Soul: Lviv National Gallery of Art

Food for the Soul: Lviv National Gallery of Art

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The world is watching bad—and then worse—news coming out of Ukraine every day. Millions of people, even those who last month were not sure where Ukraine actually is, […]

Food for the Soul: Global Trade Part 2  – Out of Africa

Food for the Soul: Global Trade Part 2  – Out of Africa

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout For 15th-century Europeans, sub-Saharan Africa was to a great extent terra incognita until Portuguese explorers started venturing further and further south along the continent’s western coast. These expeditions […]

Food for the Soul – Georgia O’Keeffe: Women & Art Series 12

Food for the Soul – Georgia O’Keeffe: Women & Art Series 12

Georgia O’Keeffe. Pelvis with the distance (1943). Indianapolis Museum of Art, Newfields, IN. © Indianapolis Museum of Art/Gift of Anne Marmon Greenleaf in memory of Caroline M. Fesler. Photo: Bridgeman Images © Georgia O’Keeffe Museum/Adagp, […]

Food for the Soul: A Postcard from Paris

Food for the Soul: A Postcard from Paris

Damian Hirst. The Triumph of Death Blossom (2018). Private collection© Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2021. Photographed by Prudence Cuming Associates. Photo: Courtesy Fondation Cartier By Nina Heyn – Your Culture […]

Food for the Soul: Cerca Trova in Florence

Food for the Soul: Cerca Trova in Florence

Florence cathedral. Photo: Nina Heyn By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout In 1504, when Leonardo da Vinci was mostly done with living in Florence, he accepted an important commission to decorate Palazzo Vecchio (which […]

Food for the Soul: Kraków, the City of Art

Food for the Soul: Kraków, the City of Art

Rembrandt. Landscape with the Good Samaritan (1638). The Princes Czartoryski Collection, National Museum, Kraków. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Europe has many places that are a perfect combination of art […]

Food for the Soul: Rosa Bonheur – Women & Art Series 10

Food for the Soul: Rosa Bonheur – Women & Art Series 10

Édouard Louis Dubufe. Portrait of Rosa Bonheur (the bull was painted by Bonheur) (1857). Versailles Palace. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout There is a reason why the traditionally dressed Victorian […]

Food for the Soul – New York Big Five – MoMA

Food for the Soul – New York Big Five – MoMA

Marc Chagall. I and the Village (1911). MoMA. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the world’s largest contemporary and modern art assemblage, […]

Food for the Soul: New York Big Five – The Frick

Food for the Soul: New York Big Five – The Frick

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres – Portrait de Comtesse D’Haussonville (1845). The Frick Collection, New York. Photo: ©The Frick Collection, Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout So many people love the experience of visiting New […]

Food for the Soul: Calder-Picasso. Back to Museums Series 1

Food for the Soul: Calder-Picasso. Back to Museums Series 1

In the center: Alexander Calder. Untitled (mobile-1956) and Untitled (painting-1967). Calder Foundation New York. Photo: Installation view of “Calder-Picasso” at the de Young Museum, photography by Gary Sexton. © 2021 Calder Foundation New York/Artists Rights […]

Food for the Soul: Olga Boznańska – Women Artists Series 6

Food for the Soul: Olga Boznańska – Women Artists Series 6

Olga Boznańska – Self-Portrait (1908). National Museum, Warsaw. Photo: Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Even casual museumgoers are familiar with such female artists as Georgia O’Keeffe or Mary Cassatt—celebrated painters whose […]

Food for the Soul: Awards Season – Documentaries

Food for the Soul: Awards Season – Documentaries

Photo credit: jovaughn-stephens/Unsplash photo By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout It’s a sign of the times that documentaries now seem to be more interesting than features. While some feature movies this year focus on […]

Food for the Soul: New Movies…Not in Cinemas…

Food for the Soul: New Movies…Not in Cinemas…

By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The 2021 Academy Awards have been moved two months later than usual to April 25, extending the entire awards season to eight long months. Movies are eligible for […]

Report from Roberts County, Texas

Report from Roberts County, Texas

Email from a Subscriber: 96.2% Trump 529 votes 3.1% Biden 17 votes Randall County 78% Trump Potter County north part of Amarillo 66% Trump I watched a little of Fox coverage last night. Rove was

