Oil – Double Bottom … Again

Oil – Double Bottom … Again

By Chuck Gibson Last week I presented the concept of forecasting future price targets based upon patterns which develop within price movement. To illustrate, I

U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

By Wikipedia The U.S.–China Strategic and Economic Dialogue is a high-level dialogue for the United States and China to discuss a wide range of bilateral,

All Our Patent Are Belong To You

All Our Patent Are Belong To You

By Elon Musk Yesterday, there was a wall of Tesla patents in the lobby of our Palo Alto headquarters. That is no longer the case.

The Expensive Illusion of Health Care

The Expensive Illusion of Health Care

By Catherine Austin Fitts You want to pay attention to the fuss over the waiting times at a VA Hospital. This is what happens when

Global Private Wealth Rises to $152tn

Global Private Wealth Rises to $152tn

By BBC News The amount of private wealth held by households globally surged more than 14% to $152 trillion (£90tn) last year, boosted mainly by

WTO on World Map/NATO Missing Money

WTO on World Map/NATO Missing Money

Image credit: SmartKnowledgeU By Robert Giebels, Natalie Righton NATO might be wasting a lot of money, or maybe they are short of cash. Frankly, we

Straight Money Analysis

Straight Money Analysis

By Catherine Austin Fitts Once upon a time I worked on Wall Street in a world full of highly energetic, very smart people who loved

Book Review: The Divide by Matt Taibbi

Book Review: The Divide by Matt Taibbi

“The hunt is on and brother you’re the prey” ~ Curtis Mayfield, “New World Order” By Catherine Austin Fitts Matt Taibbi’s The Divide: American Injustice

The Nasdaq – 3 Years Later

The Nasdaq – 3 Years Later

By Chuck Gibson Many wonder why market technicians spend so much time analyzing the charts. The main reason is a skilled analyst can find opportunities,

Speak Life Into Our Situation

Speak Life Into Our Situation

(Photo Credit: Miles Pfefferle) Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. ~Proverbs

Wither the US Dollar?

Wither the US Dollar?

“For now we see through a glass, darkly…” ~ Corinthians 13:12 By Catherine Austin Fitts I don’t remember a week in which I have had

Turkey Cuts Off Euphrates Flow

Turkey Cuts Off Euphrates Flow

By Suhaib Anjarini The Turkish government recently cut off the flow of the Euphrates River, threatening primarily Syria but also Iraq with a major water

Asian Business: A World to Conquer

Asian Business: A World to Conquer

(Photo Credit: Jon Berkeley) By The Economist Business power follows economic power. In the 1920s British firms owned 40% of the global stock of foreign

Review: Glenn Greenwald’s No Place to Hide

Review: Glenn Greenwald’s No Place to Hide

“This is no dream, this is really happening!” ~ Rosemary Woodhouse in Rosemary’s Baby By Catherine Austin Fitts For those of us who have regularly

Arming the USDA

Arming the USDA

By Michael Olson The United States Department of Agriculture has issued a public Request for Proposal for the purchase of .40 caliber submachine guns with

Who Will Control the Green Economy?

Who Will Control the Green Economy?

By ETC Group The world’s largest companies are converging around biomass in anticipation of a post-petrochemical future. That doesn’t mean they’re simply grabbing land and

Little Children and Already Acting Mean

Little Children and Already Acting Mean

By Sumathi Reddy Children still in kindergarten or even younger form cliques and intentionally exclude others, say psychologists and educators who are increasingly noticing the

Mythgard 1.0

Mythgard 1.0

***CAF Note: I have a lot of respect for people who take out a blank sheet of paper and write down how they would organize

Digital Colonialization

Digital Colonialization

We don’t want to become a digital colony of global internet giants,” ~ French Economy Minister Arnaud Montebourg By Catherine Austin Fitts The reverberations are

Young People Open to Alternative Banking

Young People Open to Alternative Banking

By Tom Braithwaite A Google or Walmart bank would be attractive to a large slice of young consumers, according to a survey that also shows

Solar Freakin Roadways

Solar Freakin Roadways

***CAF Note: When Mark Dansie likes a project that I have donated to, I sit up and take notice. Dansie is one of my “go

Interest Rates Remain Low

Interest Rates Remain Low

By Joe Weisenthal There have been news reports the past few days about how former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank Ben Bernanke has

FDA To Ban Organic Farming?

FDA To Ban Organic Farming?

By Michael Foust Farming methods that have been used in America and throughout the world for centuries are in danger of essentially being banned under

Where Have You Gone, George Bailey?

Where Have You Gone, George Bailey?

