Avalon Acres – Financial Permaculture

Avalon Acres – Financial Permaculture

Another reason to come to Financial Permaculture is to hook up with one of the fastest growing CSAs in Tennessee, Avalon Acres Farm in Hohenwald,

Treasury Conference Call

Treasury Conference Call

Please seed and spread around! http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2008/09/mussolini-style-corporatism-in-action.html This is an audio recording of the conference call with the US Treasury Department, giving information for financial analysts

Wall Street to Main Street: Who Needs You?

Wall Street to Main Street: Who Needs You?

Fed Pumps Further $630 Billion Into Financial System By Scott Laman & Craig Torres – Bloomberg.com (29 Sep 2008) Adjusted Monetary Base – 25 Sep

Main Street to Wall Street: Drop Dead

Main Street to Wall Street: Drop Dead

U.S. House Rejects $700 Billion Financial-Rescue Plan By Allison Vekshin & Laura Litvan – Bloomberg.com (29 Sep 2008)

Rumi and Bates

Rumi and Bates

Sit down and be quiet. You are drunk, and this is the edge of the roof. ~ Rumi This wonderful quote from Rumi was brought

A Comment on the Bailout Bill

A Comment on the Bailout Bill

By Carolyn Betts, Esq. I agree with every point in Bernie Sanders’ proposal but have a suggestion. I worked with lead counsel to the RTC

Total U.S. Debt

Total U.S. Debt

John: You asked, what is the size of the total consolidated national debt? The President of the Dallas Fed says $99.2 trillion. I would add

Project Censored Top 25 Stories for 2009

Project Censored Top 25 Stories for 2009

# 1 Over One Million Iraqi Deaths Caused by US Occupation # 2 Security and Prosperity Partnership: Militarized NAFTA # 3 InfraGard: The FBI Deputizes

Proposed Bail Out Bill

Proposed Bail Out Bill

The New York Times has posted a draft copy of the U.S. Treasury bail out bill. As a practical matter, this bill gives the U.S.

Slow Burn Capital Controls

Slow Burn Capital Controls

A broker reported to me today that their clearing agent is requiring them to mark purchases of AAA sovereign bonds denominated in foreign currencies as

Orwellian Markets

Orwellian Markets

Doug Casey’s newsletter reports that the Dow Jones Index companies had consolidated losses in the second quarter. However, the Dow Jones is holding and gold

The Farm Blog Up

The Farm Blog Up

thefarmblog.org News and views from The Farm in Summertown, Tennessee

Event – October 2008: "Financial Permaculture"

Event – October 2008: "Financial Permaculture"

Financial Permaculture: Greening a Rural American Community October 24-28, 2008 Hohenwald, Tennessee Attend this 5-day regenerative business and community development course and design simulation with

Erie, Pennsylvania Sues JP Morgan Chase

Erie, Pennsylvania Sues JP Morgan Chase

Facing Federal Probe, JPMorgan Exits Municipal Swaps Business Standard (5 Sep 2008) “JPMorgan Chase & Co will stop selling interest-rate swaps to government borrowers in

A Comment On Our Election Coverage

A Comment On Our Election Coverage

My focus during the presidential elections — as it has been for the last three elections — is on helping you understand what you can

September Slow Burn

September Slow Burn

If it is bothering you that the price of everything that is losing value is up and the price of everything that is increasing in

Thank Heavens For Honest Judges

Thank Heavens For Honest Judges

Fighting Foreclosure: Subprime Borrowers Battle (and Beat) Lenders in Court By Amanda Stutt – Village Voice (3 Sep 2008) Excerpt: “If the paperwork is garbage

Deja Vu View

Deja Vu View

“Deja Vu View” is our title to revive things we have written in the past that are worth revisiting given current events. The federal government

The Financial Permaculture Blog Launches

The Financial Permaculture Blog Launches

Financial Permaculture Blog: a resource for gathering information and conversations about financial permaculture Also see: The Farm Blog

Financial Permaculture

Financial Permaculture

In 1989, I was serving as Assistant Secretary of Housing. The housing bubble of the 1980’s had burst, and foreclosures were rising. The mortgage insurance

Pebble Mine

Pebble Mine

The financial permaculture conversation continues . . . Pebble Mine At Gaiapoiesis – 19 Aug 2008) Pebble Mine – at Wikipedia