Frank Clegg – CEO C4ST – 5G Appeal

Frank Clegg – CEO C4ST – 5G Appeal

Frank Clegg is the CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST). C4ST is appealing to the Government of Canada to suspend the 5G rollout and to choose safe and reliable fibre connections. Related Solari Report:

Food for the Soul: Loving Beethoven

Food for the Soul: Loving Beethoven

Gustav Klimt. Beethoven Frieze (detail). Vienna. Photo: Public Domain Wikimedia Commons By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Ludwig van Beethoven’s birth date is unknown but his baptism, that most likely took place no later […]

Local Food’s Congressman Has Primary Challenge

Local Food’s Congressman Has Primary Challenge

Photo by Gage Skidmore [CAF Note: I am a supporter of Congressman Massie. I believe his efforts are critical to the future of our country and the future of small farmers and ranchers and local

Food for the Soul: 500 years of Raphael in Rome

Food for the Soul: 500 years of Raphael in Rome

Raphael. Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione. (1513) The Louvre. Courtesy of Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome April 6, 2020 markes a 500 year anniversary of passing of one the most beloved artists. A huge Raphael exhibition at […]

Food for the Soul: at home

Food for the Soul: at home

Food for the Soul will now be adding a dedicated mini-site to bring you all the culture stories in one place By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The world has just hunkered down to […]

Food for the Soul: At home

Food for the Soul: At home

Food for the Soul will now be adding a dedicated mini-site to bring you all the culture stories in one place By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout The world has just hunkered down to

Food for the Soul: Michelangelo – Mind of the Master

Food for the Soul: Michelangelo – Mind of the Master

Sweat and toil of the master who never wanted you to see it By Nina Heyn – Your Culture Scout Michelangelo Buonarotti. Head of a Child with a Cloak around the Head. Mid-1520’s. Collection and

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

The Ghent Altar or An Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Inside panels. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, Public domain. The most stolen artwork ever has been restored to its original glory By Nina Heyn – Your […]

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

Food for the Soul: Adventures of the Ghent Altar

The Ghent Altar or An Adoration of the Mystic Lamb. Inside panels. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons, Public domain. The most stolen artwork ever has been restored to its original glory By Nina Heyn – Your

The Nuremberg Code Exemption Statement

The Nuremberg Code Exemption Statement

Covid Injection Refusal Statement Professor of Law Francis A Boyle’s Statement for Any Person to Refuse to Submit to or to Administer the COVID Gene Therapy Injection: This injection is not a vaccine, it is

Climate / Food Resilience Buffet

Climate / Food Resilience Buffet

Native Acres Meat Co. Native Acres | 19 November 2019 On The Anatomy of Thrift Series The Family Pig | 19 November 2019 Local Food Sources Cornucopia Network | 15 October 2019 Keyline Design, a

Food for the Soul: Women at Prado – Women Artists Series 2

Food for the Soul: Women at Prado – Women Artists Series 2

Sofonisba Anguissola. Self-Portrait at the Easel. 1556-57. Muzeum-Zamek. Łańcut, Poland. Photo credit: Courtesy of the © Prado National Museum, Madrid, Spain. “Her paintings were celebrated for their calm and gentle style, and for the particularity […]

Food for the Soul: da Vinci, Paris – Part 3

Food for the Soul: da Vinci, Paris – Part 3

A good painter has two things to represent: the man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard.” — Leonardo da Vinci By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is […]

Food for the Soul: da Vinci, Paris – Part 3

Food for the Soul: da Vinci, Paris – Part 3

A good painter has two things to represent: the man and the intention of his soul. The former is easy, the latter hard.” — Leonardo da Vinci By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is

Unanswered Questions 4th Quarter 2019

Unanswered Questions 4th Quarter 2019

Media Suppressed Evidence Of The OPCW’s ‘Chemical Attack’ Manipulations – There Is Now More Of It Moon ov Alabama | 15 December 2019 Unexplained Mysteries | 02 October 2019 The Grace Press | 25 March

Food & Health – 4th Quarter 2019

Food & Health – 4th Quarter 2019

The Legal Action Process, Part 1 5G Crisis Awareness | 21 December 2019 The Legal Action Process, Part 2 5G Crisis Awareness | 21 December 2019 The Legal Action Process, Part 3 5G Crisis Awareness

Space – 4th Quarter 2019

Space – 4th Quarter 2019

US General More Hidden Space Tech? Giza Death Star | 13 December 2019 Hillsdale College | 05 December 2019 Anton Petrov | 11 November 2019 Lawmakers green light US space force Space War | 10