By Lee Habeeb and Mike Leven He is America’s most iconic banker. Okay. He isn’t a real banker, but we all know and love him;

Catherine’s Latest Crowdfunding

Catherine’s Latest Crowdfunding

By Catherine Austin Fitts The opportunities to reinvent, restore, and replenish the American economy are endless. The first opportunity is to let up on the

CPI: Wow

CPI: Wow

By Karl Denninger No problem trying to eat things that won’t give you die-a-beetyou, right? Possible exception? Chicken. Hope you like it (a lot) —

Putin Says Ukraine Must Pay Cash for Gas in June

Putin Says Ukraine Must Pay Cash for Gas in June

(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Mikhail Klimentyev) By Vladimir Isachenkov Russia has ratcheted up pressure on Ukraine, with President Vladimir Putin saying in a letter released Thursday

Putin Says Ukraine Must Pay Cash for Gas in June

Putin Says Ukraine Must Pay Cash for Gas in June

(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Mikhail Klimentyev) By Vladimir Isachenkov Russia has ratcheted up pressure on Ukraine, with President Vladimir Putin saying in a letter released Thursday

Winners And Losers In The Digital Age

Winners And Losers In The Digital Age

By Six Pixels of Seperation This is probably one of the most eye-opening perspectives on the digital age that you will see. We have new

The Average Stock Is In A Bear Market

The Average Stock Is In A Bear Market

By Sam Ro There are no perfect stock market indexes that’ll give you a complete picture of the state of the market. Most market-watchers prefer

Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots

(Click image to view larger) By Catherine Austin Fitts The news today is mapping out a picture. In the first quarter of 2014, the US

Freddie Mac Starts Trailer Loans

Freddie Mac Starts Trailer Loans

By Sarah Mulholland Want to buy a trailer park? Freddie Mac wants to give you a loan. The unit of the government-owned mortgage giant that

Good Leadership

Good Leadership

“If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.” —Maya Angelou By Catherine Austin Fitts Our hero this week on the

Dolan on Secrecy

Dolan on Secrecy

By Richard Dolan The very label [conspiracy] serves as an automatic dismissal, as though no one ever acts in secret. Let us bring some perspective

Quantum Meta-Physics

Quantum Meta-Physics

By Paul Levy I wonder if I am becoming addicted; I can’t get enough of quantum physics, which has captured – and simultaneously liberated –

Seen on the Internet

Seen on the Internet

**CAF Note: I am always amazed when someone complains to me that “no one warned us” as, of course, I spent a great deal of

Health Care & the Economy

Health Care & the Economy

By Catherine Austin Fitts If we watch the pronouncements on the US economy in the first quarter, it is easy to discern that the GNP

Promoting Women, Part IV

Promoting Women, Part IV

By Catherine Austin Fitts I received a survey from the ACLU recently. They wanted to know if I was concerned about my rights. Wow, I

IMF Approves $17bn Aid Deal for Ukraine

IMF Approves $17bn Aid Deal for Ukraine

(Photo Credit: AFP) By Agencies The International Monetary Fund has approved a $17bn aid deal for Ukraine, even as Kiev fights to prevent pro-Moscow separatists

Catherine’s Latest Petition Sign

Catherine’s Latest Petition Sign

By Carrie Tyler My brother Timothy Tyler was just 25 years old when he was sentenced to die in prison for a nonviolent drug offense.

Promoting Women, Part III

Promoting Women, Part III

“Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.” ~ George Carlin By Catherine Austin Fitts In 1991, after leaving the Bush I

China Prepares Investments in Crimea

China Prepares Investments in Crimea

By Stratrisks Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s ambassador to the European Union, said Russia is partnering with China in two major Crimean projects: the “Power of Siberia”

Top Banks in the World

Top Banks in the World

By Accuity These bank rankings are compiled from balance sheet information included on Bankers Almanac available at 25 February 2014. The information available at this

Musings on the News

Musings on the News

“For the human psyche is one of the great forces of nature, and what is most frightening about this space/time technology is that it exposes

April “Ears to the Ground”

April “Ears to the Ground”

By Justin Boldenow, Producer of The Solari Report Three and a half miles north of the Cannery Ballroom and three miles north of the Marathon

Putin: Russia May Invade Ukraine to Protect Locals

Putin: Russia May Invade Ukraine to Protect Locals

(Photo Credit: Alexei Druzhinin / Associated Press) By Sergei L. Loiko Russia may invade southeast Ukraine to protect the local population, President Vladimir Putin said

Democrats Need to Replace Andrew Cuomo

Democrats Need to Replace Andrew Cuomo

By Harold Meyerson New York’s Democrats are a liberal lot. Ever since two young state legislators, Al Smith and Robert Wagner, authored the pioneering bills