Fannie and Freddie 1-Year Chart

Fannie and Freddie 1-Year Chart

This weekend, Barrons published a piece on Fannie and Freddie indicating the chances for nationalization were rising. Today, the stocks dropped like a stone. Bailout

Thank you, Prince Charles

Thank you, Prince Charles

Charles Warns GM Farming Will End in Ecological Disaster By Robert Booth – The Guardian (13 Aug 2008)

Another Remarkable Coincidence

Another Remarkable Coincidence

Bohemian Grove 2008 – July 11-27 Wikileaks: Bohemian Grove 2008 Guest List Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 was passed by the United States

There Must Be a Story Here

There Must Be a Story Here

On August 12, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times that Hillary Clinton is planning on staging a commotion at the Democratic convention at

Oh Boy, More on the Bear

Oh Boy, More on the Bear

Even Bloomberg is saying something stinks on the Bear Stearns option trading: Bringing Down Bear Began as $1.7 Million of Options By Gary Matsumoto –

Housing Bill, Part IX

Housing Bill, Part IX

In the Destruction of the Old, Let There Be the Creation of the New The Peter G. Peterson Foundation is now marketing a new documentary

Housing Bill, Part VIII

Housing Bill, Part VIII

The Two Great Financial Mysteries of Our Time: Missing Money and Collateral Fraud There are two great financial mysteries in America: where is all the

Tapeworm Keeps Billions in Missing Money

Tapeworm Keeps Billions in Missing Money

Excerpt: U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth … later was removed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which said he

Housing Bill, Part VII

Housing Bill, Part VII

Andrew Cuomo Owes Us $5 Trillion It is not easy to engineer the bankrupting of the American middle class and the U.S. government. Alan Greenspan

Housing Bill, Part VI

Housing Bill, Part VI

The Tapeworm Corporation Comes Out of the Closet (Comparison Chart: Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the DOW, 1989-2008) Eisenhower warned us about a military industrial

Withholding Taxes

Withholding Taxes

Withholding Taxes Chart – Current through the Daily Treasury Statement dated August 4, 2008 From Matt Trivisonno’s Blog ~ Thanks to The King Report for

What's In a Number?

What's In a Number?

It looks like Royal Dutch Shell will end up paying about $600 million in connection with global class action lawsuits and enforcement that were triggered

What’s In a Number?

What’s In a Number?

It looks like Royal Dutch Shell will end up paying about $600 million in connection with global class action lawsuits and enforcement that were triggered

Housing Bill, Part I

Housing Bill, Part I

Overview I have had several requests to comment on the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008. This afternoon I read hundreds of pages of

Housing Bill, Part II

Housing Bill, Part II

Nation State or Investment Syndicate? One of the instructive features of the housing bill is the nature of creditor politics that is a subtext on

Housing Bill, Part III

Housing Bill, Part III

Your House Is Bigger than My House When I was Assistant Secretary of Housing – Federal Housing Commissioner, then Secretary of HUD Jack Kemp asked

Housing Bill, Part IV

Housing Bill, Part IV

The Profits of Playing Ball The housing bill brings up a number of important questions about the risks and rewards that result from government subsidy

Housing Bill, Part V

Housing Bill, Part V

Where Is the Collateral? Any government official asked to come up with a workout plan for troubled financial institutions, large portfolios of financial assets and

Financial Permaculture: Business Models

Financial Permaculture: Business Models

What will be the successful business models of the future? This is an important conversation and our ally at Gaia Emerging has some thoughts. This

Eclipse This Friday

Eclipse This Friday

This Friday, we will experience a solar eclipse. Here are links to learn more: NASA Eclipse Web Site Solari Eclipse of August 1, 2008 –

National Australian Bank Mortgage Loss

National Australian Bank Mortgage Loss

NAB Will Shock Wall Street By Robert Gottliebsen – Business Spectator, Australia (25 Jul 2008) To the Business Speculator, Australia: Good piece. Thanks. You stated

Financial Stock Shorts

Financial Stock Shorts

SEC Short-Sale Rule Gets Negative Reviews By Kara Scannell – Wall Street Journal (19 Jul 2008)

The Fitts Plan

The Fitts Plan

The Backbone Campaign has asked Cabinet nominees to record recommendations for candidate positions. Here’s mine as nominee for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury. Listen here

Jim Sinclair on Share Certificates

Jim Sinclair on Share Certificates

Posted On: Monday, July 14, 2008, 9:33:00 PM EST “Receiving Share Certificates For Stocks In An IRA Without Being Penalized” Author: Jim Sinclair Dear CIGAs,