Culture – 4th Quarter 2019

Culture – 4th Quarter 2019

Notre Dame Cathedral, empty for Christmas, may never recover from devastating fire USA Today | 26 December 2019 (1st 14 min) Jordan Peterson | 25 January 2015 Orthodox Church | 20 March 2016 Vox |

Economy & Financial Markets – 4th Quarter 2019

Economy & Financial Markets – 4th Quarter 2019

Congress passed the SECURE Act — how much will it actually help people save for retirement? Market Watch | 21 December 2019 SEC Votes to Move Forward with Expanding Accredited Investor Definition Financial Advisor IQ

Take Action – 4th Quarter 2019

Take Action – 4th Quarter 2019

Stop Financing the Deep State Spark | 05 August 2019 Does Your Pension Fund have a Deep State Drain? Transcript Pension.Solari | 01 January 2018 The Real Game of Missing Money: Should We Care about

Science & Technology – 4th Quarter 2019

Science & Technology – 4th Quarter 2019

Magnitude 5.1 earthquake strikes Iran near nuclear power plant Fox 2 Now | 27 December 2019 A Breakthrough In American Energy Dominance? U.S. Navy Patents Compact Fusion Reactor Forbes | 30 October 2019 Pentagon Contract

Precious Metals & Currencies – 4th Quarter 2019

Precious Metals & Currencies – 4th Quarter 2019

US Official Gold Reserves Auditor Caught Lying VOIMA | 17 December 2019 The curious case of Britain’s disappearing banknotes The Economist | 04 October 2018 Cryptocurrency investors want body of defunct company founder exhumed to

Food for the Soul: From Downton to Wall Street

Food for the Soul: From Downton to Wall Street

King George V: “Were you effected by the strikes?” The Dowager Countess: “My maid was rather curt with me. She’s a communist at heart.” From the movie Downton Abbey By Nina Heyn – Your Culture […]

Food for the Soul: From Downton to Wall Street

Food for the Soul: From Downton to Wall Street

King George V: “Were you effected by the strikes?” The Dowager Countess: “My maid was rather curt with me. She’s a communist at heart.” From the movie Downton Abbey By Nina Heyn – Your Culture

Food for the Soul: “Tel Aviv on Fire”

Food for the Soul: “Tel Aviv on Fire”

“-David, we have a celebrity here! This Arab writes “Tel Aviv on Fire.” Do you watch it? -Once. It’s anti-Semitic. -With a name like that, did you expect a Zionist show?” Dialogue from the comedy […]

Food for the Soul: “Tel Aviv on Fire”

Food for the Soul: “Tel Aviv on Fire”

“-David, we have a celebrity here! This Arab writes “Tel Aviv on Fire.” Do you watch it? -Once. It’s anti-Semitic. -With a name like that, did you expect a Zionist show?” Dialogue from the comedy

Food for the Soul: Blinded By the Light

Food for the Soul: Blinded By the Light

“Everybody’s got a hunger, a hunger they can’t resist; There’s so much that you want, you deserve much more than this.” Bruce Springsteen “Prove It All Night” By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is […]

Food for the Soul: Blinded By the Light

Food for the Soul: Blinded By the Light

“Everybody’s got a hunger, a hunger they can’t resist; There’s so much that you want, you deserve much more than this.“ Bruce Springsteen “Prove It All Night” By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout It is

Food for the Soul: Digital Art in Paris

Food for the Soul: Digital Art in Paris

“Our goal is to invite the public to walk to the heart of the artwork.” Gianfranco Iannuzzi, artistic director and co-director of the exhibition “Van Gogh, Starry Night” By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Crowded […]

Food for the Soul: Digital Art in Paris

Food for the Soul: Digital Art in Paris

“Our goal is to invite the public to walk to the heart of the artwork.“ Gianfranco Iannuzzi, artistic director and co-director of the exhibition “Van Gogh, Starry Night“ By Nina Heyn- Your Culture Scout Crowded

Food for the Soul: Caravaggio in Rome

Food for the Soul: Caravaggio in Rome

Caravaggio. Narcissus. Ca. 1599. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica di Palazzo Barbierini. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. “There was art before him and art after him, and they were not the same.” Robert Hughes, late […]

