BlackRock Up for Role Rating Risk at Insurers

BlackRock Up for Role Rating Risk at Insurers

By Leslie Scism BlackRock Inc., which scored multiple government assignments during the financial crisis, is a contender for another prestigious gig: helping state regulators size

The Big Squeeze Play

The Big Squeeze Play

“People are angry with all the shenanigans on Wall Street,” he said. “They believe their money stays local when they put it in a community

Edible Forest Gardens

Edible Forest Gardens

Eric Toensmeier gave a wonderful workshop at the Financial Permaculture Convergence in Hohenwald. He has a marvelous sense of how to take permaculture to profits.

Go GATA! Special Solari Report Offer

Go GATA! Special Solari Report Offer

My colleagues at GATA (Chairman Bill Murphy and Treasurer Chris Powell above) have done an extraordinary job of documenting manipulation of the gold market. By

UN Calls For New Reserve Currency

UN Calls For New Reserve Currency

The United Nations called on Tuesday for a new global reserve currency to end dollar supremacy which has allowed the United States the “privilege” of

Bigger Bonuses For Wall Street

Bigger Bonuses For Wall Street

By Josh Fineman More than a third of Wall Street finance professionals surveyed expect their bonuses to increase for 2009, a year after the credit-market

Congress Wants Health Care Bill Off Line

Congress Wants Health Care Bill Off Line

By Susan Ferrechio As Congress lurches closer to a decision on an enormous overhaul of the American health care system, pressure is mounting on legislative

New Meaning For "Chip on Your Shoulder"!

New Meaning For "Chip on Your Shoulder"!

By Andrew Jack in London Patients who fail to pop pills on time could soon benefit from having a chip on their shoulder, under a

The Long-Term Budget Outlook

The Long-Term Budget Outlook

View Larger Chart This Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report examines the pressures facing the federal budget over the coming decades by presenting the agency’s projections

Two Leaks and the Deepening Iran Crisis

Two Leaks and the Deepening Iran Crisis

By George Friedman Two major leaks occurred this weekend over the Iran matter. In the first, The New York Times published an article reporting that

Wall Street Housing Czars

Wall Street Housing Czars

By Pam Martens A federal agency tasked with expanding the American dream of home ownership and affordable housing free from discrimination to people of modest

Canada Soundest Bank System

Canada Soundest Bank System

By Rob Taylor Canada has the world’s soundest banking system, closely followed by Sweden, Luxembourg and Australia, a survey by the World Economic Forum has

G-7 May Drop Joint Statement

G-7 May Drop Joint Statement

By Martin Crutsinger Finance ministers from the world’s seven most developed economies may not even issue a joint communique when they meet in Istanbul this

Fleeing the Tax Man

Fleeing the Tax Man

By Karen Hube As firmer CEO of South African Airways and co-founder of Bain Capital, Coleman Andrews has spent his career in some of the

Japanese Ex-Finance Minister Found Dead

Japanese Ex-Finance Minister Found Dead

Mr Nakagawa, 56, was found dead in a bedroom at his Tokyo home, Japanese news agencies reported. The long-time LDP lawmaker stepped down as finance

10th Amendment Resolutions

10th Amendment Resolutions

Legend: Blue – Introduced. Yellow – Passed one or more houses. Green – Passed Both Houses. Black – Failed Vote. White – No Resolution Introduced.

From Reuter Editor Picks

From Reuter Editor Picks

School children dressed as Mahatma Gandhi take part in a cultural programme on the eve of Gandhi’s 140th birth anniversary, in the central Indian city

Cash-For-Clunkers Massively Distorted GDP

Cash-For-Clunkers Massively Distorted GDP

View Larger Chart By Vincent Fernando If anyone mentions the just-released 3.5% U.S. third quarter GDP growth, just throw this chart in their face. Cash

From Mother Earth News

From Mother Earth News

I just love Mother Earth News. Their latest edition has an article “Five DIY, Low-Cost & Multipurpose Greenhouses.” I have been contemplating building a pre-fab

Butternut Squash Gone Wild

Butternut Squash Gone Wild

Last year, we planted butternut squash at the lower end of the garden. It started to migrate south. Then this summer we put up a

What Americans Really Want

What Americans Really Want

By Frank Luntz Digging still deeper, my research suggests that we can dial back American anger if we begin to fix two complaints: the lack

KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers Offices Raided

KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers Offices Raided

By Rowena Mason Police have raided the offices of KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in Reykjavik, seizing documents and computer data as part of an investigation