More on Financial Permaculture

More on Financial Permaculture

If we look at a community as a financial ecosystem with financial sustainability as one of our goals in achieving overall sustainability, one of the

Mortgage Market Basics

Mortgage Market Basics

Fannie and Freddie are down again this morning… Fed’s Discount Window Said Open to Fannie and Freddie By Romain Bostick – Bloomberg News (11 Jul

The Mortgage Bear Growls

The Mortgage Bear Growls

Fannie and Freddie are down this morning: One consensus is emerging on line that the Fed is to blame for mortgage market woes: Who Killed

Who's Who in the Housing & Mortgage Bubble

Who's Who in the Housing & Mortgage Bubble

Given the interest in the housing and mortgage bubble, here are links to introduce leading institutional players in the governance, regulation and credit guarantee/enhancement of the US mortgage market.

As the housing and mortgage bubble was a component of the “strong dollar policy,” the same players are also present in the other components, including the suppression of the gold price (a necessary step that preceded this bubble as the suppression of the gold price turns off the financial “smoke alarm”) and the refusal to produce audited financial statements for the US government from fiscal 1995 to date (as required by law) thus allowiing trillions to go missing from the US government.

Who’s Who in the Housing & Mortgage Bubble

Who’s Who in the Housing & Mortgage Bubble

Given the interest in the housing and mortgage bubble, here are links to introduce leading institutional players in the governance, regulation and credit guarantee/enhancement of the US mortgage market.

As the housing and mortgage bubble was a component of the “strong dollar policy,” the same players are also present in the other components, including the suppression of the gold price (a necessary step that preceded this bubble as the suppression of the gold price turns off the financial “smoke alarm”) and the refusal to produce audited financial statements for the US government from fiscal 1995 to date (as required by law) thus allowiing trillions to go missing from the US government.

Community Waste

Community Waste

I am quite inspired these days by the folks I am working with on sustainability issues here in Tennessee. (Example: see Financial Permaculture ) I

The Bell Tolls for the Bubble

The Bell Tolls for the Bubble

The inflation of the U.S. financial and mortgage finance stocks that began in the mid-1990’s with institution of the strong dollar policy, the suppression of

Oklahoma Asserts Sovereignty

Oklahoma Asserts Sovereignty

View the vote tally in the Oklahoma House of Representatives – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The National Security Business

The National Security Business

Charlie Black, in an interview with Fortune, said “a fresh terrorist attack ‘certainly would be a big advantage to him [John McCain].’” Black also “said

From Barnes Capital Insight

From Barnes Capital Insight

Here is the year-to-date price change in commodities and stocks: Crude oil up 43% Ethanol up 21% Heating oil up 44% Natural gas up 77%

Is Your Safety Deposit Box a Crime Scene?

Is Your Safety Deposit Box a Crime Scene?

Money High Street By Mark Nestmann For many years, I’ve advocated keeping valuable items in private vaults, rather than safety deposit boxes. A raid June

Financial Truffles

Financial Truffles

I just love reporters who take the time to dig into financial statements and come up with the truffles to be found there. I posted

Sam Smith on Hillary Clinton

Sam Smith on Hillary Clinton

Most Recent Hillary Clinton Stories: The Clinton Scandals What You Won’t Find in The Clinton Museum and Library The Real Divide on Hillary Clinton Hillary

Jason Defense Advisory Group on Wind Farms

Jason Defense Advisory Group on Wind Farms

Wind farms that use spinning blades and turbines to generate electricity have the undesirable side effect of disrupting the operation of radar systems. The JASON

Derivatives Shoot the Moon

Derivatives Shoot the Moon

A new report from the Bank of International Settlements indicates that global outstanding derivatives just keep growing in amount. Highlights of International Banking and Financial

The Smell of Our Money

The Smell of Our Money

I first met Jim Johnson in the early 1990’s. I was a great admirer of his predecessor at Fannie Mae, David Maxwell. David had recruited

Money Supply (MZM)

Money Supply (MZM)

Money Supply at 5 Jun 2008 St. Louis Federal Reserve Report ~ Previous blog posts on MZM: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) – –

Adjusted Monetary Base

Adjusted Monetary Base

Adjusted Monetary Base St. Louis Federal Reserve Report – – – – – – – –

Water In The Stock Market

Water In The Stock Market

Water Crisis to be Biggest World Risk By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard – London Telegraph (6 Jun 2008) – – – – – –