Food for the Soul: Caravaggio in Rome

Food for the Soul: Caravaggio in Rome

Caravaggio. Narcissus. Ca. 1599. Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica di Palazzo Barbierini. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons. Public Domain. “There was art before him and art after him, and they were not the same.” Robert Hughes, late

Science & Technology – 3rd Quarter 2019

Science & Technology – 3rd Quarter 2019

Vodafone’s search for the G-spot The Economist | 22 August 2019 Gravitational astronomy proves its maturity The Economist | 22 August 2019 Tech Companies Are Quietly Phasing Out a Major Privacy Safeguard The Atlantic |

Precious Metals & Currencies – 3rd Quarter 2019

Precious Metals & Currencies – 3rd Quarter 2019

Yahoo Finance | 04 April 2019 Current and Former Precious Metals Traders Charged with Multi-Year Market Manipulation Racketeering Conspiracy DOJ | 16 September 2019 Will Central Banks Use QE to Prevent a Liquidity Crisis? (w/

Unanswered Questions 3rd Quarter 2019

Unanswered Questions 3rd Quarter 2019

Are Two Playing the Game? or Is it Something Else? Chemical Plant … Giza Death Star | 02 October 2019 On The Motives Behind Whistleblower-gate Moon of Alabama | 28 September 2019 George Webb |

Food & Health – 3rd Quarter 2019

Food & Health – 3rd Quarter 2019

New ways to make vertical farming stack up The Economist | 17 August 2019 Study Shows Massive IQ Decrease in Males with Fluoride: JAMA Pediatrics Journal Editors Stunned James Lyons Weiler | 24 September 2019

Culture – 3rd Quarter 2019

Culture – 3rd Quarter 2019

The Heritage Foundation | 04 April 2019 New research probes eviction’s causes and consequences The Economist | 24 August 2019 The Forest Man Of India: At Jadav Payeng, This is a story of passion and

Space – 3rd Quarter 2019

Space – 3rd Quarter 2019

INTERSCALAR Youtube Channel: A huge field of research with new astonishing discoveries awaits you Interscalar | 20 September 2019 What has China’s rover found on the moon’s far side? Earth Sky | 10 September 2019

Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2019

Geopolitics – 3rd Quarter 2019

FBI Busts Massive Fentanyl Ring Running Out of Dept of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs in D.C. Activist Post | 30 September 2019 United Nations | 30 September 2019 No Kashmiri politician will work with or

Economy & Financial Markets – 3rd Quarter 2019

Economy & Financial Markets – 3rd Quarter 2019

Steven Mnuchin begins reforming America’s giant mortgage-guarantee firms The Economist | 21 September 2019 Cathay Pacific’s fate rattles multinationals in Hong Kong The Economist | 22 August 2019 Big Banks Are Shifting Mortgages Made Riskier

Take Action – 3rd Quarter 2019

Take Action – 3rd Quarter 2019

Latest Solari Donation National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) Stand up and be counted! It’s your health, your family and your choice Network for Good NVIC | 28 September 2019 Latest Catherine Austin Fitts Donation Donate:

Space – 2nd Quarter 2019

Space – 2nd Quarter 2019

Seeker | 30 June 2019 How to Profit in Space: A Visual Guide WSJ | 00 June 2019 Elysium Space Elysium Space | 28 June 2019 Space junk or sabotage? Space clean-up drones could have

Precious Metals & Currencies – 2nd Quarter 2019

Precious Metals & Currencies – 2nd Quarter 2019

US-China Trade War and Its Effect on Cryptocurrencies Coin Telegraph | 30 August 2019 IRS Exam Teams Beginning to Work Cryptocurrency Tax Cases Bloomberg | 20 June 2019 How 7.4 Tons of Venezuela’s Gold Landed

Food & Health – 2nd Quarter 2019

Food & Health – 2nd Quarter 2019

FBI-Please Investigate NY State’s Currupt Vote to Repeal a Religious Freedom Kevin Barry | 28 June 2019 Suicide Rates Soaring Among Black Teens WebMD | 26 June 2019 Alan Phillips Update 45 days in Jail

Culture – 2nd Quarter 2019

Culture – 2nd Quarter 2019

Gates launches lobbying arm – higher education on agenda The Conversation | 28 June 2019 A bridge made of grass BBC | 17 June 2019 Pavillion Theater | 04 June 2019 Football coach without arms