American Anger is Simmering

American Anger is Simmering

Few nations are as generous with their time and money as the United States, but right now Americans are a suspicious bunch. Sixty-six percent (66%)

U.S. Drug Companies Chase Vaccines

U.S. Drug Companies Chase Vaccines

By Jonathan D. Rockoff and Peter Loftus Amid rising concern about the threat of influenza pandemics, three big drug makers announced deals Monday that give

Bank of America Chief Resigns Under Fire

Bank of America Chief Resigns Under Fire

By Dan Fitzpatrick and Joann S. Lublin After fighting to keep his grip on the bank he helped build from a scrappy Southern outsider to

The Secret to Goldman's Good Fortune

The Secret to Goldman's Good Fortune

By John Crudele SO, is this how Goldman Sachs does it? “It,” of course, is making gobs of money even when nobody else on Wall

Iran Built Nuclear Site Shielded From Air Attack

Iran Built Nuclear Site Shielded From Air Attack

By Aliakbar Dareini and George Jahn In an unusually frank disclosure, Iran’s nuclear chief said Tuesday the country’s new uranium enrichment site was built for

The Mortgage Machine Backfires

The Mortgage Machine Backfires

By Gretchen Morgenson With the mortgage bust approaching Year Three, it is increasingly up to the nation’s courts to examine the dubious practices that guided

Vaccine = Swine Flu X 2

Vaccine = Swine Flu X 2

By Patrick White A “perplexing” Canadian study linking H1N1 to seasonal flu shots is throwing national influenza plans into disarray and testing public faith in

Asset Class of the Decade: Gold

Asset Class of the Decade: Gold

by Adam Brochert In the end as an investor, it’s all about the scoreboard. For those who aren’t traders, allocation to the correct asset classes

G-20 in Pittsburgh

G-20 in Pittsburgh

The leaders of the G-20 countries, which account for 85% of the world’s income, cannot meet in an American city without 12,000 cops outfitted like

The 10 Biggest SEC Settlements of the Last Year

The 10 Biggest SEC Settlements of the Last Year

By Erin Geiger Smith and Gayathri Vaidyanathan The SEC alleged that Siemens had bribed officials operating metro transit lines in Venezuela, power plants in Israel,

Sibel Edmonds Interview

Sibel Edmonds Interview

EDMONDS: Okay. So these conversations, between 1997 and 2001, had to do with a Central Asia operation that involved bin Laden. Not once did anybody

Gold Price Down, Gold Bugs Up

Gold Price Down, Gold Bugs Up

By Peter Brimelow Looks like the gold bugs had reason to be wary when gold broke through $1000. But now it’s back down, they’re not

Obama's Move: Iran and Afghanistan

Obama's Move: Iran and Afghanistan

By George Friedman There are four permutations Obama might choose in response to the dual crisis. He could attack Iran and increase forces in Afghanistan,

G-20 Relaunched as World's Top Forum

G-20 Relaunched as World's Top Forum

By Gregor Peter Schmitz Pittsburgh, a city built on steel production, is showing its tough side as it hosts the G-20 summit. The 4,000 police

Vatican Revamps Its Bank's Ranks

Vatican Revamps Its Bank's Ranks

By Stacy Meichtry The Holy See announced a sweeping overhaul of the Vatican bank’s management as part of Pope Benedict XVI’s push for greater transparency

Where’s the Ammo?

Where’s the Ammo?

By Mary Foster Bullet-makers are working around the clock, seven days a week, and still can’t keep up with the nation’s demand for ammunition. Shooting

Is There Water Out There?

Is There Water Out There?

By Kenneth Chang There appears to be, to the surprise of planetary scientists, water, water everywhere on the Moon, although how many drops future astronauts

Australia Engulfed by Dust Storms

Australia Engulfed by Dust Storms

A huge outback dust storm swept across eastern Australia and blanketed Sydney disrupting transport, forcing people to stay indoors and stripping thousands of tonnes of

The Billion Dollar Gram

The Billion Dollar Gram

View full size This image arose out of a frustration with the reporting of billion dollar amounts in the media. That is, they’re reported as

Boston Launches Flu Shot Tracking

Boston Launches Flu Shot Tracking

By Stephen Smith Using technology originally developed for mass disasters, Boston disease trackers are embarking on a novel experiment – one of the first in

From Business Week Archives

From Business Week Archives

I had several requests for old clippings. A member of the Solari team called Business Week about several articles. They recommended we simply scan in

U.S. Regulator to Unveil Open Internet Plan

U.S. Regulator to Unveil Open Internet Plan

By John Poirier The top U.S. communications regulator plans to unveil proposals Monday for ensuring Web traffic is not slowed or blocked based on its