American Wisdom

American Wisdom

Just 17% Say Federal Government Represents Will of the People Rasmussen Reports (3 Jun 2008) Just 17% of voters say that the federal government represents

Most Americans Agree

Most Americans Agree

Neither Honest Nor Trustworthy: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2007 By Russell Mokhiber & Robert Weissman – Multinational Monitor.org (Nov/Dec 2007) “A November 2007 Harris

Two New Morsels from GiftHub.org

Two New Morsels from GiftHub.org

From Phil Cubeta – At GiftHub.org: Getting Your Philanthropy Advice from a Loan Shark? (31 May 2008) Mr. Repo Man as Philanthropic Advisor (31 May

FRED Graph

FRED Graph

Total Borrowings of Depository Institutions from the Fed – 1910 to present:

Kirby's Letter to WSJ

Kirby's Letter to WSJ

Rob Kirby wrote to the Wall Street Journal earlier this week: Kate Kelly: Congratulations on your article, “Fear, Rumors Touched Off Fatal Run on Bear

Kirby’s Letter to WSJ

Kirby’s Letter to WSJ

Rob Kirby wrote to the Wall Street Journal earlier this week: Kate Kelly: Congratulations on your article, “Fear, Rumors Touched Off Fatal Run on Bear

Community Business – Banking Locally

Community Business – Banking Locally

Tonight, Dennis Bernstein and I are going to be back on Flashpoints helping Dennis switch from his existing bank, Wells Fargo, to a local credit

Mortgage Market Madness

Mortgage Market Madness

Oh, my. Terrorizing honest government regulators and their contractors in life threatening ways, seizing and stealing their software tools and databases providing public access to

The Auction Rate Securities Mess

The Auction Rate Securities Mess

If you are curious to know more about the headlines regarding losses on auction rate securities, here is a new lawsuit filed against UBS that

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Your Tax Dollars At Work

Good news! The Bureau of Labor Statistics at the U.S. Department of Labor has announced the April Producer Price Index. You will be delighted to

The Next Shoe to Drop

The Next Shoe to Drop

Rob Kirby of Financial Sense discusses his conversation with Catherine about the demise of Bear Stearns and related events. The Next Shoe to Drop By

Dmitry Orlov's "Reinventing Collapse"

Dmitry Orlov's "Reinventing Collapse"

Dmitry Orlov’s book “Reinventing Collapse” is an excellent introduction to the de-industrialization that numerous areas of the world have experienced, written for Americans interested in

Dmitry Orlov’s “Reinventing Collapse”

Dmitry Orlov’s “Reinventing Collapse”

Dmitry Orlov’s book “Reinventing Collapse” is an excellent introduction to the de-industrialization that numerous areas of the world have experienced, written for Americans interested in

Futures Market 101

Futures Market 101

One of the signs watched to determine risks of inflation or deflation is the relationship of current commodities prices to those expressed in future contracts.

Pricing Ethics

Pricing Ethics

Does Being Ethical Pay? By Remi Trudel & June Cotte – Wall Street Journal (12 May 2008) <ul>”After reading about the company and its coffee,

Freddie Mac Conference

Freddie Mac Conference

“Now previously we have said that we expect housing prices to fall at least 15% nationally, and today they [have fallen] about 9% through the

Kaufman Launches Growthology

Kaufman Launches Growthology

The Kaufman Foundation has an excellent mission. I always want to know what Bob Litan is thinking about, so I have high hopes for Growthology,

Oldie (2002) But Goodie

Oldie (2002) But Goodie

Investors’ New Worry: “Auditor Risk” By Robert Barker – Barker.Online (25 Jan 2002) “Thank heaven for Arthur Andersen. You may think I’m nuts, given the

The Most Profitable Economic Hit in History

The Most Profitable Economic Hit in History

I was speaking with Dennis Bernstein of Flashpoints about our show, Community Business, which we do each Wednesday night. We were talking about Solari Audio

Loaded for Bear?

Loaded for Bear?

Bernanke Lunched with Dimon, Rubin Before Bear Rescue By Scott Lanman – Blomberg.com (12 May 2008) Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke lunched on March

UBS Issues Shareholder Report on Write-downs

UBS Issues Shareholder Report on Write-downs

Investor Releases Zurich / Basel, April 21, 2008, 07:00 AM UBS announced today that it has issued a Shareholder Report detailing the key facts relating