Unanswered Questions 2nd Quarter 2019

Unanswered Questions 2nd Quarter 2019

Ice Age Farmer | 01 June 2019 Adventures Unlimited | 27 June 2019 Rare public appearance: Mike Adams to be keynote speaker at upcoming GenSix “True Legends” conference in Branson, Missouri, with a final warning

Science & Technology – 2nd Quarter 2019

Science & Technology – 2nd Quarter 2019

The complete list of alternatives to all Google products Tech Spot | 29 June 2019 Latest Solari Donation Thunderbird Mozilla | 20 June 2019 The Pentagon has a laser that can identify people from a

Economy & Financial Markets – 2nd Quarter 2019

Economy & Financial Markets – 2nd Quarter 2019

Blackstone acquires industrial warehouse portfolio The Daily Beast | 04 June 2019 Tiny House Expidition | 16 June 2019 Wall Street salivates at the housing ‘solution’ offered by Senate Bill 50 Cal Matters | 19

Geopolitics – 2nd Quarter 2019

Geopolitics – 2nd Quarter 2019

Rebel HQ | 20 June 2019 Is Harvard an Embarrassment? Part II: Kyle Kashuv and David Hogg Independent Institute | 20 June 2019 Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange Medium | 26 June 2019 PACE

Take Action – 2nd Quarter 2019

Take Action – 2nd Quarter 2019

Latest Solari Donation Project Veritas Project Veritas | 26 June 2019 Protect Elimination of Medical Exemption Now! NHF | 00 June 2019 Latest Solari Donation Ralph Ring Paradise Lost Fundly | 00 June 2019 Latest

Economy & Financial Markets – 1st Quarter 2019

Economy & Financial Markets – 1st Quarter 2019

CNBC TV | 24 January 2016 CNBC | 28 March 2019 Turkey crisis puts fears into emerging markets Telegraph UK | 29 March 2019 These Chains Are Closing Tons More Stores in 2019 Money Wise

Precious Metals & Currencies – 1st Quarter 2019

Precious Metals & Currencies – 1st Quarter 2019

US Telecoms Giant AT&T Now Accepting Crypto Payments via BitPay Yahoo News | 23 May 2019 The “Dollar Milkshake” Theory (w/ Brent Johnson) | Expert View | Real Vision Reddit | 03 March 2019 A

Space – 1st Quarter 2019

Space – 1st Quarter 2019

SpaceX snags second Falcon 9 booster in two weeks after Crew Dragon launch Teslarati | 06 March 2019 IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) unveils improved anti-jamming GPS GPS Daily | 06 March 2019 Watch SpaceX launch

Science & Technology – 1st Quarter 2019

Science & Technology – 1st Quarter 2019

Hackers have been holding the city of Baltimore’s computers hostage for 2 weeks Vox | 21 May 2019 CIA gives tech rivals chance to take on Amazon in cloud services Stars & Stripes | 01

Geopolitics – 1st Quarter 2019

Geopolitics – 1st Quarter 2019

Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone Times of Israel | 12 February 2019 Lawsuit to Force FBI Assessment of WTC Evidence: Interview with Richard Gage, Dave Meiswinkle, and Mick Harrison

Culture – 1st Quarter 2019

Culture – 1st Quarter 2019

War Room (film) Wiki | 26 March 2019 Walt Sorg | 17 May 2016 Jennifer Taylor | 24 January 2019 Study: America unhappiest it’s been Undernews | 22 March 2019 Update: Former NFL Star Warrick

Food & Health – 1st Quarter 2019

Food & Health – 1st Quarter 2019

More than 1 million acres of U.S. cropland ravaged by floods MSN | 27 March 2019 EU bans UK’s most-used pesticide over health and environment fears BBC | 29 March 2019 The Places in America

Unanswered Questions – 1st Quarter 2019

Unanswered Questions – 1st Quarter 2019

GEOENGINEERING & BIOENGINEERING: THE UNMISTAKABLE LINK Elana Flier | 30 March 2019 Richard Dolan | 26 March 2019 New Earth Project | 23 March 2019 Death by Wireless? Former Miss Teen Universe dies at age

Take Action – 1st Quarter 2019

Take Action – 1st Quarter 2019

Latest Solari Donation Charles Hugh Smith: Of Two Minds Of Two Minds | 31 March 2019 Event: Geoengineering & Bioengineering: The Unmistakeable Link with Clifford Carnicom and Elana Freeland, April 27-28 Santa Fe, NM. Reserve