Bad News for Mers in Arkansas and Kansas

Bad News for Mers in Arkansas and Kansas

By Kathleen E. Kraft On March 19, 2009, the Supreme Court of Arkansas determined that Mortgage Electronic Registration System, Inc. (“MERS”) was not a necessary

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Stats

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Stats

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Status Report Stats for states involved in the pilot program of using EBT to transact USDA Nutrition Assistance Benefits. Note the

Time Magazine: 10 Questions for Ron Paul

Time Magazine: 10 Questions for Ron Paul

By Melissa Golden Q: What role does the Federal Reserve have in our current economic downturn? — Brad Thomas, Kalamazoo, Mich. Ron Paul: The Federal

The Franklin Scandal

The Franklin Scandal

The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal I just finished reading Nick Bryant’s new book, The Franklin Scandal: A Story of

National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement

National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement

I recently received an Action Alert about the National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (NLGMA) from Weston Price (available to subscribers only.) From the Weston Price

Health Bill: HR 3200

Health Bill: HR 3200

Here are links to draft versions of HR3200: America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009 House version CRS Summary Senate version

Will Ireland Scramble the European Union?

Will Ireland Scramble the European Union?

The bureaucratic grind to end national sovereignty in Europe continues with German approval of The Lisbon Treaty challenged in the courts and the second Irish

Catching L.A.'s Rain

Catching L.A.'s Rain

Continue reading Catching L.A.’s Rain With a City-sponsored Pilot Program

FDIC Considers Borrowing From Treasury

FDIC Considers Borrowing From Treasury

By Jessica Holzer Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman Sheila Bair said Friday her agency may tap its $500 billion credit line with the U.S. Treasury

Space Power Plant

Space Power Plant

The Japanese government is prepared to spend some 2 trillion yen on a one-gigawatt orbiting solar power station—and this week Mitsubishi and other Japanese companies

When the Levees Broke

When the Levees Broke

I just watched Spike Lee’s documentary about the floods in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. There is a lot that has gone

Gold/Silver Ratio

Gold/Silver Ratio

View Larger Chart By James Turk September 18, 2009 – The performance of the gold/silver ratio over the past month has been stunning. From a

Good Billions After Bad

Good Billions After Bad

By Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele As the Bush administration waned, the Treasury shoveled more than a quarter of a trillion dollars in

Me Talk Presidential One Day

Me Talk Presidential One Day

By Matt Latimer As a speechwriter for George W. Bush during the final years of his presidency, I’d seen crises and controversies. But nothing prepared

G-20 Summit, September 24-25

G-20 Summit, September 24-25

G-20 meets in Pittsburgh this coming week in a meeting chaired by President Obama. This meeting follows up on the Action Plan on the Financial

California Probes Credit Rating Agencies

California Probes Credit Rating Agencies

By Peter Henderson California Attorney General Jerry Brown issued subpoenas on Thursday to Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s Investors Service, and Fitch Ratings as he launched

Joel Salatin at The Farm

Joel Salatin at The Farm

By David Liechty Wednesday I had the chance to amble on over to The Farm, with the blessing of organizers Greg Landua and Ethan Roland,

Shelving Missile Shield Entices Moscow

Shelving Missile Shield Entices Moscow

By Steven R. Hurst President Barack Obama is betting Moscow will return the favor on missile defense by helping him blunt Iran’s nuclear ambitions. In

Free Gold Money Report

Free Gold Money Report

James Turk’s reports have been subscriber only since 1987. He is now making them accessible for free. James is one of the finest commentator on

Wall Street May Find Itself on The Hook

Wall Street May Find Itself on The Hook

by: Matthew Goldstein Sometimes legal fishing expeditions pay off. A year ago, a Connecticut hedge fund sued UBS, contending that it knowingly sold toxic mortgage-backed

Sleuth Humor

Sleuth Humor

That’s the way it is down here. If you can’t be counted “on”, you can’t be counted “in.” ~ PI Burke, from Down Here by

Want A Better World? Let the Doha Round Die

Want A Better World? Let the Doha Round Die

By Liu Guoyuan Many analysts are still pessimistic about the outlook of the Doha Round of global trade negotiations, despite recent positive signs. Following a

Family Planning 1/5 as Expensive as Cap & Trade

Family Planning 1/5 as Expensive as Cap & Trade

By Matthew McDermott, A new report coming from Optimum Population Trust and carried out by the prestigious London School of Economics says that expanding access

The Truth About the Health Care Bills

The Truth About the Health Care Bills

By Michael Connelly Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act